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Anamika's POV:

I was beyond furious when that girl walked away from me. She was disrespectful to me. She slapped me infront of those drunk people. How dare she is?
I will find her and make sure she will pay for what she did to me. She ruined my entire night.
" Will you stop pacing around, I am sleeping?" Jazz's sleepy voice caused me to look at her.
" It's all your fault. You dragged me there." I pointed my finger at her.
" Just chill and let it go. Also, it's not my fault but yours. She was just doing her job and you slapped her first. " Jazz as always remained me of my mistake.
" So , I mistook her. But she slapped me. How dare she is. She even talk back to me. " I huffed as I sat on the bed.
" Way to ruin my sleep. " Jazz sat near me. She's sleeping over in my penthouse.
" Ana, just leave it . Kajal might have fired her from her job by now. " Jazz snuggled into me.
" I won't leave that girl easily. She needs to be taught a lesson. " I said to her.
" Too bad. She's really beautiful, you know. I forgot to ask her name." Jazz yawned as she stood up.
" What ? Are you swinging the other way?" I asked her to be confused.
" Hey, I am bi. I love both men and woman. Ofcourse I prefer woman. Come on they're soft unlike men." Jazz said as she walked to the restroom.
" Shut up, Jazz" I feel slightly irritated at her words.
" Hey order something for us to eat. It's already noon. " Jazz's head popped out as I looked at my contacts list for Kajal.
" I will do . Just don't annoy me." I rolled my eyes.
I dialled Kajal and asked her about that girl's details. But Kajal replied that she already fired her and won't give me her details. I angrily hung up the call.
" Did you order the food?" Jazz asked me as she came out in a robe after taking a shower.
" No. We are going out for lunch. I will drop you at your place then. " I replied as I went to the restroom to get ready.
To be honest , I just want the day to get over so that I can be back in my office. But sadly I have to meet yet another spoilt brat selected by my mom.
I dropped off Jazz at her condo after having lunch.
I then went back to my penthouse and dozed off for a while.

Ishika's POV:

I woke up around 10 am as my papa knocked on my door. I opened the door and surprised as he was smiling brightly.
He rarely smiles since he was diagnosed with cancer.
I then remembered that today was Saturday and I have no work . I got fired yesterday as my boss doesn't want to endanger her business.
It seems that the one I slapped last night was a big shot. Kajal gave me two months salary before asking me to leave. I am thankful for that.
The money I saved was enough to start my Papa's treatment. I have planned on bringing him in to the hospital.
" Ishu, are you free this evening?" Papa asked me as I looked at Ishaan to know what this was about.
He mouthed dinner and ranaway from there as his friends called him from outside.
" I am free,papa. I need to go out for a while but I will be here by evening.
" Ok. We're going to meet my friend and his family. If everything goes well, I will happily get you married in his family." He said happily.
What? Marriage!
" Papa, what marriage? " I panicked by now. I am a closeted lesbian. I didn't come out to him as he is unwell.
" Oh , we are going to see your potential life partner. " He said happily.
" But papa, I don't want to marry now. I am only twenty." I replied as I sat on my bed.
He sat next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder.
" But I want to see you get married before something happens to me. You're my only daughter." I stopped him by placing my hand on his mouth. I let my tears fell. I can't let my papa down. I can make them reject me.
I then remembered that I have  2 lakhs rupees in my account now. I can start his chemo treatment now and arrange some later.
" Papa, I will come to see your friend's family if you agree to start your chemo treatment." I told him.
He agreed after showing me that his Pension money has been credited fully in his account. His pension which  stopped suddenly for the last two years .
" How?" I asked happily.
" My friend helped me in getting back at the authorities." His eyes lit up.
" The friend , we're going to meet today?" I asked him . He nodded.
I don't want to their friendship to ruin because of me. I decided to come out to my papa.
" Papa, then I am sorry. I can't come with you tonight." I started.
" Why?"
" Because I can't marry your friend's kid." I paused.
" Why? Is it because you like girls?" He asked me back. It took a while to register what he said in my mind.
I looked down ashamed of myself for letting him down. I waited for him to hurl abuses at me.
" I know that you are into girls since a long time. I was waiting for you to come out on your own. " He lifted my chin causing me to look into his eyes.
I broke down and hugged him immediately.
" I am sorry , papa. I was scared of you hating me. " I said in between my sobs.
" If it makes you feel better, we are going to see his daughter. A girl ." He chuckled at me.
" But still I will not agree. " I said adamantly.
" Ishu, I won't force you. But come and meet her . I am sure you will like her and her family. They're really nice people. " He insisted.
I just shrugged it off. I then got ready and went to look for a part time job.
I didn't get any job and came back home a bit sad. Nothing I can't manage.
My papa is waiting for me . That's when I realised that we are going to have dinner with his friend's family.
" Sorry papa, I will get ready and be back soon. " I ran inside my room and changed into my white salwar and paired it with a green dupatta.

 " I ran inside my room and changed into my white salwar and paired it with a green dupatta

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" Where is Ishaan?" I asked him as I hadn't seen him anywhere since I came back. Papa locked the door.
" Here I am." He came out of an auto rickshaw. We then went to the Taj hotel .
Like papa said, they seem like nice people. We greeted each other. I took their blessings by touching their feet.
" You will be perfect for my egoistic daughter. She's a very demanding woman. " The woman said while touching my cheek.
We then went inside and sat on the table. Their daughter still hasn't showed up. My brother and I went to look around the magnificent restaurant.
When we returned , we saw the woman and her daughter talking to each other. More like bickering.
" Mom, I am sorry. Traffic jam. That's why I am late."
" You're irresponsible,Anu. Is this how you do business dinners too? You're behaving like a kid . Maybe I have to twist your ear" She scolded her daughter  causing me to laugh.
They both turned towards me . That's when I realized the woman who I came to see is none other than the one who I slapped yesterday night.
The one who cost me my job. " You?" We both said in unison.

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