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Ishika's POV:

I woke up to the sight of Anamika coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her perfect body. My body hurts like hell. She brutally battered my body last night.
I am not surprised to see I was not dressed under the covers. But I gasped at the bruises that are literally everywhere on my body.
What surprised me more was she actually tend to my wounds after she was done with me. She is both the beauty and the beast.
" oh, you are awake!" She said as she casually let go of her towel . I averted my gaze elsewhere as my cheeks go red .
" why are you still shy around me,biwi?" She asked me in a playful tone. She lifted my chin up making me look into her eyes.
" I hate you, Anamika " I said coldly and swat her hand away.  She looked at me as if she got hurt by my words but then her action said otherwise.
" Ishi , hate me all you want. But as long as it's me next to you, touching you, kissing you , I don't really care. You are mine. Only mine. I can and will do anything to you. I have all rights  for that." She said as she came closer. I looked around for my clothes but couldn't find it.
She lifted me up and carried me to the bathroom. She placed me on the jacuzzi and jumped right in. She helped me bathe and then carried me out.
Though we both were naked , she didn't make me uncomfortable like she did the last two nights. Her care was genuine. She picked an outfit for me and gave it to me. She glared  at me when I tried to throw it. I am still angry at her for the way she treats me.
" your friend Payal will be here soon. " with that said, she walked away . My mood immediately lifted up as I can see Payal.
I tried my level best to cover the visible bruises with make up.  My bottom part of the body still pains a lot. I swear if at all I gets a chance , I will make her scream and cry in pain.

Payal's POV:

I signed my new movie today with the director Gaurav Sharma. His script impressed me very much . It's a woman love woman story.  He also told me that he has roped in Riya Singhania, Anamika's cousin, the famous rockstar as the other female lead. She never acted in films before. So, I wonder why she changed her mind now .
I am more than happy to hear about her. Riya despise me as I did something unforgivable to her in the past. This shooting of the movie will help me in apologizing to her for my deeds. I was awful to her.
I thought of letting Ishu know about my new film.
I tried calling her many times but she didn't pick up. Maybe she is busy with her new wife.
I stopped calling her and went on with my daily routine. Around midnight, my mobile started to ring. I sleepily took my mobile to see who is calling me at this time.
It's Ishu. I immediately attended the call.
" Ishu"
" Payal, come to my house tomorrow morning." The call ended causing  me to worry. It was Anu who spoke . My sleepiness vanished at the thought of what Anu is going to say tomorrow.
I tried texting and calling Ishu again but it was switched off. I fear the worst for Ishu.

I didn't have an ounce of sleep . I got ready before six itself but waited till 9 to go to Anu's house. I asked my driver to take off and drive my car.  I reached there around 10 am.
As soon as I entered, I saw Anamika sitting cross legged in the living room.
" Payal ?" A voice came from the stairs. Ishu looks at me in confusion as to why I was here.
Seeing her , I sighed with relief. She grinned at me and started to walk towards me. That's when I noticed she is limping and walking with great difficulty.  Anu looked at her and then ran to her the next moment as Ishu groan with pain.

Anamika's POV:

