Buying some time

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Anamika's POV:

" Ana Anamika , I am sorry. " Ishi stuttered as I honked the car infront of my parent's new house. A security immediately opened the gates and let us in. I parked my car  without glancing at Ishi as I don't want to make her cry . Not now when my parents can come out anytime.
" Anu, Ishu ." My mom came excitingly towards us as we got out of the car. I walked away after greeting her leaving Ishi alone with her.
" So how is my favourite daughter doing?" Papa asked me causing me to smile.
" Dad, I am your only daughter." I replied as I sat with him. Ishi sat away from me which irked me. Then,My mom took Ishi with her to show her the house. I decided to look for them after a hour as they didn't come back.
" Chiru, Anu . Come . Dinner is ready. " My mom called out. My dad lead us to the dining table. Ishi isn't there. I looked around the kitchen but she's nowhere to be seen. I started to get nervous.
" Anu, I forgot to tell you. Ishu won't be joining us. She's sleeping in the room." My mom told me.
I can't believe it. She literally slept whole day. Yet she still she is sleepy.
" But she hasn't eaten anything ." I said as they looked at me with amusement. I never cared about anything or anyone after Ansh's death. It probably shocked them.
" I will take care of her. You don't worry. " Mom just shut me off. I don't know why but I could see my mom was looking at me keenly as if she wants to say something.
" Anu, after dinner come with me. I will show you the room you will be staying whenever you comes to visit us. " Mom said as she ate.
" Anu,  we called you to tell you the news you have been waiting for. Starting tomorrow, you will be the chairman of Modi group of companies. I am retiring officially. So, congratulations. You made me proud of your achievements. " Papa said happily but my mom looked disappointed with me.
After dinner, she didn't waste any time as she took me to the room I will be staying whenever I visits them. Once inside, I was slightly disappointed as Ishi isn't there either.
" Where is Ishi, maa?" I asked as I was annoyed with her hide and seek game. If she's that scared of me ,then she shouldn't have triggered me.
As I was lost in my own thoughts, my mom slapped me hardly on my right cheek.
" Maa"
" Silent. Not a word , Anu. I am disappointed with you. How dare you to hit Ishu? " She asked me angrily causing me to look at her in shock.
Did she rat me out to my mom? Is that her wise plan of escaping me? Oh Ishi, how stupid can you be! You're gonna pay heavily for it.
" Anu, I am not going to let you harass Ishu. And for the record, she didn't tell me. I can see it with my own eyes. She's scared to even sit next to you. Be good with her or else ,you will know what I can do. " She said furiously.
I looked down at the floor causing her to lift my chin up.
" Tomorrow you are leaving the house alone. Ishu stays with me until I believe that she's safe with you. " With that said , she walked out.
Ishi, how can you be so careless? I was so lost in my anger that I marched towards my mom's room.

Ishika's POV:

After arriving at my in laws place , I sat a little away from Anamika as I was scared of her . Luckily then my MIL took me with her to show me around.
After completing our house tour, she took me to her bedroom.
" Ishu, do you really like Anamika?" She asked me. I honestly don't know what to reply.
She should have asked me before her daughter married me. Not now.
" I do like her , aunty." I replied as I knew  of the consequences.
" Ishu, though you cover up your bruises with makeup , it's still visible to me. I also saw the awkwardness between you and her since you both came here .
You are scared to even sit near her. Why? " She asked me with a genuine concern. She was really worried about me. But still I didn't tell her about her monster daughter who is hell bent on ruining me.
" I am still feeling awkward around her, aunty. It will be normal as time goes by. You don't worry. " I assured her. I didn't find it in my heart to tell her that her daughter raped me. She hugged me and told me to sleep in her room for tonight.
I agreed almost immediately. Anything to keep me away from my wife.
" Ishu, you stay here. I will send you food ." Saying that she left. Soon, maid came in with my food. I ate full to my heart's content And then after finishing it, I started to watch the recent movie in which Payal acted.
Suddenly the door was pushed open so hard that I turned to look at what or who caused that damage.
" Surprised to see me, biwi" Anamika asked me coldly as she locked the door. She has a sinister smirk on her lips as her eyes are fixated on me. She looks like a raging lion as I gulped at her dark aura.
" Anu, open the door. Don't do anything stupid" I could faintly hear aunty's voice  causing me to try to move past her.
She grabbed my wrist harshly and held me close to her. I could hear my own heart beats as I tried to break free from her hold. She leaned in and I could feel her minty breath.
" Ishi, I want you to come with me right now. We are leaving to our home. Now." She kinda yelled at me.
Startled by her words, I looked at the door which is continuously knocked by aunty.
" But aunty said " I stopped midway as she glared at me.
" Not a word, Ishi. I am your wife not her.  So , my words always comes first. " With that said, she encircled her arms on my waist and pulled me in.
The door was still knocked on by aunty with her also calling out my name.
" An" Her lips found mine as she began to kiss me roughly. She nibbled on my lips way too hard that I pushed her due in pain. I couldn't stop from crying out in pain.
I wiped my tears and walked to open the door. But, She was beyond furious as she grabbed my hands and pulled me towards her.
" Please, Anamika. Don't do anything stupid here. It's your mom's room and she was banging on the door for a long time. She doesn't have to witness this. So, let me open the door. I will come with you . Whatever you want to unleash on me, do it in our house." I said as I tried to  avoid any fight starting between her and her mom .
She let go of me and walked to put my dress and mobile in my back pack .
" Then You better hurry, biwi " she said coldly as I opened the door.
" Ishu, are you ok?" Aunty worriedly asked me as She hugged me.
" Maa, we are leaving. So, make it short." Anamika vehemently took my arm and looks at aunty with a victory smirk.
" Ishu , you can stay here for a while until you are comfortable with her." Aunty told me.
" It's ok, aunty. I will go with Anamika. We will be fine. Besides I will be worried about her if I am away from her." I lied bitterly.
" Anu, I know you did something to her. But please, don't take out your anger on her. Take care of her. She's a good girl."
Anamika didn't even wait as she dragged me out from there after letting her father know that we are leaving at night itself.
I dreaded on what awaits me as she gave me a cold glare all the way to her place.

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