Johnny rotten

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Fluff and very sad

1978 February 2nd

Y/n POV:

Here I am sitting in the poring rain on the side of the ally of Great London my mom had kicked me out of the house and for good this time she would always threaten me but I didn't think she would.

I'm 19 years old with no money no clothes no nothing all I had was me and my clothes I had on hell I don't even have anywhere to sleep I was so upset right now I have to find somewhere to crash for the night.

Then an idea popped up in my head Johnny he was my best friend how did I not think of his before I got up off the concrete floor and grabbed my shirt to ring it out and did the same with my baggy shorts.

After I was done I started walking down the dark alley Johnny only lived 5 minutes away from here which would be about a 15 minute walk.

After walking though all the dark alleys I finally arrived to the crazy rotten place I went up to his door step and knocked lightly he still lived with his mom so I didn't want awake her.

I waited for a couple of seconds but didn't hear
Anyone coming so I decided I was going to knock again right before I had the chance to I see a door knob turning and a sleepy Johnny with nothing on but his underwear.

"Hey what are you doing here at such a late hour?" He asked me rubbing his eyes "sorry Johnny my mom kicked me out and I have no where to else to go" I say he was taken back by what I said but he had stepped back from the door indicating that I could come in.

I walk inside and started shriving between the cold air and my wet clothes I was really cold I hear Johnny closing the door and walking over to me "here let's get you into some dry clothing I have some extra clothes pick anything you want" he says softly to me.

"Thank you Johnny I'll repay you I swear" I say with a big smile on my face he smiled back I then walk to his room and head towards his closet I pick out one of his white shirts that had holes all in it and a pair of his shorts.

I took of my wet clothes and put them in his tub and changed into Johnny dry clothing I instantly felt refreshed after I was done changing I went downstairs where Johnny was sitting on the couch.

I walk up to him and sit beside him on the couch "Johnny I wanted to ask if I could stay the night I don't wanna put a burden on you but I have no where else to go?" I ask.

"Of course you can stay you can stay as long  as
You want I don't want you out in the streets in the cold" he says giving me a reassuring look "thank you" I say "it's no problem really" he says back.

I couldn't help but think how good Johnny looked his pretty blue eyes  I've always had a little thing for Johnny but never acted on it because I didn't wanna scare him away he was so nice to me but no one else.

I really truly loved him but if he found out he could hate me like he hates everyone else I was suddenly snapped out of my thought when Johnny started waving his hand in front of me.

"Hey are you okay" he asked me "yeah just thinking" I say to him "about what?" He asked "about life" I say not wanting to tell him the real truth I then lay my head on his lap.

I always felt comfortable being around him like he was my home I had to tell him that I liked him I can't hide this from him anymore I lifted my head away from his lap and looked at him.

"Johnny there is something I have to tell you and I understand if you don't like me anymore after telling you this" I say fiddling my fingers in my lap.

"What is it?" He asked with worry in his voice "well I like you like not just as a friend but as a crush I've liked you since we met and I was to scared to tell
You because I don't want you to hate me and" before I could finish my sentence I felt warm lips on mine.

We kissed for a couple seconds before he pulled away I was to shocked to even say anything to him
"Listen I've liked you to your really special your nothing like those rubbish women out there your way more then that" he says hugging me.

I almost could cry this wasn't the reaction I thought I would get from the crazy man that had been known as a bitch from all his fans.

"Johnny promise that though thick and thin we will always stick together" I say to him "I promise my love" he said putting his pinky finger out "oh Lydon your so childish" I say laughing then putting my finger out wrapping it around his.

4 years later

1982 March 12th

Y/n pov still:

Well here we are 2 kids later and a marriage we are still together going strong a lot has happened in the last 4 years sid had died Sex Pistols broke up Nancy dies Johnny feel down a rabbit hole for a year after Sid's passing he would blame it on hisself but it wasn't his fault.

But now we're on the right track I have 2 records out for a couple of hit songs Johnny been acting more I had a 1 year old girl and a 2 year old boy they were super good kids Paul cook would come over and watch them all the time that was their favorite uncle Steve was more busy so it was hard for him to ever see the kids.

As I was thinking I hear the front door close that ment Johnny was home I ran down the stairs in a happy mood when I go for the stairs though it's not Johnny it's Sid I was super confused what is going on?" I ask myself.

"Sid what are your doing here?" I ask him. Going up to him and hugging him it's been a while since I had seen my best friend "what do you mean what am I doing here ive been here all this time" he says to me a little confused.

"Sid you died 3 years ago" I say wondering if I was going crazy our not as Sid was about to talk the front door opens again to reveal my lovely husband lydon I ran up to him to hug him but when I did I couldn't it like he was s ghost.

"Lydon baby can you hear me?" I ask no response I couldn't help but cry what's going on I turn around to see Sid looking at me with tears in his eyes.

I then had an idea to go up to my room when I went into the room I almost passed out it was me laying there with a needle in my arm I had overdosed on herion just
Like Sid I guess my life wasn't as perfect as I thought it was.

I then see Lydon walking up to the room and
Opening are bedroom door as soon as he walked in he saw my dead lying body on the bed I see him fall to his knees and started breaking down the kids weren't here rn they were at Paul's house.

"No baby wake up for me" he says shake ig my body
I had no response how could I do this to him the kids why would I do this I think to myself falling to me knees.

I then look behind me to see sid "it's not you time to die yet love get back to your husband I'll see you in the future" he says looking at me and giving me one last hug and before I knew it I woke up back in me and Lydons bed gasping for air.

"You here baby your here" he says with tears. Of joy I hugged him and he took me to the hospital after I get back to being better he took me hope I was in rehab for 4 months but I was back to normal although I could never get over that moment I had with vicious I missed him so much.

The end

What did y'all think about this I got a little sad writing it

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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