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Finally doing one for my bby slash hope y'all enjoy

Smut of course

January 17th 1989

Y/n pov:

"Slash stop" I say laughing as he he tickled me me and slash have been friends for 5 years now and it's been amazing we do everything together and also even had our first kiss to gather that's what friends do right ?.

Anyways I've started to develop a small crush on Saul every since he became popular in Guns N' Roses he started calling his self slash I kind of hate it but never said anything.

Back to now "slash I'm being for real stop ticking me" I say in a more serious tone he instantly stopped and looked at me with I'm sorry eyes.

I couldn't help but melt at his gaze it made me feel weak in the knees we kept looking at each others eyes until bam our lips connected they moved in sync like it was meant to be all along.

Smut warning ⚠️ ⚠️

I then felt him slowly pushing me down on the bed he took his lips off mine and moved his lips toward my neck he opens his mouth just wide enough to start sucking on my neck.

"Ah fuck slash that feels good baby keep doing it" I say trying to keep myself together this is the first time in years a man has actually made me feel good during sex.

He sucked on my neck a couple more times then pulled away "what happened?" I asked slash "well don't you want me to make you feel good? Slash asked back "yes" I reply back with.

He then took his right hand and put it under my shirt and ran them all the way to my boobs I leaned my head back from the pleasure.

He then pulled his hands out from under my shirt and grabbed the edge of my shirt and began to pull it off slowly.

After he got it off I sat up so he could take off my bra I've never felt so on cloud 9 before until today I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt his hands get my bra unclipped.

"Babe your so pretty you know that ever inch on you from the soul out" slash says with smile on his face I blushed after he said that.

I decided I was going to be in demand of him now "stand up now slash" I say sternly he did as I said I then stand up also "slash is it okay if I take if your pants and underwear" I ask.

"Yes of course" slash says I bend down to his waist level and grab the zipper to his pants and began pulling them down slowly.

The zipper hit the bottom so I went to his button and undid that also after I was done I grab the edge of his shorts and pulled them down slowly while making eye contact with him.

His pants were now all the way to the floor I then grab the edge of his underwear and pull them down his dick popt out into my face.

I let his underwear slide down the rest of the way I take two hands and place them onto his dick and started rubbing up and down in a circular motion.

"Fuck that feels so good baby go faster" he moans out I did as he asked and started going faster on his dick.

"Fuck your amazing" slash tells me I then take my hands off his dick and lower my mouth down to his penis I started bobbing my head up and down.

"Fuck baby that feels so good" slash says panting I started going faster and faster until i felt him moan loudly i knew he was about to cum.

I pick up the pace a little faster until I felt warm cum in the back of my throat I look up at him and swallow it.

I then stood up and got onto the bed I laid on my back and spread my legs "let me get these pants of for you baby" slash says whispering in my ear.

I nod my head and he began to pull off my pants along with my panties after I was fully naked he pulled my legs back up and spread them apart so he could get in there.

I see him bending down head to my pussy level he leaned closer and started licking my Pussy up and down "a-a-ah fuck that feels so good I scream.

I already felt like I was going to cum and he had just started "fuck slash I'm about to cum" I say moaning like crazy.

"Cum for me baby" slash whispers into my ear I instantly came all over his face he was covered in my cum.

"Okay are you ready now" he asked  "yes i am" I then feel him scooting me towards him so he could get on closer.

After he scooted me forward he grabbed my hips and barley put his tip inside me "is this okay?" He asked me.

"Yes it is" I say back I then feel him push further into me "ah fuck that hurts" i say dropping a couple tears "what's wrong baby do you want me to stop" slash says in a panic mode.

"Yes I'm fine just never had a dick this big inside me before" I say chuckling "oh you scared me for a minute there are you ready now?" He asked me.

"Yes I definitely am now" I say back he then pushed inside me further which caused a loud moan to escape from my mouth.

"Go faster slash" I say moaning his name loudly I was clawing the sheets on our bed it felt so amazing this is the best sex I'm had in a while.

"Fuck slash fuck me harder" I beg so he did as I asked and started pounding into my pussy I couldn't take it no more I was about to cum I could feel a knot in my stomach Forming .

"Ahh yes just like that" I say moaning in pleasure
A couple minutes later I couldn't hold it no more "slash I'm about to cum" I say "me to baby" he says back.

He pounded into me a couple more time then we both came he came inside me but we wanted a kid anyways.

Anyways after we got done we both cleaned up and fell asleep watching a movie the end

What did y'all think about this chapter it took me forever to write it I was having writers block.

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