Engagement party

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Anamika's POV:

After Jazz send me back to office , I tried to work but my mind constantly went to that peculiar brown eyes girl . She's so naive to even not realise that sales girl is flirting with her .
I have to let everyone know she's mine so that noone can come near her. After our engagement , I will tell her my rules and how I want her to be.
Ishika needs to know who is the boss. While I was waiting for the meeting, Jaaz called again.
" Ana, I have rescheduled all your meetings for today to tomorrow. You're free to go home and get ready. " She said over the phone.
Before I could reply, I could hear Ishika's voice. " Jazz , Ice cream is melting . If you don't come, I will finish it."
" Ishu, not fair huh? I am coming . " Jazz replied to her. The call ended abruptly.
What the hell?
Ishu? Did they got that close to call eachother with nicknames?
I then went to my parents house as the engagement party is going to be held there. The house has been renovated and everything has been changed much to my dismay. But still the feel of home remains. So as Anshul.
I knew I sound like a hypocrite as I moved out because the memories of Anshul was too much to handle.
I greeted them.
" Anu, we want you to move in here. You and Ishika has to start your marriage life here. We already moved our things to our new house in the outskirts of the city. We're not going to let you talk us against it." My mom said as we sat on the couch.
" Maa, how can you make this decision without even asking me? " I asked her .
" Beta, I am planning to step down as chairperson. If you agree to move here and start your marriage life with Ishika, then we will be very happy. Think about it. Else I won't give you the position you're working so hard for ." My dad kinda blackmailed me.
I agree with them .
I then went on to get ready for my engagement tonight.

I choose to wear golden salwar with embroidered dupatta

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I choose to wear golden salwar with embroidered dupatta. I let my hair loose. I came down as I heard that Ishika is on her way soon.
I greeted her father and brother who came in first as Jazz offered to ride with Ishika.
Ishika then arrived and walked past me without sparing me a glance . On the contrary, I couldn't take my eyes off her. She wore a pink lehenga with her hair down. Her minimal makeup . Her sparkling eyes and enchanting smile makes me all excited. I was watching her interact happily with my mom alongside her brother.

" Oh ,poor Ana

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" Oh ,poor Ana. Looking at your fiance who doesn't give a damn about her." Jazz said while pretending to be sad.
" I am not looking at her. I am looking at her cute brother." I lied to save myself from embarassment.
" Oh really? Hey Ishu" she said, causing me to turn my back. She laughed at me as Ishika was still with my mom.
I rolled my eyes and walked towards Ishika. How dare she ignore me?
" Oh, Hi Anamika. How are you?" Ishika greeted me innocently. I excuse ourselves and took her to my room.
" Anamika, what the hell is wrong with you? Why did you bring me here?" She asked me.
I remembered how the girls flirted with her. Then , Her hangout with Jazz till she comes here. Add to that, she totally forgot about me.
" You. You are what's wrong with me. I dragged you here to say my rules. Always remember this, whatever I say you follow. Else I will make sure you never see Ishaan again." I threatened her.
" You , you are unbelievable. I lost my job because of you. Now probably my life is in line. Isn't that enough for you? Why are you keep on troubling me even more? And Ishaan. He is just a kid. Keep him out of this. " She kinda yelled at me.
" So , why don't you try job in strip club ? I am sure you can easily find one given you flirt with almost everyone." I shouted at her with same vincinity.
She raised her hand to slap me but I caught it midway and twisted her hand behind her back while pulling her close. Her back touching my front . She's breathing heavily . May be scared or angry or both.
" Don't you dare to do something like this again. Or else I will make sure you don't do it again ." I hissed at her.
She's beyond beautiful as she glared at me.
" Anything else, your highness?" She sarcastically asked me as she moved away from my hold .
" Yes, Ishu. As we are going to get married, remember that I am your first priority . What I say, you do. No questions asked. I will mind your business though you shouldn't in mine. Don't entertain anyone or flirt with them. It annoys me. "
" But I " she paused as if realising something.
" You know what? She's right about you. Go to hell. I am not marrying you. I will tell my dad myself about the waitress job at night club. He will be angry at first but then he will understand. If anything happens, she will help me." She shouted at me and was about to walk out of the door.
Is it Jazz who offered her help?
" Well, too late Ishu. If you call off our wedding, then you better bid farewell to your brother. I am his legal guardian now. I won't let you near him." I said without any emotion.
" You can't be. My dad won't do such a thing. " She said lowly as she came towards me.
" He did just today. He also agreed to undergo chemo treatment in USA and so he wanted to make sure his kids won't suffer if anything happens to him." I showed her the papers.
She dejectedly sat on the floor. Tears rolled down her cheeks . All I want to do at that moment is to hug her and comfort her. But me being me, " now ,come on . Wipe your tears. Everyone will be waiting for us. " I pulled her up .
She didn't say anything . She went to the restroom and washed her face.
Her eyes are dried up. Her face has lost the smile she came with.
As we walked down the stairs, we saw my father was talking to the guests with the microphone. As soon as they see us, everyone's attention are on us.
" wow, finally my daughter decides to show up. " my dad says over the microphone causing everyone laugh as I wave to them while holding Ishika's hand. She looks at them and manage a smile which was fake as it doesn't reach her eyes. We soon joined him on the stage.
" Ladies and Gentlemen. I have two announcements to make today. " My dad paused as my mom, Ishaan and Karan uncle joined us.
" Firstly I am really proud of my daughter Anamika. She has taken our business to whole new level that I couldn't even imagine. That's why I have decided that it's the right time to step down from the chairman position of Modi group of Companies. "
I could hear murmurs all around us. I am aware of this happening as they literally threatened me to stay in this house for the position. He continued with his speech.
" So, Anamika will take over the chairman position after exactly a month. Now the most important person of this evening . " He and mom took Ishika away from me.
" Meet Ishika Sharma. This girl is our future daughter in law. Yes, people today my baby girl is getting engaged to this sweet girl . She's my childhood friend's daughter. " He announced happily.
Me and Ishika exchanged rings . I kissed her cheek causing her blush. The lights went off and I knew Payal is here.
Ishika was starstruck as I expected. I felt happy seeing her smile. Payal looked like she was shocked at first but then she smiled as she performed.
After her performance is over, Payal came straight to us. While I was thinking about how to ignore her , Ishika let go of my hand and ran straight to Payal.
" Payu, I am sorry. I didn't tell you as I don't want to worry you. Don't leave me for long again." She cried in her arms much to my dismay.
" Payu" me and Jazz siad in unison. She knows Payal personally. Now it makes sense why Ishika was stunned by my name.

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