chapter 3 (1/2) - [ Something off.. ]

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Amato rushed to the park , it was 12:30 . He had promised Pian to hangout at 12:00 . As soon as he arrives , he noticed Pian sitting on a bench . Alone . No bodyguards , no friends , just alone . Amato being the mischievous kid he is , wanted to suprise the boy . As he got closer , Pian spoke with a gloomy tone . " I already know you're there Amato " .

That was not like Pian at all ! The tone , being alone , everything was not Pian-like . What is going on ? " Uhmm , what's gotten into you Pian ? " Amato questioned , worry being clear in his voice . " It's just that- " Pian's words was cut off short by Boboiboy & Mechabot , who had just arrived . Boboiboy struggled to catch his breath from running so fast , while Mechabot could only give death glares to Amato .

" Who told you to run off so fast ! " He angrily yelled from across the park . Amato rolled his eyes then shift his focus to Pian as if wanting him to continue . Pian's gloomy face turn into his normal cheery smile when he wasn't looking as if someone or something was controlling his mood.

As weirded out Amato was , he decided to brush it off . " Well , since it's just us today . Let's go to muhibah now ! " Pian said happily as he pulled Amato to their /welp his/ desired hangout place .

Amato had to practically grasp Pian's hand because of how fast he was , Pian didn't mind at all until they arrived . As soon as they arrived , Pian's mood changed yet again . As this time he randomly was irrated for no reason , Amato knew from Pian suddenly & forcefully pulled his hand away while giving harsh glares .

Weird was the very minimum you can describe Pian's mood swings .

Amato wasn't the only one to noticed , as the other two did too . Mechabot whispered to Amato " Do you think this is Moodbot's doings? " . Amato face of blankness made Mechabot sighed , why did he get a clueless owner like him ?

Boboiboy could only watch Pian's mood changes . He had heard of the name Moodbot a couple of times in Tapops but never seen it in action . He just couldn't be sure if it was actually the power sphere doings or something else . He tried to listen to Mechabot lecture because of him sitting across from them, he could only make out a couple of things .

Mood changing , yellowish white in colour and a digital face . All of them reminded Boboiboy of Emotibot , could it be distant relatives or something ? / author was gonna make it emotibot but wasn't sure if emotibot was actually in the space prison/ " Are you guys not weirded out on how quiet this place is and how were the only ones here? " Boboiboy broke the quiet atmosphere .

A scream broke the silence too , followed by another and another . Then quiet . " We should go probably go there- " Amato suggested while already running with Mechabot , followed by Boboiboy and Pian .

I cut the part into 2 because I have no idea and need more time to think . Sorry for the broken English !

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