James Hetfield

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Smut of course

James is a virgin like the Kirk one she does not has sex with him she gives a bj and he fingers her if yk what I mean.

December 24th 1983

Y/n pov:
Today was Christmas Eve and I was extremely excited my best friend James was coming over we have been friends for over 4 years but I had the biggest crush on him.

I hurried up and went to the kitchen to get some dinner cooking for me and James my parents were going to come over but they decided that it would be to much for them to come and stay.

I started cooking ham and mash potatoes when all the sudden I heard a knock at the door I go and open it up already knowing who it was.

"Hey James" I say then hug him "hey my awesome friend" he says being funny "haha" I say back I then step to the side and pull the door open more so he can come in.

He then walks in "do you what Anything to drink I got beer,cokes,and coffee?" I ask "I'll take a bud light" he says sending me a smile.

I smile back then open the fridge door I grabbed him and a beer and walked over to him and handed him it "oh also James I'm making us ham and mash potatoes if that's okay" I say.

"Yes of course that's fine" James says I nod my head and went back to cooking after standing there for about 20 minutes cooking it was finally done.

"James food is done come get your plate" I say loud enough for him to hear me I see him then get up and walk towards me.

He grabs his food then I grab mine after him we then walk to the couch and sat down "what do you wanna watch James" I ask flipping though the stations "we can do a romantic movie" James suggest.

"Sure let's do that" I say I flipped though the channels and finally found a black and white film with romance.

Mid way though the movie James put his hand in my thing I smirked to myself hoping 
He didn't notice this man makes me feel so many things I could write a whole book about it.

We kept watching the movie and he still had his hand on my thigh I don't think I can take it much longer my pussy was soaking wet.

I grabbed his wrist that was resting on my thing and moved it up to my pussy he looked at me with a innocent look "pfft he ain't innocent" I say to myself.

I then took his hand and pulled up my pants and panties and put his hand there on my pussy I leaned my head back feeling the heat flowing off his hand.

"Fuck James stop acting innocent" I say needy "his face was as red as a tomato "sorry its just that I've never done this before" he says to me.

"Wait so have you ever even masterbathe?" I asked curios "yes but I'm never actually had sex before" James says to me.

"Listen James I will walk you though this if you don't feel comfortable doing this though I will stop right now I do not wanna make you feel uncomfortable" I say.

"I'm fine I'm ready for this" he says sounding sure "okay what do you want me to do to you James" I say seductively into his ear.

"Can you um stoke my dick?"he asked embarrassed "of course James" I grabbed the zipper that was on his pants and pulled it down slowly teasing him making him anxious.

"Fuck can you suck me already" he says stressed out I just nod my head I pull the top of him underwear down and his dick springs up.

I grab the bottom of his dick and put my mouth on the tip "fuck" he says with his head hanging back I started bobbing my head up and down slowly.

"Fuck go faster baby" he spoke "okay as you wish James" I say winking at him I pick up my pace and kept going faster the longer I went.

"Fuck I'm about to cum" he says then he grabs he my head and pushes it down on his dick further then I felt warm cum hit my throat "look up at me and swallow" he says sternly.

So I look up at him and swallow while he's watching "you ready baby" he says to me I nod my head he grabs my pants and pulls them off then he grabs my panties and pull them down along with my pants.

He then put his finger on my Pussy and starts rubbing back and forth "Omg James your so good with your fingers good thing I have a guitar player fingering me right now" I say to him laughing

He laughs backs and keeps fingering me he was playing with my pussy like he does with that guitar that guitar was lucky to have his fingers on it all the time.

"Fuck James Faster I'm about to cum" I say out of breath he did as I asked and he was rubbing back and forth until I couldn't take it no more I just squirt all over his face without warning.

"Omg I'm so sorry James I should have watched what I was doing I guess it just came out" I say making a joke "oh baby you getting a round 2 just for that" he says

The end for this one I hope y'all liked it I'm trying to make them longer I hate making short story's and I hope y'all's Christmas was amazing if you do celebrate it.

Love you guys and thank you for the all the support and followers it means a lot to me that I can feels y'all's needs lol.

Anyways that's it for now peace ✌️

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