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I ship them don't come after me this is a gay fic

Pure smut/daddy kink

January 17th 1987

Slash pov:

Today was the first day we were going to be going on tour I was super excited but then again nervous cause axl was going to be with me 24/7 I was basically gay for him but I know he is straight so I don't know why I'm trying.

I was in my room as off now finishing my packing I grabbed a pair of black boots,10 shirts,cologne,8 Pairs of underwear and some some lubricant and condoms.

After I finished packing I run downstairs and outside the tour bus was already right outside the house which I'm thankful for and that I didn't have to wait.

I walk up the tour bus and open the door to see axl and Izzy sitting on the couch "where Steven and duff?" I asked them. "They're sleeping on the bunks right now" axl says with a smile i nod my head and take my bags to the room where the bunk beds were.

"Which bunk do I get?" I ask "the bottom right" axl replies back "alrighty then" I say to myself I take my bag off my back and put it on my bunk after that I decided to go back into the living room where axl and Izzy were.

January 19th  1987

Slash's pov:

2 days into tour and I couldn't take it no more I was horny as hell because it was hard to masterbathe with 4 other guys in the tour but they decided to go out to eat and I just stayed on the tour bus.

Smut warning ⚠️⚠️

I go into the room and shut the door behind me I then begin to pull my pants down along with my underwear I then see my dick pop out and hit my stomach.

After I got all my clothing off I go over and sit on my bunk with my legs open and a stared jerking off the bad thing about all of this is Im thinking about axl the whole time i began to stoke my dick up and down and it had me moaning so hard.

Axl pov:

I decided that I wasn't going to the restaurant I was already in the car but I just wasn't feeling it I just wanted to chill for the rest of the night to be honest so I get out of the car and head inside the tour bus.

As soon as I open the door I heard loud moaning "oh he's probably just fucking a chick" I think to myself after a couple more seconds roll by I then hear "uh fuck me axl just like that" "that instantly made me hard I may not say it out loud but i have a huge thing for slash I may act straight but I'm far from it.

I decided to surprise slash I know he's concentrating so I'm going to sneak up on him I hurriedly take off all my clothes and sneak inside the room I barley kneel down on his bed his cock was right in front of my so I put my mouth barley on the tip then I see him jump up.

Slash pov:

As I was jerking off I then felt something warm on my dick which causes me to jump then I see axl fucking rose with his mouth on my dick "when did you get in here?" I ask suddenly.

"Well baby I decided to stay home then when I came in here I heard you moaning my name am I correct?" Axl asked me I then nod my head indicating a yes.

"So do you want me to fulfill your dreams baby boy?" Axl asked me "yes please daddy" I utter I then felt him going further onto my dick which cause me to buckle my hips so he could get in further I then decided he needed to go in further so I grab the back of his head and push in deeper onto my dick.

"Oh fuck just like that axl" I say leaning my head back in pleasure I was sweating like crazy and this man had me feeling all kinds of things.

I could see axls slobber coming out of his mouth so I reached down and wipe it of his mouth I then grab axls head and push it off me dick.

"It's time to have some more fun" I say with a smirk axl just nods his head I then stand up and so does axl  I grab him by the shoulders and push him towards the wall I then put my lips on his and we started making out.

His soft lips felt so go against mine they were like baby powder as we were making out I run my hand down to his dick.

"Oh shit" axl said in a surprised tone "what wasn't expecting me to be this dirty" I whisper into axls ear "no actually I wasn't" axl says back.

I just laugh and start palming his fully open dick "fuck that feels good keep doing it like that" axl says while moaning "as you wish" I started palming him a little faster until he stopped me.

"I want you to fuck me" axl says to me "okay patience baby" I say I then grab axl and turn him around to where his ass Is facing me and his hands were gripping the wall.

"You ready?" I ask him "yes daddy" I then grab my dick and put the tip off it in his hole "oh fuck" axl screams.

"Are you okay am I hurting you?" I ask "no your fine just keep going" axl utters I nod my head and push in a little further I then see axl throw his head back.

"You like that baby" I say thrusting in and out of him "yes daddy I want you to go faster" axl utters I then began to pick up my pace then I slapped his ass "your taking it so good baby boy" I say seductively.

After doing this for a couple more minutes I felt like I was going to cum "axl I'm about to cum baby so when I say go we're both going to cum at the same time you got that" I say sternly.

"Yes daddy I understand" axl says back i then start thrusting in him again but I could tell I was getting slopper.

"Okay go now" I utter so axl did as I said and we both came i could feel my eyes rolling in the back off my head and I could feel my body going numb.

Smut over 💅🏼💅🏼

I then look down and see axl had came all over the floor "we have to clean that up before the boys get here" I say quickly right as I said that Izzy came busting thought the door.

"What the fuck happened here it smells like sex" Izzy says gagging me and axl both hurriedly turn around but forgot we were naked "Omg can y'all put y'all's penis away" ozzy says covering his eyes.

Me and axl both blushed in embarrassment "yes now get out" I say clearing the awkward air I see Izzy walk out then close the door behind him.

"Well that's embarrassing " me and axl say in sync.

Well that's all for this chapter I hope y'all liked it it's different from my other chapters and also I had huge writers block for this it took me 2 days to write lol.

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