Pool party

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Ishika's POV:

As Anamika said, Jazz came in early morning and  waited for me patiently until I am done with my daily routine. We both stopped in between to taste local foods in between. After a while, I decided to have a talk about Payal.
" Jazz, do you mind if I ask you something?" I asked her as we are half way through the ride.
" Depends, Ishu. Ask me . I will see whether I can reply. It's high time, you clear your doubts. I know you have been itching to ask me ." Jazz replied casually as she is focused on the road.
" Ok. Why you let go of Payu?" I asked her what was nagging my head. After Anshul's death, they would have got together and went somewhere far away from here.
" I did what I thought was right at that time. I had to leave Payal . Anamika is the reason why I am here with you. I owe my life to her.
I don't care what people think about her. But she is everything for me. She took me   when I lost my parents and wealth at the age of 10. If not for her, I would probably ended up dead a long ago. I owe my life to her. I am forever debted to her.

Ana loved her brother so much that she would anything for him. When Anshul said he wanted to marry Payal, Anamika literally begged Payal to accept his proposal. Though Payal was unhappy with him, she bore everything with him for her.
I told Payal not to break up with Anshul but she didn't listen to me. She did what she thought was correct. She claimed to love me . But I only liked her. It was a mere stupid crush for me. With time, I moved on. " Jazz answers in a calm tone.
" Who are you lying to? Me Or yourself? " I asked her causing her to give me a sad smile.
" Believe what you want to but it doesn't matter to me anymore. " She replied as she took chips from my packet .
" Do you really move on? " I asked her as she munched on.
" Yes. It's not like we had any relationship. She liked me. I liked her. But it didn't work out. " She said as if it was nothing for her.
I got angry at her and decided to remain silent. I couldn't help but  feel bad for Payal. Payal still can't move on from Jazz. Payu deserves someone better than this stupid Jazz.
" Ishu, I am sorry. But I really don't love her as she does. " Jazz said as I wiped my tears.
" It's fine. Payu will get someone who stand with her even if the entire world is against her.  A indecisive coward like you doesn't deserve her. You're not worthy of my payal. " I angrily said and turned towards the windows.
We didn't talk throughout the ride. Once the car reached the farm house, I got down and walked inside. Jazz called me but I didn't pay any heed to her.
I came back to the living room after wandering around for half an hour.
" You're really a kid, Ishu " Jazz smiled as she pats my head. I huffed at her comment.
" So, where am I gonna stay tonight? " I asked her.
" Our room. " I looked up to see the devil approaching me in her office suit.
" I knew that, you smartass. What I meant to ask was which room. " I was annoyed so much that I forgot who I am speaking with.
" I am sor sorry " I stuttered as I saw her glaring at me.
" I will take you there. " She caught hold of my hand and dragged me with her. Jazz just sat there.
" Listen Anamika, I didn't realize it was you. I am sorry . Please don't do anything. Remember you're hosting a pool party here. Please. " I begged with her as I don't want her to be angry with me.
" Here, wear this for the pool party." She placed a paper bag on my hands and walked towards the closet. I peeked inside the bag to see the clothes she bought for me.
A white sleeveless tank top and denim shorts. Underneath it, there was a red bikini similar to the one Payu had got me from Hawaii.

Anamika then emerged from the closet wearing a one shoulder black monokini. She looks extremely sexy and hot in that outfit. I couldn't take my eyes off her.She's unbelievable.

On seeing her like that, I was fuming in anger

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On seeing her like that, I was fuming in anger.

" How dare you? Refusing me to go out in a bikini while you show off your body like this. " I asked angrily as she wore her red sunglasses.
" My wish. My rules. But it feels good to know that I affect you in some way. Don't worry baby, I am yours only. " She kissed my cheek and sensually bite my earlobe before walking out . I was still in a trance until Jazz showed up.
" Why are you still not ready? Guests are already here. " Jazz abruptly brought me back from my trance.
" I will come and join you soon. " With a plan in my mind, I went to change.
I wore what Anamika gave me. As I walked down towards the backyard where the pool is, I saw plenty of woman in bikini flaunting their bodies while some business people are around the corner having drinks and engaged in talks.
Anamika is nowhere to be seen. " Are you looking for your wife? " Again Jazz showed up. Though I am angry with her for what she said about Payal, I stick with her as I know no one other than Anamika and her in this party.
" Can I have a drink? " I asked Jazz as she sat next to me with a drink.
" Ana will kill me, Ishu. " She said as she greeted people who came to greet her. She even introduced me to them. Where the hell is this wife of mine? Wearing swimsuit like that and vanishes the next moment. I murmurs to myself.
" There she is! " Jazz pointed towards the centre of the pool where Anamika emerged from  under water. Water dripping from her wet hair , she swims to the corner of the pool and came out.
" Shut your mouth . Or else flies may enter. " Jazz closed my mouth. Everyone eyes are on her as she walked towards us  while giving a slight nod to people who greet her.
" Guess who? " A pair of hands covered my eyes and whispered in my ears. I couldn't believe it. She's here. But how?
" Becca" I said as I removed her hands and turned towards her. She winks at me and engulfed me in a hug.
Rebecca Wilson.
My best friend from college.
" Ishu, what a surprise! I thought I have to wait until next week to see you. " She told me. I just smiled at her.
I was too stunned to say anything. She's the one I want to invite.
" Umm, Miss Wilson. Can you please let go of her hands? " Jazz interwined. I looked at her puzzled by her words.
" Oh hi, Jazz. How are you? Where is Anamika? " Becca asked her while wrapping her hand around my shoulder.
" I am here, Rebecca. I didn't know you're friends with my wife. " Anamika said coldly as she stood beside me.
Becca looked at me in shock whereas Anamika wrapped her hand around my waist and pulled me close.
" You're in big trouble, Ishi" She kissed my lips leaving me speechless. Anamika then went back to her guests leaving me and Becca alone.

Payal's POV:

I was shooting for an advertisement when my manager came and handed over a parcel to me.
" It's from your fan. He also told to give this letter. " He handed me  a envelope. I took it to my vanity van and opened it.
A blackened rose was inside the parcel. Weird, I thought. Then I opened the envelope. It has pictures of me and Ishu taken in Nepal five years back. Nobody has these pictures except the one who took it. Could it be him? But he was dead a long ago.

" I am back to take what's mine. This time, you can't stop me. Ishika is mine. Mine alone. - RD"
It's him. He's back. That monster is alive. I can't believe it.

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