Kirk hammett

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Smut/I will put a warning when the smut starts also enjoy.
This will be about you and Kirk having hardcore sex

November 18th 1985

Y/n pov:

I was waking on the hard concrete with my heels clicking against the ground I was in a rush to my new
Job interview I was already 3 minutes late.

After practically running for 3 minutes straight I arrive to the place I walk in and up to the receptionist lady "hello I'm here for my job interview."I say out of breath.

"Oh year your y/f/l/n" she says back(it means your first and last name) .

I nod my head then she tells me what floor to go to "go
To floor 2 room 22" she says with a huge smile I nod my head and head to the elevator.

After the elevator reached to my floor I walked out and went down the hall looking for room 22 I found it after walking a couple feet I grabbed the door knob and walk in.

I look at my surroundings and notice a guy looking at me I wave at him shyly and sit down at the chairs to my left.

After sitting there for a couple minutes I heard someone call me I stand up and walk up to them "you ready?" the lady asked me "yes" I say smiling.

I follow the lady back to a room and she stops this is where you will go in at good luck" she says looking at me then walks away.

I take a deep breath in trying to calm myself down after I was calmed down a little more I grabbed the door nob and opened the door up slowly.

When I finally get my whole body in the room I close the door behind me without looking at the person then I turned around finally and seen the guy that was staring down at me earlier.

I froze but then composed myself and walked to the chair and sat down slowly "so why do what this
Job"the man asked me.

"Because I will work hard and I'm very smart with computers" I say sternly he nods
His head and starts writing down on his notepad that was in front of him.

"Okay I will need you to take a drug test" he says to me and handing me to the cup I grabbed the cup out of his hand and walk to the nearest bathroom I found one right down the hall.

I walk in and pee in the cup after I'm done I walk back right when I was about to walk in the door I hear soft moans I froze instantly.

All I can hear is his soft and quiet moans and it was turning me on extremely bad I don't know why because I had just met him but yet here I am getting wet.

I walk in not being able to take it anymore there he was right in front of me with his hand on his dick and his head leaning back.

Smut warning ⚠️

"Ahm you need help " I say with a smirk on my face I see Him jump and pull up his jeans real quick I walk over to him and get up in ear " don't he shy baby let me help you" I say needy.

He then let's go off his pants and I smile I pull down his pants I see his dick spring up and hit his stomach that was barley hanging out due to his shirt.

I then wrap both off my hands on his dick and put my mouth on the tip I started licking his dick slowly "fuck go faster your making me super horney" he says panting already.

I do as he ask and I start going up and down faster "fuck I'm about to cum" he says loudly I then moan on his dick cause it to vibrate then I felt hot cum hit my throat.

I look up at him and he was a sweating mess and I could here him panting very loudly "fuck that was amazing" hey says to me smiling.

I then stand up and pulled down my pants and panties very fast my pussy was so wet you could slide down it without getting stuck.

"Fuck Kirk I need you so bad please" I say needy I see him smirk and pull down his pants and underwear all the way off.

He then lifts me up and puts me on the desk "get ready baby your about to not be able to walk for a week" he says smirking at me I then felt him slide into me slowly causing me to throw my head back in pleasure.

The way his tip slid against my walls inside my pussy had me moaning like crazy I've never been fucked before because I was to scared to but as soon as I saw Kirk it's like I wanted him bad and needed him.

"Fuck Kirk go faster you feel so g-g-good" I say not being able to form a full sentence he does as I requested and started to pick up his pace.

"Fuck Kirk I'm about to cum" I say "okay get ready baby" he says back to me he started pounding his duck into me extremely hard "fuck kirk I'm about to cum" I say.

He nods his head and starred pulling his dick out he then he put his fingers into my pussy until he had all four of his fingers inside me.

I then felt myself cumming all over his warm fingers that we're still inside my pussy "fuck that was amazing" I say to kirk as he pulls his fingers out of my pussy.

"So do
I have the job" I asked his he then nods his head meaning it was a yes.

What did y'all think about that chapter don't mind if there're
Is a couple messed up things in this chapter I was extremely high while making this chapter love you guys 🫶

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