Mick mars

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This will be about mick teaching you to play guitar and things get cute and steamy also you are Nikki sixxs sister enjoy. And your 23.

Fluff/smut/daddy kink

October 14th 1985

Y/n pov

I lived in this trash apartment with 4 boys which wasn't a good idea but my mom kicked me out at 20 and I had no choice but to stay with Nikki.

And also me and mick didn't get along to well he was always old and grumpy while I was hyper and funny but there's always times when I would catch him staring at me which strikes me as odd.

Anyways I woke up to a sound of banging which it scared that shit out of me I run down the stairs to see what was going and all the boys were smashing roaches with pans.

"What the hell is wrong with them" I shake my head in disgust I see mick standing there watching them laughing I felt my heart beginning to heat faster I don't know what was happening to me but it felt good.

He then looks over to me catching me staring at him which embarrassed me so I hurried up and looked away I then see Nikki walking over to me "hey sisss" he says to me which ment he wanted something from me.

"What do you want Nikki?" I asked with attitude "I just wanted to talk to my sister is they're something wrong with that?" He asked me I just roll my eyes.

"Nikki it's not hard for me to tell when you want something so just cut the bullshit and tell me what you fucking need damn" I say .

"Fine I need 10 dollars for a case of beer" he says to me "of course you do here you go take it" I say pulling out 10 dollars out of my pocket and handing it to him.

"Thank you so much sis" I nod my head he then grabs Vince and Tommy and taking them with him "wait you forgot mick" I say "no fuck him he can stay with you he's to old to be Hanging with us" he shouts back.

"Wow my brother is a bitch" I think to myself I was cut out of my thoughts when mick came up to me "well this may come off as weird but would you like me to help you play guitar?" Mick asked me.

"Yes I would love to" I say with a huge smile on my face he then walks over to the couch and motions his hand for me to come over they're with him so I did.

I sat next to him on the couch then he stands up again and puts the guitar in my lap "wait before we start I need you stand up I'm going to sit down first then you will sit between my legs" mick says to me "okay" i then stand up and he sits down.

He then spreads his legs open enough for me to sit in between them he then pats the in between his legs and I sit down "okay put your left hand on the guitar string and your right down to the very end" mick says to me.

I nod my head and do exactly what he says then I start trying to stum "wait you gotta do it like this" mick then grabs my hand and put them on the correct stings.

"Okay what your about to play is an a chord and it's your lucky day I have an extra pick in my pocket for you to use" he says handing me the pick from his pocket.

I grab it from his hand and start playing the a chord over and over I eventually got a little uncomfortable so I moved around a little bit to get comfortable and I hear mick groan.

"Did I hurt you are you okay?" I asked with a panic in my voice "yes I'm okay you just moved and it hit me and the area that I wish wouldn't have been" he said pointing down towards his dick.

there was a huge bump in his pants from it and it was very visible considering he has tight leather pants on I smirked to myself and blushed.

"Well do you need my help with that?" I ask with a sexy tone "um what if your brother walks in on us doing this" "they will be gone for a while I think we're good" I say with a reassuring nod.

Smut warning ⚠️

I then grab the line off his pants and began pulling them down all the way to his ankles I then see his huge dick in his underwear and it made me wet just by the sight.

I decided to tease him a bit so I started palming him though his underwear "aww fuck that feels so amazing" mick says which his head leaning back from pleasure after doing it for a couple of seconds I couldn't take it no more I was super wet and ready to be fucked.

I grab his underwear and watch his dick spring up "wow baby your so big" I say with a seductive voice then grabbing his dick and started stroking it with my hand.

"That feels so good" mick says  I started to stoke him a little faster and I see him lift his hips off the couch trying push his dick harder into my hand "fuck just like that" he says I could tell he was about to cum.

I go a little faster with my hand "fuck baby girl I'm about to cum" he says completely out of breath I nod my head and started moving my hand up and down a little bit faster till I felt cum hit my hand I felt him sighing as a relief.

"You ready to have some pleasure now baby girl" "yes daddy" I say with a smirk i then felt him ripping my clothes off and next thing I know I'm naked,

I then felt him put his fingers up to my pussy and started pushing in and out slowly "oh my god that feels so fucking good" I say gripping the couch coushin.

"Daddy go faster I'm about to cum" I sat out of breath I could barely breath this is the best sex I've ever had. never would have know that the mick Mars would be fucking me right now right here it feels like I'm on cloud 9.

I then felt him going faster and I felt a knot form in my stomach "I'm about to cum" I scream "let it all out baby girl" mick says to me the way his voice sounded pushed me overboard.

I then felt cum coming out I look down and see micks fingers are covered in cum "that was so hot baby girl" he says with a huge smirk.

I smile at him but then I realized I was missing something his dick inside me "mick I need you to fuck me" i say despite.

"What ever you want baby girl" he says I then decided to fix my position I lay my back of the couch with my head on the Cochins and my pussy the other way with my legs up in the air.

"You ready baby?" Mick asked me "I sure am" I say with a laugh I then felt him barley push the tip inside me which made me winch in a little bit of pain "you okay?" He asked me.

"Yes I am you can go ahead" I say with a smile and reassuring smile he nods his head I then felt him push further into me I gasp from the pleasure. 

He started pushing in and out of me he then put his hands on my legs for support  "fuck daddy go faster" I say in a needy tone.

He then started pounding faster into me "yes just like that" I say I can feel him hitting my g-spot it had me a moaning mess. "A-ahh Mick just a little faster I'm about to cum".

I could tell his thrust were becoming more sloppier meaning he was about to cum "uhh daddy I'm about to cum" I say he thrust in a couple more times then pulled out.

"Why did you do that?" I ask "well I wanna see you cum all over the couch" he says with a smirk "okay mick" I then see him bend down and he started licking my pussy "oh damn that feels so good" I say moaning then I felt like I was going to cum"okay baby let it all out" he says I then felt myself cumming I look down and see my cum coming out all over the couch.

"Fuck that felt so good" I say "baby we're not done yet yoh gotta make me cum again to" he spoke "okay anything for you daddy" I say back I then get off the couch and get on my knees in the floor.

I grab his dick and shove it in my mouth I started bobbing my head up and down feeling his dick in my throat.

"A-a-ahh you sure do know how to give good head" mick says to me I laugh then started bobbing my up and down again.

I then feel him put his hand on my head pushing me further on his dick "oh shit I'm about to cum" he says to me i then started to go faster and felt him cum into my mouth it was so warm.

After that we both lay beside each other trying to catch our breaths "that was amazing" I say "I agree we definitely need to do that again sometime" .

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