Kirk hammett

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Valentine's Day special 😉
I hope y'all like this one it's going to be smutty 😏😏
Will be handcuffs and blindfolds.

February 14th 1989

Y/n pov:

Today was Valentine's Day and I was super excited because I was going to give Kirk such a great Valentine's Day he was out at band practice with James,Lars and Jason.

Right now it was 10:05 am and he wasn't going to be out until 5:00 I was cooking bacon and eggs for breakfast because I was super hungry.

After I was done cooking I grab a plate and grab the eggs and bacon off the pans I sit down at my table and started munching.

After I was done eating I washed off my plate and headed up stairs to start getting ready for kirks surprise tonight.

I was planning on teasing him at the restaurant we were eating at tonight I put on a sexy red Lacey dress that went down to my ankles and my boobs were in a push up bra making my cleavage show more.

"Fuck I look hot" I say to myself looking in the mirror I then walk out of the bathroom and walk into the living room and sat down and watched movies since it was only 11:30 right now.

5 hours later it was now 4:30 so I turned off the tv and and went over towards the kitchen and grabbed my purse and left the house.

Kirk told me he would me me at the restaurant so I have to drive myself there I'm not much of a driver driving in the traffic of Los Angeles scared me a lot people would swerve out of no where our they wouldn't use there Turing signals.

I started backing out of my driveway and almost hit a damn mail box "shit" I cussed to myself.

I pulled away from the mail box and finished backing out after I was all the way out I started driving it was a 10 minute drive to get to the restaurant so not to bad.

10 minutes later

I arrived to the (your favorite restaurant) I already saw Kirk standing out the front door waiting on me so I hurried get out of my car and run over to him.

"Kirk I missed you so much baby" I say kissing him all over the face "I missed you to" Kirk says laughing I then stop kissing him and reach down to his hand and we both walk in.

"Hello how many are there?" they lady asked me "2" I respond back with "okay right this way" she says as she's grabbing the menus she starts walking with me and Kirk following behind.

She sits us down and puts the menus on the table then walks off "hey Kirk I wanted to ask you how was band practice today?" I asked him.

"Oh it was amazing robert broke his wrist today though sadly so he's out for a about 2 weeks but other then that it went great" Kirk tells me.

Smut warning ⚠️⚠️

I nod my head I decided to start my surprise for Kirk now so why me and him were taking I reached my head and place it over top of his clothed penis.

I heard him slightly gasp at my action "what's wrong Kirk are you could?" I asked Kirk with an innocent voice.

"U-uh yeah" he mutters I then slowly started moving my hand up and down his clothed dick "fuck" he says whispering "oh when we get home it's over for you" Kirk says sternly to me.

I just just nod at his and resume doing my action i then take my hand off this pants and put my hand under his pants and underwear to feel his bare naked dick.

I began to stroke his dick up and down with my hand he slowly leans his head back from all the pleasure I could tell he was trying hard not to moan.

I did this a couple more time and felt his warm cum on my hand "I can't wait until we get home" Kirk tells me "me neither" I say back my pussy was burning and throbbing so hard right now I was ready to get home.

Smut over for now ⚠️⚠️

The lady came back 10 minutes later with our food and sat it down on the table "mm this looks so good" I say looking at the food placed in front of me "I know I'm so hungry practice really makes me burn calories" Kirk says laughing I laugh back.

After we got done eating we pay the bill and leave I get in my car and Kirk gets in his and we both head home I was so horny at this point I couldn't contain it much longer before I exploded.

After 10 minutes back home we finally made it I was so ready to get out of the car at this point my leg was bouncing up and down really bad.

I pulled into the driveway and turned the engine off I pull my key out and get out of the car I began to run over towards Kirk and grabbed him harshly by his wrist and take him into the house.

Smut again ⚠️⚠️

"Damn baby what has you in such a rush?" He asked me with a smirk "I'm needy Kirk like really bad I feel like my pussy will explode any second now" I say desperately.

"Okay baby girl don't worry by the time this night ends you won't be able to walk" Kirk says to me my panties instantly soak with water after he said that.

I then take him inside and push him against the wall I then felt him flip me to where my back was now against the wall he then placed his lips on me and we moved in synced after doing this for a couple seconds he picks me up and takes me to the bedroom and barley throws me on the bed.

"Stay there" Kirk says sternly I then see him walk to our closest and grab someone thing out I couldn't see what he was getting but I was excited.

After 2 minutes of waiting for him he came walking back with handcuffs and a blindfold "you ready for the night of your life?" Kirk asked me with a smirk "yes I am" I say.

I then felt him grab both off my hands and handcuff them together then he grab my arms that are now attached to each other and put them on the pole to our bed.

Then he grabbed the blindfold and put it over my eyes "raise your hand if I'm hurting you" he says to me "okay" I say back I then felt his finger glide from my neck to my pussy "fuck" I say at his sudden hand movement.

I then felt him beginning to slide up and down my pussy area "fuck Kirk that feels so fucking good" I say arching my back right as I did that he slapped my thigh "no movement every time you move that's less time you have for me to pleasure you got that" Kirk says to me I just my head and he went back to what he was doing.

"Fuck Kirk I'm about to cum" I breathlessly say "okay baby let it out" I then do as he says and I cum all over his fingers.

I began to feel him taking off my blindfold "I want you to watch me when I Pound into that little pussy of yours" Kirk says to me.

I gulp hard and felt him grab me and push me into the doggy position "Kirk I want you" "patience baby you will have plenty off fucking" Kirk responds back.

I felt him grab my back and him pushing his self into my hole "fuckkk" I scream loudly "shh baby don't wanna disturb the neighbors" Kirk says to me.

He then started pounding inside "fuck Kirk that feels so good baby harder" I say loudly again "fuck your tight but that's okay" Kirk says to me.

I could tell he was about to cum because he was getting slopper "k-Kirk I'm about to cum" "hold it a little longer"Kirk responds back with he did a couple more thrust until I hear him tell me to cum.

"Cum for me now baby girl"Kirk says to me "okay" I then felt myself letting out all my Cum then Kirk came inside me.

Smut over ⚠️⚠️

"Ahh damn Kirk I think you were right about me not being able to walk and also happy Valentine's Day" I say looking at Kirk "haha I told you and happy Valentine's days my love" kirk says to me we then feel asleep right after that concert.

I hope y'all liked it sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been a little busy but anyways y'all have a amazing day or night

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