Is Ishi unwell? I immediately rushed to her and lifted her in my arms. As I took a closer look at her, I realised what I have done to her. She turned her face away. Bruises and bite marks are visible despite Ishi's attempt to mask it with make up. Ishu barely does her makeup. I placed Ishu on the sofa and turned towards Payal.
She was furious as she looks at Ishi. She glared at me as I kissed Ishi's forehead. Ishi just keep on looking at Payal.
"Are you ok? , " Payal came to her side and check on her. Payal then sat next to her .
" Of course she's fine .  She's limping because of activities we did last night. We were having a lot of fun which was too much for her. She had a wild night as I wasn't able to control myself. " I spoke on behalf of Ishi while smirking at her. Payal stood up glaring at me angrily.
" you are incorrigible."
Ishi as if sensing we are about to fight, stood up and came in between us. " You both talk like mature people do. I will come and join you guys soon." With that said, She walked away.
" if you're done killing me with your eyes, shall we talk?" I asked Payu who now seems to be confused by Ishi's behaviour. Even I was.
Nevertheless she followed me and sat opposite to me in the sofa . Payal looks at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher.
" I thought you will be different. But no. You didn't bother to wait. " She said in a disappointed tone. I wonder why she didn't fight with me.
Before I could ask her about it, Ishi came back with two mugs of black coffee.
" your favourite black coffee with two cubes of sugar" She hands over the mug to Payal and then gave me one. She then sat next to me. I was bit surprised but then I pulled her close with my arm around her shoulder.
I took a sip and it was really good. I needed it very much after the last night hangover.
" wow, thanks Ishu . I really need it." Payal said while winking at her. What can I say? We both like black coffee. Ishi blushed at her words. I got angry instantly.
I spit it out. " What the hell, Ishi? Is this black coffee? Can't even make coffee right?  You're useless. Stupid. How can anyone drink this?" I said in a cold tone. Ishi's eyes teared up as she looks down.
" you," Payal stood up to defend her but then Ishi grabbed her hand. " It's ok,Payu. You talk with her." With that said, she turned towards me.
" I will make you another one." She slowly  walked and went to the kitchen. I wanted to stop her but then I didn't.
" how can you do that to Ishu?" Payal asked me.
" oh , come on Payal. It's nothing compared to what I can do to her. That's the reason I called you here. " I said as I looked at her.
" correct me if I was wrong. That night when you came to ask me to buy your shares , was it for Ishika?" I asked her .
" yes . I thought of getting her out of this country along with her father and brother when I heard about someone forcing her to marry . I never knew that it was you. She didn't  tell me."
" hmm. Not that it matters  now. You don't have to sell your shares anymore. I can provide for my wife. As a matter of fact, I want you to stay away from my wife . I don't like it when she talks to you. I hate you and you know why.
I am very possessive about what's mine and Ishika is mine. I don't want you to stay in touch with her.
She adores you much to my dismay.If you are worried about her wellbeing, severe your ties with her. If she continues to be in touch with you, I will hurt her more. You know how brutal I can be." I said as Payal looks at me in dilemma.
Payal looks like a lost child upon hearing it. She was taken aback but still maintained her composure.
" so, Payal what are you going to do? Are you going to let your lovely Ishu suffer for your sake? Do you think she deserves to suffer at my hands?" I asked her where it hurts her the most.
" I I will stay away" Payal stammered as she decided to let go of my biwi. That was easy.
" No, she won't. I will not let her do it. " Ishi walked towards me angrily.
" Ishu, it's ok. I can manage. I don't want you to suffer because of me." Payal was stopped abruptly by Ishi again.
" don't you dare say it, Payu. Maybe you can survive without me in contact with you but I can't and I won't. I need my friend, Payu."
Ishi then turned to me ." No ,Anamika. I will do anything but not that. I can't let go of Payal. She's my best friend. Not after everything she has gone through. I can bear whatever you're going to do ,but can't be at peace if I don't talk with her.
I am ready to face hell if it means I can keep my friendship with Payu intact."

Ishi being too attached to Payal annoys me . How come they're so emotionally attached to each other? I pulled Ishi closer to me. I tugged her strand of hair behind her ears and whispered " anything, Ishi?"

She nodded as she shivers at the closeness of me. She flinches yet again as my fingers graze her cheeks. I rolled my eyes as she still flinches at my touch.
She nodded and her voice was barely a whisper as I grabbed her hand. I was leaning in until I realised that Payal is here.

" I will let you know what I want tonight,biwi. But, Consider your freedom is long gone." I said coldly as she yanked my hand away.
" if you're done , shall I go with Payal for a while?" Ishi asked me causing me smirk. Her fiesty attitude is back.
" Though I don't like the tone of yours , I agree to let you leave as you asked me for my permission. " I smirked as I already knew what to ask her to control her.
" Anu, I will stay away from her. Don't think about it. She doesn't know the extent ,you will use her words. I will make her understand." Payal said as she tried to change Ishi's decision. Payal was once my bestfriend . She knew how my brain works. My poor biwi has no idea.
" honestly I don't care,Payu. I have already lost my freedom and a lot more ever since I saw her. Whatever little bit left, she will do something to take that away anyways. So, let her be. " Ishi said and walked out with Payal.
" I need you to be back by 7 pm ,Ishi " I said loudly to which she mumbled" whatever "

You lost your freedom,Ishi! Seriously, I will show you what I am capable of. You're going to regret your words. You better be home .


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