you're mine

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Ishika's POV:

My heart was racing and I was really unsure what was going to happen but I had an idea that I wasn't going to like it.
" Anamika ji, please leave me" I pleaded but she doesn't intend on stopping as she started to play with my breasts .
She sucked on one nipple while playing with my other nipple. She kissed me again , not gently but rough and demanding one. I opened my mouth as she bite my lips

I started to feel very hot down there as she let her hands roam freely around my naked body. This woman is scaring me. Her fingers are dangerously close to my core.  I  sputtered. "You can't, that's- it's my private! You can't do that!" She laughed at me as I have said something funny.
" Ishi, I own you and your body. Your life is also mine. So, I can do whatever I want." Her words made me look at her in shock. Is she serious?

"Honestly, I don't want to force you. But at the same time , I want to make love to you tonight. So, I'll make you a deal, biwi. Do what I say for the rest of your life. If you do so, I will let you continue your relationship with Payal. If not, I will still get what I want by force. You don't like any of it, I'll assure you .  you're in trouble either way.  Deal?"

I shook my head slowly. I couldn't agree to this. I shouldn't. But I didn't really have a choice, do I?
" No, I won't" I said firmly.
" Then you only have yourself to blame" with that said, she captured my lips again.
She then started to lick, nib and suck on my breasts till it becomes red. Then she does the same to almost everypart of my body.
I don't think how long I last with her behavior. My body hurts like hell with all her bites.
I got  scared as I remember my friend Shreya told me that it will hurt like anything for the first time.
" I have marked you as mine. Now I am going to make you mine . "
" Please don't insert your finger. It will hurt" I begged as she was playing with my clit .
" It will hurt only for a little bit of time . Then it's only pleasure. Stop squirming,biwi." Anamika said with her eyes full of lust.
Tears rolled down my cheeks . But she just kissed it and continue to ravage me . I tried to free my hands from the dupatta and this time I was successful.
I screamed like anything as she insert her finger inside me without any prior warning. I tried to push her off me with my now freed hands but no, her finger still stayed in.
The pain was unbearable at first but then it's subsided. She pinned both my hands above my hand with her one hand and continue fingering me with the other hand.
I climaxed soon then she took her finger out and licked it.
" Congrats Ishita, you're no longer a virgin." She said as she let go of my hands.
I looks at the bedsheet that has tiny stain of my blood. I am no longer a virgin. I tried to get up but she pushed me back down to the bed . She got what she wanted. Now what?
I looked at her dumbfounded by her beauty as she started to remove her clothes in a hurry. I gulped when her naked body made contact with mine. It sends shiver across my spine . She just made me all bothered and hot again. Not that I am going to admit it.
What can I do when my own body is betraying me in every way possible.
" I am not done with you, biwi. " She said as she started to devour me again.

Anamika's POV:

This girl will be death of me. The way she squirm and moan turns me on like anything. She doesn't know the effect she has on me. Though she was hesitant at first , she let me do whatever I want after  that. She was exhausted and eventually passed out.
I made her wear my large t shirt which reached till her mid thighs . I covered ourselves with a duvet and slept with me hugging her from behind.
I had a peaceful sleep after a long time.

The next morning,
I wake up around 8 am. I couldn't help but smile as Ishi cuddling with me . She looks so peaceful and innocent like a baby while sleeping.
I lifted her up from the bed carefully so that I don't wake her up. She stirred a little as I placed her on the couch and went on to call the maids to clean up the room .
I then went on to with my morning routine. When I came out wearing my gym outfit, the maids giggled among themselves as they changed the bedsheets. I glared at them causing them to become silent.
My biwi is still sleeping as I went near her. I picked her up and placed her back on bed and covered her with duvet. After the maids left, I took my mobile and made my way to the gym that was in second floor.
I received a call from my mom once I am done with my workout.
" Anu, I need you and Ishika to come for dinner as we have to share some news. Don't be late."
I returned back to my room only to see Ishi still asleep. I decided to wake her up as it's already 9 am.
" Papa , please five minutes" she mumbled as she turned the other way . I asked the maids to bring our breakfast to our room itself as I don't think she can walk all the way to the dining room.
I went onto get ready and came out of the closet wearing a simple t shirt and pyjamas.
My biwi was still asleep. I went near her and gently tap her shoulders.

Ishi, it's 10 in the morning now. Wake up ,biwi" I said as I moved the curtains to let the sunlight in.
" Payu, two minutes please" she mumbled in her sleep. I got angry as I walk straight to the bed and pulled the duvet harshly causing her to wake up in shock.
" What the hell, Anamika? " She asked me angrily as she tried to cover herself.
" Why can't you let me sleep at peace? " She yelled at me . Before I could give her punishment, her mobile ring .

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