Tom kefier

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This was request by cinderllaz I hope you enjoy this


1989 February 19th

Y/n pov:

Today was the day I was going to hangout with my best friend tom he was such a sweet boy and I could tell he wanted me I had a very dirty mind and all I wanted was for him to take my virginity.

I decided I was going to wear a sexy Lacey bra and Lacey panties also I wanted to make this night special for both him and me.

After I got my bra and panties on I then looked for something to put over top of it which I ended up wearing a red dress that went all the way to my ankles and the left slide had a slit in it.

After I was done getting ready I get my heels on and go downstairs I see my purse sitting to the left on my kitchen counter so I walk over to my purse and grab it.

I then walk outside and get in my 64 Impala car I walked really hard to get it and it was worth it.

I put my car into the key hole and turn it to the right I then put my foot on the gas pedal and head off to toms house I was super horny already and I couldn't help it.

After a 15 minute drive I arrive to his house and see him on his front porch smoking weed I got excited cause his weed was amazing he gets it from a real good dealer.

I get out of my car and run up to him and grab the weed out of his hand "you knew I was going to want some" I say with a chuckle cause he was giving me a funny look.

"Why are you all dressed up that's not like you?" Tom asked me "oh I can't tell you right now but after we finish this blunt you will find out" I say seductively.

"Okay" tom says shyly after us passing it back and forth a couple times we finished the blunt "you ready for the surprise now?" I ask "yes" Tom says back I then grab his hand and take him into the house and lead him to his room.

Smut warning ⚠️👍

After we get into the room I shut the door behind me and push Tom onto the bed "get ready for the best ride of your life baby boy" I say I could see him gulping hard and I seen a little bit of pre cum soaking though his underwear and pants.

"Tom I want you to take my virginity please" I utter "anything you want" he says he then stands up and grabs me he pushed me on the bed to where my ass was pointing towards him and I was laying on my stomach.

He bends down and grabs the dress that was gripping my ankles tightly I could feel him lifting it up slowly he kept lifting it up until it reached my hips "wow your panties are so sexy you wore these just for me?" Tom asked "yes of course I did" I say.

I then fell him tugging on my panties "can I take them off?" Tom asks me "yes of course" I respond back I the could feel him fully pulling my panties off "lift your feet up" Tom says to me I do as he asked and lift my feet up so he could fully pull my panties off.

I turn my head around to see him then taking off his pants and underwear after he did that he pulled his hand up toward my Pussy and stuck a finger in then added a second one he then began to push in and put "oh fuck that feels so good" I say gripping the red silky bed sheets.

"I knew you would like that baby girl" Tom leans down whispering in my ear "Tom go faster" I speak with a fast pace breath.

"As you wish" Tom spoke then started going faster he keep doing this until I felt a knot forming in my stomach I couldn't take it no more.

"Tom I'm about to cum" I utter "okay do it when I say" Tom say's sternly I just nod and let him keeping using his fingers.

"Okay baby cum for me right now " tom demanded I then let it all out on his fingers "fuck that felt so good" I breathlessly say "we're not done just yet" Tom says with a smirk "oh I know baby you still have to pop my cherry" I say giggling.

"Okay can I take your dress fully off now?" Tom asked "Tom you don't have to keep asking me and yes you can" I spoke.

"Okay sorry" he says quickly "can you stand up for me so I can get it off easier?" He asked "yes" I then stand up and he put his cold hands on my hips pulling the dress up he finally got it fully pulled up and over my head.

He the grabs my shoulders and pushed me back on the bed I could then feel him barley putting the tip of his dick inside me I yelped a little bit and he heard it "you okay?" Tom asked me with a concerned tone.

"Yes I'm okay you can go in further now" I reassure him he nods his head pushed his dick inside me further he sat there for a couple off minutes until I got used to his size.

"Okay you start now" I spoke "okay" I then began to feel him slowly going in and out off me "ah fuck yes they feels so good" I scream.

I could hear Tom panting away "Tom go faster" I uttered I could feel him picking up the pace up a lot more "ah just like that fuck yeah" I scream I could feel him hitting my g-spot just right.

I was sweating like crazy I could just feel the wetness coming off my body and Toms hair was soaking wet and his lips were far apart while he was moaning.

After him going a couple minutes longer I felt like I was going to burst "Tom I'm about to c-c-cum" I say out of breath.

"Hold it a little long baby" Tom says to me I was trying so hard not to cum right here right now but I wanted to listen to his rules.

"Okay baby you can let it out now" Tom says sloppily thirsting in me "ahh fuck" I say letting all the cum out I could feel my body going numb and my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

I could feel Tom pulling his dick out of me and laying beside me "baby you have to make me cum now by giving me a handjob" Tom says with a smirk "okay deal".

I then put my hand around his dick and started moving my hand up and down quickly "damn you have good hands" Tom says chuckling.

"I know i practiced just for you" I say back after going this a couple more times I hear Tom tell me he was about to cum.

So I stoke his dick a couple more time until he came all over his stomach.

"That was so much fun" I smile "i agree but now I'm tired" tom says "me to let's take a nap" I suggest we the lay cuddled up to each other and Tom grabs the Tom to put over top of me to keep me warm.

"Goodnight I love you" Tom says which shocked me "I love you to Tom" I say smiling.

What did y'all think and thank you for the request again love y'all 🫶🫶

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