Izzy stradlin

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Y'allPick which one your going to wear for this chapter

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Pick which one your going to wear for this chapter.

Smut y'all are probably so tired of smut by know but I enjoy writing it.

This is at camp.

They both just turned 18

July 7th 1987

Y/n pov:

Today was the day I was being dropped off at summer camp all because my stupid parents wanted to go on a month vacation.

"Sweetie it will be fun to be around kids your age you have to get tired of being around us all the time" my mother says to me.

"Well actually I'm fine being around adults" I snap back "honey don't snap at your mother like that it will be a cool little trip they have telephones where the lunch room is so you can call us anytime" my dad says.

"Okay" I say not saying nothing more after another 30 minutes of driving we arrived "alright sweetie this is it you excited" my mom says with pep "yeah super stocked" I say with sarcasm "oh honey here you might need these" my mom says handing me a box of condoms.

"Really mom" "yes sweetie you might need them" my mom says I roll my eyes.

I then grab the handled and pull it open and step out of the car i then go to the back off the car and open the trunk and grab my luggage out.

"Bye I hope y'all have a blast on vacation" I say with a bitch tone "honey you will have fun I promise" my mother says cheerfully "yeah okay" I say then I walk away.

As I was waking I was looking at my surroundings they're were a ton of tress and bushes around I was already sweating and it was musty.

I walked a little bit further and I see 3 people at the sign in desk checking everyone in I was behind 2 people so I didn't have to wait to long.

"Next" I hear them say "welp I guess it's to late to turn back now" I think to myself "hello I need you to sign your name right here and you address" right there.

I write my name and address then after I'm done I hand the board back to the lady "okay y/n you will head over to the guy over there with the black hair he is going to show you around" the lady tells me "okay thank you so much" I say.

I then start waking over to him I'm not going to lie he was really cute he had a nose ring with black hair going a little past his shoulders and beautiful eyes like I've never seen.

But I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when he yelled my name "hey are you okay?" He asked me "yeah sorry I was a little spaced out thinks for asking" I say with my face heating up.

"No problem babe now let me show you around this beautiful place your going to love it by the way my name is Izzy" izzy says to me "okay my name is y/n nice meeting you izzy" I say with a wide smile.

We then start waking "okay so this will
Be the cabin me and you are sharing I hope you don't mind" izzy says sweetly.

"No I don't mind at all" I say "okay let's go to the next place" izzy utters "okay" I say with excitement maybe my mom was right about this place I'm having so much fun already and I just got here plus I met a hot boy.

"Okay next thing is the lake every weekend we have water party's basically a place you can get drunk at and play in the water" izzy says with a chuckle.

I then started laughing with him after we walked
Though a couple more things it was dark outside and I was starting to get tired "hey are you ready to head back I'm getting tired" I say.

"Yeah come on I'm getting tired to" izzy says back.

July 22nd 1987

Y/n pov:

A couple more days into camp and me and Izzy already had a huge bond I liked him a lot and I planned on teasing him tonight I brought some lingerie from my house and it was pretty sexy (pick the one you want up top).

I grab the lingerie from my bag and put it on then I put my normal clothes over top of it after I was done I sat on my bed reading a booking waiting for Izzy to get back.

After waiting an hour and half he finally arrived "hey how was your day?" Izzy asked me "it was good but I have a surprise for you" I say seductively.

"Oh what is it a new comic?" He asked excitedly "no even better" I say I then stand up and walk towards him I grab him by the shoulders and pushed him against the wall.

Smut warning⚠️⚠️

"Oh shit this is the surprise?" Izzy asked "yes baby boy now hush your mouth and let me give you all the pleasure I say I then kiss him against the lips and stuck my tongue in his mouth "does that feel good? I ask him.

"Y-y-yes it feels amazing" izzy says moaning i then take my right hand and begin to rub my hand up his shirt "omg baby that feels so good" izzy uttered.

It made me so happy to see the pleasure I was putting  izzy though I then kneel down and grab his pants and his underwear and his dick sprung up "oh shit your big" I say blushing "do you think you can take this?" Izzy asked me.

"Yes I think I can" I say laughing I then grab his dick and put my mouth on the tip I start bobbing my head up and down then I see Izzy grabbing the bed post to keep his self from falling down from the pleasure.

"Can you go faster baby?" izzy asked "as you wish" i say I then start bobbing my head up and down quicker.

"Ahh fuck I'm about to cum" Izzy screamed I hurriedly take my mouth off his dick I then open my mouth widely and put his dick 2 inches away from my mouth "you ready?" I asked Izzy.

"Y-yes" Izzy says i then started moving my hand up and down quickly I then felt his warm cum squirt inside my mouth I then look up fully to him and swallow while looking into his eyes.

"Now it's my turn to give you pleasure" Izzy says me I nod my head and he started ripping off my clothes he then grabbed me and slammed me against the wall.

I put my hands in front of me holding onto the wall and Izzy slapping my ass "you ready baby" Izzy asked me "yes please Izzy" I uttered I then felt him slam inside me "a-ahh" I scream.

I then felt him thrusting in and out of me "a-ah fuck that feels amazing" I scream "I knew you would like this dick" Izzy says grunting.

I felt like I was on cloud 9 I would have never thought that I would be fucking a guy at summer camp.

Then I realized Izzy didn't have a condom on "shit" I think to myself.

"Izzy you don't have a condom" I say with panic in my voice "what's the worse thing that could happen you get pregnant by me" Izzy speaks with cockiness.

"Your right keep going" I say he just nods his head and started thrusting in me again.

"Izzy I'm about to cum" I spoke "go ahead baby cum on my dick" Izzy whispers in my ear that instantly sent me overboard and I came all over his dick.

He then pulls out off me and we both flop beside each other breathing heavily.

"We definitely need to do that again" I say with a smirk "I agree" Izzy utters.

That's it for this chapter I'm sorry if it suck's I'm trying I have major readers block but enjoy.

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