Eric carr

79 0 2

Requested by LittleCeasarsVixen

Mentions of alcohol

Pure Fluff

1978 December 4th

Y/n pov

Today I was going out with the band mates we had all been friends for 10 years I was so happy to be with them they've help me though a lot of shit like getting away from abusive parents and drug abuse.

I lived with them for 2 years before moving out onto my own I didn't wanna have to realy on them all my life I became a one person singer type of thing I was already number 1 on charts so that's why I was going out tonight it was a celebration thing.

I was already ready and now waiting on the boys to come pick me up I lived in a 2 bedroom house the rent was 200 dollars a month so not bad and it was a pretty big house 4,000 sq feet.

After waiting for a coupe minutes I hear a loud engine coming up the road I instantly knew it was then I run to the front door and open it up to see them sitting all in the car Paul and gene were up front and Eric and Peter and ace were in the middle and in the very back was Eric.

I'm not going to lie I like him a lot when I first laid eyes on him I was In love but I could tell him that. because it could possibly ruin our friendship and I couldn't let that happen to me and him I told him everything he was my home the shoulder I could lean on.

Anyways  Eric got out of the car and pulled the seat forwards so I could get it I nodded my head at him in a thank you manner after I get back there and buckled up and Eric gets situated again we head off we were planning on going out to eat and having a few beers.

Nothing to crazy it was a 15 minute drive from my house on the way there I look over at Eric who seemed to be staring out of the car window enjoying the sights.

I could  look at him all day and not in a creepy way but an I love you way but before I could turn my head he looked over at me and did a huge smile.

I smiled back and looked out my window so he wouldn't see my blushing once we arrived everyone got out of the car and headed into the bar luckily we came on a day that wasn't so crowded.

There was only two people here "okay y'all I'm going to the outside bar raise your if you come with me everyone but me and Eric had their hands up.

"Okay I'll see y'all later" gene told us then the rest of his band mates follows behind him to the bar leaving me and Eric alone "so I guess we will just sit at this bar huh?" Eric asked "yes we can that's fine" I say.

We both walk over to the 6 seater bar in sit on the bar stools the bartender hands us the little menu with all the alcoholic drinks on them.

I ended up ordering Bloody Mary and Eric got a plane Jain beer  we only drink two a piece cause we didn't want to get drunk we've been here about 2 and a half hours and we were both ready to go.

We both ended up asking the boys if they were ready to go but they said no so we just ended up driving genes car to the house they said they would walk back.

We got home finally and walked inside the house "so what do you wanna do"Eric asked me "we can watch some movies if you wanted to" I say looking up smiling.

"Of course what do you wanna watch?" He asked me  "we can watch Halloween if you want to it's a new movie and I know you love scary movies" I say pushing my head on his chest in a flirty type of way.

I've done handed him out alot of hints but I guess he doesn't get it I heat us both one bag of popcorn popcorn after I was done I open the bag grab a bowl and pour the popcorn in.

I then took it over to the couch and put it in the middle of us I sit down and we turn on the movie 15 minutes into it there was kissing which caused my face to blush because my crush was sitting right next to me.

I looked at him and he looked at me and before I knew we kissed we did this for a couple of  seconds then pulled away we both looked at each other for a couple seconds in shock I didn't know I would do this ever.

"Eric I like you a lot" I say breaking the silence "you do I like you a lot to you don't even know how much you mean to me the day I laid my eyes on you was the day I knew you would be mine.

I started tearing up I leaned over to him and gave him a huge hug this was the best moment of my life him being in my arms right now "so it's official now huh?" I asked Eric "definitely he says with a smile".

We give each other one more kiss then we began to watch the show half way though I started drifting asleep so I decided to lay my head on Eric's chest.

As soon as I layed my head down he began to
Rub his fingers though my hair which instantly put me into a deep sleep.

December 5th 1978

Y/n pov:

Next morning I woke up rubbing my eyes I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my house I then realized my head was on Eric's lap "dang guess I feel asleep on his lap last night" I think to myself.

I began to slowly lift my head up so I don't wake Eric up I decided I was going to make us both breakfast the other guys hadn't came back yet so I assumed they stayed at the hotel right by the bar.

I cooked us some bacon and sausage and gravy I knew they were both his favorite and they were my favorite to I began to put the bacon on the hot pan and they instantly started sizzling then I started heating up the gravy.

After I cooked everything I hear shuffling the was getting closer to me as soon as I looked up I saw Eric "good morning Eric" I say with a smile "how did you sleep?" I asked him "I slept pretty good" he says back with a wide smile.

"I see you made a great looking breakfast" he says flexing his nostrils to take in the good smell "I knew it was your favorite so I decided to make breakfast for us" I say.

"Thank you so much baby" he says coming over to me and jumping on top of me "Eric your so heavy" I say laughing as he knocked us to the floor he then wrapped his arms around me and gave me a tight

We then both get of the floor and I grab the plates out of the cabinet and silver "you ready to eat now?" I asked "yes I'm starving" he says  "okay I'll get your plate made" I say "um no let me get it you need to sit down you've done did so much this morning" he says.

That causes me to blush at his kindness "aww Eric you so sweet" I say "anything for my pretty woman" he says bowing down which causes me to laugh.

He got the food on the plates he hands me mine first then he grabs his he sits with me at the table and we started eating "wow baby this food is amazing your a great chief" he says smiling again.

God his smile makes me so happy I'm so happy I finally confused my feelings to him it feels unreal to be with him right now.

After we got done eating we put our plates in the sink "so what do you wanna do I'm bored?" I asked "we can go to the park right down the road@ he suggest.

"That's a good idea let's go" I say I'm a peppy tone we both get ready and head down to the park it's a three minute walk from our house when we made it we instanly ran to the swings.

"Wait let me push you" Eric says "okay go ahead" I say he then Walks over to me and slightly pushes my back I couldn't help but giggle I was having so much fun.

"Okay I'm done now I'm wore out" Eric says laughing he then gets in the swing next to me and starts swinging himself I then reach out my hand for him to grab it and he does.

We both had our hands attached to each other while swinging i couldn't help but just smile at this moment "I love you Eric" I say "I love you to" he says back we ended the night with movies.

The end.

I hope you liked this chapter sorry it rook me so long to write it I had surgery yesterday

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