Cliff burton

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I love cliff burton so much he's like a little baby anyways enjoy this chapter.

Fluff if y'all don't like or don't celebrate Christmas this chapter may not be for you but it you like it and you do celebrate well then sit back relax and enjoy this chapter

December 24th 1991

Y/n pov:

Today was Christmas Eve and I couldn't be more happy but also I didn't decided until to late to get my best friend a gift for Christmas so now I have to go to the mall and it's going to be crowded.

So here I was at the mall looking for something nice to give to my best friend/crush I have liked cliff for as long as I can remember he was sweet charming and funny everything a girl could ever want.

So tomorrow Christmas Day I will be confessing my love for cliff burton I've done looked in 10 stores and still couldn't find the perfect gift until I get to a store called rings and more.

I was looking though all the cases until I found the perfect ring for cliff it was a skull ring and on the inside of the ring it read "I love you forever and always" as soon as I seen it I just knew it cliff would love it.

So I guess you can guess what happened I bought it it coast me over 500 dollars but it was well worth it after I was done shopping at the mall I head home.

At home

I sat my bags down because I went shopping a little for myself to got me some new rock tees and black pants I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when someone cleared there throat from being me causing me to jump 3 feet off the ground.

"Oh my god are you okay?" cliff quickly asked me "yes but how the hell did you get in my house?" I ask  "remember 2 weeks ago you gave me an extra key to your house I wanted to surprise you" Cliff says to me.

"Okay fair point just done scare me again" I say laughing "okay will do" Cliff says the put the okay sign up with his hands I just roll my eyes playfully and walk back into my kitchen.

"Cliff are you hungry we have spaghetti,pizza or steak" I yell to him "ummm I'll take pizza please" Cliff says "okay coming right up we'll actually more like 30 minutes" I say with a giggle.

So I turn on the oven to 350 and while I was waiting for it to preheat I went ahead and got the pizza out of the freezer and take the plastic off of it.

After 10 minutes the oven finished preheating so I put the pizza into the oven and set the timer for 25 minutes and walked over to cliff sitting on the couch looking though channels for us to watch something.

"Did you find anything yet?" I ask "no but I wanna Watch something scary that's all I know" Cliff responds back "yes I fucking love horror movies pick anything i like them all" I say excitedly.

I then hear my pizza timer go off I run to the kitchen and grab the pizza out and turned off the oven "pizza is done" I yell so Cliff can hear me "okay coming" he yells back I then see him running into the kitchen but before he could make it he slips of the kitchen floor.

I instantly stared busting out in tears of laughter "pay back bitch for scaring me earlier" I say trying to contain my laughter he just flips me off and stands up .

"Oh cliffy don't be mad" i coo "yeah your right I'm not mad because your to pretty yo stay mad at" Cliff says flirting towards me he always does this it makes me wonder if he liked me or if he's just being his normal self.

I brush off the thoughts and grab me and him some pizza "let's take this show to the living room shall we" Cliff says picking up my hand and kissing is like I'm a queen.

"Yes we shall my knight and shining armor" I say with a smile we then walk to the living room and watch a scary movie (any scary movie you want).

After we finish the scary movie I started to yawn and decided to head to bed "Cliff you ready for bed?" I ask him "yes I'm super tired and plus Christmas is tomorrow yayy" Cliff says dancing around.

"Your suck a dork" I laugh at his antics "oh whatever plus I know you like dorks"Cliff says gently nudging me with his shoulder.

Before I could say anything I look up into his eyes and I couldn't hold it back anymore I had to kiss him right here right now before I knew Cliff beat me and kissed me first his lips were warm and gentle and I started kissing him back.

After a couple seconds we pull apart "y/n I have loved you since we first met in 5th grade I knew I had to make you mine but I was to scared to tell you " Cliff says to me "Cliff I've liked you since 5th grade to you've been there with me though everything thick or thin" I say then kiss him once more.

That's how the night ended.

December 25th

Y/n pov:

I woke at 8am on the dot I see Cliff passed out right besides me slobbering everywhere I just laugh and get up I got to my bathroom and do my mourning routine.

After I'm done Cliff was still sleeping so I decided to make some breakfast for the both of us so I tip toed downstairs and went into the kitchen and started Making bacon,eggs and pancakes.

30 minutes go by and I'm done with everything so I walk back upstairs and seen Cliff still sleeping he's such a sleepyhead I laugh to myself.

I walk over to the bed and gently push him "wake up cliff it's Christmas" I yell excitedly he then rises up quickly and hugs me with excitement.

"Okay I'm coming" Cliff says then gets out of bed I walk downstairs with Cliff following right behind me.

"Cliff it's time to open your gift I've been waiting forever" I uttered "okay I can't wait to see it" Cliff responds back.

I then grab his gift box that was laying on the counter and hand it to him "okay open it" I spoke Cliff nods his head and grabs the top of box lid and pulls it up slightly after he go the top off he looked at the ring with a wide open mouth and eyes.

"Do you like it?" I asked "do I like it no I love it" Cliff says coming over to me and giving me a small kiss on my lips.

"Now it's time for your gift but I'm going to need you to close your eyes" Cliff says to me "okay" I respond back with I then close me eyes and feel Cliff guiding me somewhere I then heard my front door up and we walked a couple more feet.

"Okay open your eyes" Cliff tells me so I do what he says and open my eyes when I opened them there sat my dream car (pick what you want) "omgggg" I say screaming I then go over to cliff and give him the biggest hug "Cliff this means a lot to me thank you so much I feel bad cause all I got you was a ring" I sadly say "don't feel bad you deserved it and I love you" Cliff says for the first time "oh Cliff I love you to" I say back

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