Eric Brittingham

150 2 2

This was also requested by cinderllaz y'all go give them a follow


1989 November 4th

Y/n pov:

I was so excited today I was going to a Cinderella concert I won tickets from a radio station here is how it went.

A week a ago

I was laying on my bed bored then I decided I was going to paint my nails I go to my bathroom and grab the black nail polish that was sitting on my counter.

I then run back to my bed and sit down but then I realized I was sitting in the quiet so I just had to turn on the radio I get up again and go to radio sitting on my dresser and put the radio station button on Cinderellas top new song nobody's fool came on and I started dancing around the room forgetting about my nails that desperately needing painting.

I swayed my hips side to side enjoying the music then Tom kefier started singing which I sang along to (I'm putting the lyrics in this I hope y'all don't mind)

Lyrics start now

I count the falling tears, they fall before my eyes
Seems like a thousand years since we broke the ties
I call you on the phone but never get a rise
So sit there all alone, it's time you realize I'm not your fool
I'm no fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool)
Never again, no, no
You take your road, I'll take mine
The paths have both been beat (yeah)
Searchin' for a change of pace
Love needs to be sweetened
I scream my heart out, just to make a dime
And with that dime I bought your love
But now I've changed my mind
I'm not your fool
I'm no fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool) never again, no, no
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool) I'm no fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool)
I count the falling tears, they fall before my eyes
Seems like a thousand years
Since we broke the ties
I'm not your fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool) I'm no fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool) I'm no fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool) I'm no fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool)
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool) nobody's fool
(Nobody's fool, nobody's fool).

I got done singing and it feels amazing that song never fails to make me happy after the song ended I heard them saying something about a giveaway so I hurriedly turn up the radio.

"Hello this is a giveaway for 2 tickets to the Cinderella concert dial xxx-xxx-xxxx for your change to win" after I head that I ran downstairs and into the living room and grabbed the phone that was hanging on the wall.

I dialed in the number and after a couple rings o here someone pick up "hello your the 5th caller congrats you won 2 free tickets and a vip pass to meet Cinderella" the man says.

I instantly started screaming and jumping up and down I was super excited "thank you so much" I spoke.

I then hung up the phone and dialed my friends number or rung a couple times until I heard her voice "hey what's up?" She asked me "your not going to believe what just happened".

"What what" she uttered "I got two free tickets to the Cinderella concert and also got two vip passes" I say excitedly.

"No wayyyy" I could hear her squealing "so I wanted to invite you cause I know you like them to" I say smiling over the phone "okay of course I'm coming" she says "okay well its coming this week so get ready " I say then hang up the phone.


Y/n pov:

I put on some make up and my outfit that I was wearing to the concert (pick any outfit you like) after I was done I run down stairs grab my purse and keys and head out.

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