Tommy lee

143 0 0

February 5th 1989

Smut ⚠️ in this chapter of course

Y/n pov:

Today I was hanging out with Tommy and the other boys on the tour bus this was their last show  and I was so happy to be done with this tour these beds suck it's pretty much like sleeping on cardboard.

Currently I was on the bus alone the boys were at the venue getting Their stuff together for the show I haven't been going to the shows because I like my peace when they are around it's like a never ending party.

The real reason I came on this tour was because of Tommy lee me and him have been best friends every since we were 6 were both now 25 I can't lie I'm pretty jealous because every girl he come in contacts with he fucks and I couldn't stand it because I have liked him for 5 years now.

I was currently very needy sometimes I get this way I've never had sex before every-time I use a toy to realise myself it never works it seems like there is something missing it seemed like I would still be horney.

Smut warning ⚠️

I had a idea to masterbathe while the boys were gone this is the first time I've done this in 5 months I hadn't done it since before I left for tour.

I went back to the bunk beds and shut the door behind me I then slowly took off my pants and my shirt all I had on was a black lace thong and black lace bras.

I left my clothes lying on the floor and got onto the bed of course the beds were so small so I could barely have any room to do anything. I partly spread my legs I could feel the heat coming of my pussy I guess I've been needy for a while now.

I slowly reach my fingers to my panties and pull them to the side I slowly began to rub my finger up and down my clit causes me to moan in pleasure I can't believe I was doing this while the boys were gone.

But it had to be done or else I was going to beg on my knees for Tommy to fuck me i began to rub myself faster thinking about Tommy Lee fucking me before I cum I got up and looked
Under my bed for my sex toys.

I find them and pull the box out I have a few sex toys but I decided to go with my 8 inch dildo that vibrates I also grab the bottle of lube out I closed the box back after I had my things and pushed it back
Under the bed.

I opened the bottle of lube and squirted some on my hand I then Closed the lid back on it and put it bedside me on the bed I took my other hand and put it on my dildo rubbing my hand up and down making sure it was all lubed up.

I then put it down in my pussy area and started rubbing up and down "ahh fuck" I say to myself I leaned my head back after I rubbed it up and down a couple times I then slipped it in my pussy feeling all the details pushing inside me.

I took one hand of the dildo and reached for my silk sheets the pleasure had me feeling euphoric and in a foggy daze.

I felt a knot in my stomach forming I knew I was about to cum I went faster with my toy and as soon as I felt it coming out I pulled the toy out of my Pusey and started squirting right as it was coming out Tommy walked in and got onto to him.

I instantly covered myself with a blanket in embarrassment "omg Tommy I'm sorry that what not meant to happen" I say embarrassed "your fine but what are you doing in her all alone pleasing yourself why did you ask me to help you" Tommy asked.

"Because I was embarrassed you don't exactly go
Up to your friend and ask him to help you cum" I say "true but do you want me to help you now the guys are at the bar right now?" He asked "yes please i really need you Tommy" I say back.

Right when I said that he picked me up off the bed and took me the king sized bed Nikki had his own room so he had the biggest bed once we got to the room Tommy layed me on the bed and began to take off my bra.

"Fuck Tommy just touch my boobs" I say in a needy tone "hold on baby we got to please you I don't wanna rush things plus your a virgin so let's make it special for you" Tommy says smiling I just nod my head and let him do his thing.

He slowly put one of his hands on my book and started massaging it causing me to let an ear drum burst moan "you like that baby"?" Tommy asked me "yes of course Tommy" I say.

He then went to my other boob and started messaging that one to but he put more pressure into it I couldn't believe how amazing at this he was I was scared it would be bad but it's far from that.

After he was done with that he slowly trailed his hand down my stomach and onto my clit slowly rubbing it up and down like I was with my dildo earlier.

"Fuck Tommy that feels so good"'I say moaning he began to pick up the pace "Tommy I'm about to cum" I say digging my hand into his back "cum for me" Tommy says in a Deep tone (sorry guys I laughed).

He picked up the pace a little faster until I felt myself pulsating with warm Cum I was still breathing hard and my body was heavy feeling "you ready for more?" Tommy asked me yes I am I say still feeling left out like I was missing something again.

He slowly took of his pants along with with his underwear I see his dick spring up I could tell it was a boner I may have never had sex but I had watched porn on tapes at my parents house I found them just lying around the basement.

"Jeez Tommy your huge and thick" i say in shock "I'm glad you think so baby" he says I then see him grab a bottle of lube beside the bed and rob himself down
With it.

After he was done he threw the lube
Bottle to the side of the bed "are you ready?" He asked "yes" I say confidently. I felt him slowly put the tip in causing me to flinch in pain but also pleasure.

"Omg Tommy push in deeper baby" I say needy as hell "okay whatever you want" he says he then slowly pushes in I could feel his veins hitting the inside of me "oh fuck" I say gripping the bed sheets.

He started going faster my boobs were bouncing up and down a long with my whole body "fuck just like that" I say while he's hitting my g spot I could feel another knot in my stomach.

I guess he knew I was about to cum "let it out baby" so I did as he asked and let it all out over his dick while it was still inside me which causes him to cum to.

Smut over ⚠️

after we was done we got dressed and indeed up watching tv and just cuddling for the rest of the night .

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