Fred coury

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I'm currently so obsessed with Fred from Cinderella he is absolutely so adorable and sorry about the very very slow updates.

Smut and fluff

August 2nd 1987

Y/n pov:

Today was the one year anniversary of Fred being in the band of Cinderella I was so happy for him so I wanted to celebrate this moment with him we have been together for 5 years and have been married for 1 year.

Beep beep beep

"Ugh I hate that sound especially when you know it's a work day I sat up in my bed and look beside me I see Fred sleeping peacefully on his back which caused me to smile.

I then get go off the bed and head to my bathroom to get ready for the work day Fred didn't want me working especially since he was making enough to support both of us but I wasn't just going let him work while I sit on my butt all day so I went out and looked for a job.

I was only working three days as a clothing worked that sew clothes and made them for bands or celebrities that wanted their clothes made.

I was really happy with the job I got to meet new people everyday after I was done getting ready I walk out of the bathroom to see Fred sitting up on the bed "good morning love" I say waking over to him and kissing him on the cheek.

"Good morning how did you sleep?" He asked me looking into my eyes "I slept good" I say I then look at my watch and it read 8:00 am exactly work starts at 8:30 luckily I only live 5 minutes away from my work place.

"Happy 1 year anniversary on the band" I say walking over to Fred and kissing him on the cheek "thank you baby" he says back "I also have a big surprise for you when I get back home" I say with a smile.

"What is it?" He asked "well that's what a surprise is ain't it you can't know yet silly" I say walking away I hear him sigh "alright babe I have to leave I'll see you later okay" I say "okay love you baby" he says back I then head to work.

It was now ten I've been here for an hour and half and I was already to go home I was a little bit needy for Fred we haven't done anything in a year but also we weren't all about that we have more off a chill relationship which I loved.

I don't get off until 5:30 Nothing worse then being horny at work but before I knew it it was time to leave I was so happy leave today I ended up sticking some clothes for Tommy Lee and billy idol but that was it today.

I was know driving home and before I knew it I was pulling into the driveway I instantly got out and went to the door I unlocked it and went inside closing the door behind me.

I didn't hear any noise which concerned me a little bit but as I was thinking I hear a shower turn on "hmm I guess he just got into the shower" I think to myself.

I was about to turn the tv on until I got a thought that popped up in my head  I'm going to do the surprise while he's in the shower I silently walked up stairs and went into the bathroom.

I quickly got undressed and I Made sure to stay quiet I don't want him to hear me after I get completely naked I walked over to the shower and opened the door that was leading to the shower.

After I step in I close the glass door behind me and see Fred looking towards the other way opposite from me I quietly scoot closer to him rub my hand down his back.

I felt him jump and look behind him "baby you scared me" he said laughing "sorry I just wanted to go ahead and give you your surprise since I know you been dying to know what it was" i say smiling.

Smut warning ⚠️

Before he could say anything I smash my lips against his he instantly stared kissing me back I could instantly feel myself getting wet and it wasn't the shower water.

I then grab him by his shoulders and push him back on the marble wall being careful not to break the wall I kiss him some more then take my lips of his I began to go toward his neck and started sucking on it.

"Fuck that feels so good" Fred says moaning in my ear i then take my hand and rub it slowly down
His abs and onto his hard on cock I wrap my hand around his cock and started stroking it up and down.

By now he was a moaning mess his hot break was go in and out on my neck which was turning me on more at this point I just wanted to be pounded I couldn't take it anymore.

"Fred I want you to fuck me" I say in his ear as soon as I said that he grabbed my hips and turned me around I was now the one on the wall my back was against the cold marble wall but it felt good.

He then took two of his fingers and pushed them against my clit and started rubbing up and down I instantly melted into the touch the feeling felt unreal almost.

"Go faster fred" I say breathing hard I then felt the pressure of his fingers further into my hole I'm so glad the neighbors are at work because if they weren't the police would have been called by now.

I could feel a knot in my stomach "fred I'm about to cum" I say "okay baby cum for me" he says moving the speed of his fingers up a little more.

As he did this I felt my head bending back and me cumming on his fingers I could feel my self feeling relived from my high.

"Did you like that he said with a smirk "yes I did baby" I say back to him

Smut ended ⚠️

We get out of the shower and get dressed "you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him "yes what do you wanna watch?" He asked back "let's watch et it's one of my favorites" I say smiling.

So that's what we do we turn on et and snuggle
Up in the blankets watching movies was always my favorite things to do especially with him just being around him was my favorite I know it sounds corny but what can I say I'm in love and that's why I got married to him.

We end the night in movies and snacks and also snoring.

What did yall think about this chapter
Hopefully yall liked it

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