James Hetfield

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This will be about you getting to go backstage and meet Metallica before the show and also having some fun 😏.

March 15th 1983

Y/n pov:

Today was the day I was finally getting to meet Metallica I was super excited I started getting ready I put on panties holes that were black then slid my black ripped up shorts over them.

Then I put on some black boots then for my shirt I wore a Metallica crop top that was ripped up on purpose of course I had a black Lacey bra under the shirt to make it look cuter.

After I was done I go to phone that was hanging on the wall and dialed my friend after a couple rings she picked up.

"Hey are you on your way yet?" I ask her.

"Yes I'm leaving now I'll be there in 10 minutes" she uttered.

"Okay bye" I say.

"Bye" she says quickly then hanging up.

I go over and sit on my coach and played with my fingers while waiting on my friend I was super nervous cause me and her get to go backstage before the show.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a honk outside i quickly stand up and grab my purse I grab my keys of the counter and open the door I close it behind me and lock the door.

I then run down my apartment stairs trying not to trip on the way down I reached the bottom of the stairs then run to her car.

After I reached the car door i open it up and get in I then close the door behind me and seen my friend looking at me with big eyes.

"What?" I asked "I'm just shocked girl I've never seen you run before" she says laughing "oh whatever girl i just don't wanna be late to the backstage pass" I say with sass.

She just rolls her eyes and starts driving it was a hour and half drive so not to far after an hour of driving my bladder started hurting super bad.

"Can you pull over to a gas station I'm about to piss myself" I spoke "fine but make it quick" she says I nod my head we finally found an exit and she pulls on to a small hole in the wall gas station.

She parks and I run into the gas station and into the bathroom I take a quick piss then go back out to the car and get back in.

"Okay let's go" I uttered "yes captain" she says back sarcastically I laugh as she pulls out of the gas station after another 30 minutes we arrive to the place.

She pulls into an empty parking spot then we get out of the car we started running up to the line we were supposed to stand in and waited.

After standing out in the freezing cold for 2 hours the line finally started moving there was only 4 people in front of us because the tickets were so expensive.

They let 4 people in first we had to wait for them to get done me and my friend payed an extra 300 dollars each on the tickets to get our own experience instead of being with other people so we didn't have to be rushed.

After waiting yet another 45 minutes the guards came out and called for us to come in so we walk inside the doors and saw all 4 members sitting on the couch.

My friend started fan girling over Cliff she has always had the biggest crush on how she always talks about how cute he is while I was opposite of her I was fan girling over James.

He was so hot and his long hair always had me mesmerized I was thinking about all the things he could do to me and the way he would sweat during his concerts and the way his fingers played the guitar was even hotter.

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