Duff McKagan

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This man is freaking hot as hell jeez sorry about that lol.
This will be about you being axl roses daughter and you have a thing for his friend you will be 25 and he will be 50 I hope y'all don't mind the age gap other then that enjoy my friends. Her dad axl catches them.
(Smut included)

2010 July 23rd

Y/n pov:

Today was another extremely hot and miserable day I just wanted to sit in the house and i did that but I was staring to get bored and of course as usual my dad was in the basement with his friends working on music.

if you wondering why I'm 25 and living with my dad well he doesn't want me to leave him he's very protective off me and it gets so stressful at times.

Also I've had a thing for duff for so long I know it's bad because he's my dads best friend but he was so sexy especially when he was on stage shirtless and sweaty.

Just thinking about him made me so wet I had a nightstand beside my bed that has shirtless pictures of duff in it that I like to masterbathe to I probably shouldn't have admitted that but you would do the same.

Smut warning ⚠️

Anyways since I was super bored I decided I wanted to masterbathe cause what else there to do so I grab my dildo that was in the drawer with the shirtless pictures of duff I (in picture above is the pic you pick).

I grab the picture along with the dildo I put the picture beside me to where I could see it and rubbed the dildo up and done my pussy to get it wet enough to stick in my hole after rubbing it down and up a couple time I finally was wet enough to stick it in my hole.

I barley put the tip in and I accidentally screamed from the pleasure it felt so amazing I couldn't stop imaging that it was duffs dick that was inside me.

I started slowly pushing the fake dick in and out of me slowly I leaned my head back and started moaning quietly so no one could hear me.

My dad has a sound proof music room so no one should be able to hear me anyways.

"Uh fuck me" I say as I keep pushing it in and out it felt so amazing i then stick the dick a little further into me and I felt it hit my g-spot I used my one free hand and put it behind me gripping the bed sheets.

"Oh fuck duff just like that" I say out of breath I kept on going faster until I felt like I was going to cum right as I was about to cum I see someone standing at my doorway.

It was fucking duff oh my god he just witnessed all this this picture of him beside me everything.

I hurray up and grab my blanket and put it over top of me "duff what are you doing here?" I asked quite shocked ."well I came to use the bathroom and I heard you moaning I thought you were hurt or something but seems like I was way off and why are you masterbathing to a picture off me?" He asked.

"I'm sorry duff it was inappropriate of me to masterbathe to you I just couldn't help it sir" I say my pussy was throbbing at this point and I couldn't take it no more.

"Well I mean I am your dads friend so it is different but baby girl if you wanted me that bad you should have told me" he says with a wink "sorry duff I just couldn't help it everyday I would dream you fucking me so hard that I couldn't walk and I want it to come true" I say confidently.

"As you wish baby girl" he says I then see him shut the door behind him and walk over to me "take that blanket off your I wanna see your pretty Pussy" duff whispers to me.

I nod my head and take the blanket off me "wow baby you look so good" duff says with a smile "t-thank you" I say back.

I then see duff starting to take his shirt off "wait duff I wanna do it for you" I say "okay whatever you want baby".

I walk over to him and begin to slowly to take off his shirt as I'm pulling up his shirt I see his abs and v line he was all sweaty which made it hotter.

I felt wetness coming out of my hole and onto my legs "woah babe didn't realize you would be this head over heels for me" duff says with a cocky attitude".

After I get his shirt off I get on my knees and grab the button on his pants and pulled it out of the hole the I grab the zipper and pull it down.

After I got his pants unbuttoned and unzipped I pull them down to his ankles and he had a huge boner "holy shit how am I supposed to fit that inside me"  I say with smirk.

"Trust me you can fit it in you" he says winking I nod my head then grab his underwear and pull them down I then felt his dick hit my nose.

"Wow you really do have a big dick" I say grabbing it and inspecting it "lol do you really have to inspect my dick like your a doctor?" duff asked laughing.

"Maybe it's got so many veins and it's very long" I say blushing duff laughs again and shakes his head "babe my dick ain't going to be hard to much longer if you keep inspecting it" duff spoke .

"Oh yeah sorry" I say I then pick up his dick again and insert it into my mouth i started bobbing my head up and down on his tip and he was a moaning mess.

As I was doing this I heard the door open "what the fuck is going on in here" I heard a familiar voice and it was my fucking dad I then see him cover up his eyes real quick and close the door "young lady we're having a chat when you are Finished " my dad says to me.

"Shit shit shit" I say nervously "calm down I'm sure he will understand that your old enough to have sex" duff says.

"Your right but my dad has anger issuers and I'm just scared of him" I utter "you will be okay I'm here to protect you incase he does try anything okay"duff says "okay" I nod my head I get my clothes on and so does duff after we're done we head downstairs.

Part 2 will come soon did y'all like this chapter and what do y'all think will happen

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