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Ishika's POV:

After the pool party, Anamika didn't bother me and was always working. I developed a friendly bond with everyone working in our house. They're all good, nice and loyal people. Such people are hard to found these days. Modi family is lucky to have them.
Me and Shanti didi are pretty close. She was patient enough to buy me the stuffs required for my college.
I am excited to go to college. I tried calling Becca after the incident. But she ignored me.
" All ready for your first day, Ishu? " Shanti didi asked me as she hands over the lunch box.
" Yes. See you in the evening. " I rushed towards the entrance only to barge straight into someone. I took a step back and looks at the face of that someone. Anamika Modi.
" Watch your step, biwi! " She made me look into her eyes by lifting my chin up. " I will drop you today. Car will come to pick you after college. " She said as she grabbed my hands and started to walk at a fast pace.
" Why don't you leave me in my house? My scooty is there. I will go from there myself. " I said slowly.
" This is your house, sweetheart. And for your scooty, no. You're not going alone. " She smirked as she stops in front of her car.
I gasped at the car. It's freaking Rolls Royce Arcadia.
" Are you going to stand and stare at it all day or what? " She asked as she brought me back to reality.
I can't be seen in this. People will speculate. People in college doesn't know about my marriage as my identity hasn't been revealed yet. It was Anamika's decision and I am thankful for that.
" I I can't come with you. " I stutter fearing her.
" Biwi, come and sit next to me. " She said as she looks at her phone.
" But people in college will speculate as they don't know about our relationship. " I explain her.
" Do I look like I care? Moreover I already gave the media our wedding pictures last night. At the moment, people all over India know who you are. So, come on. " She said as if it was nothing.
I tried not to panic and  sat next to her. She pulled me closer to her. She placed her head on my shoulder while enterwining her fingers with mine.
I checked the social media to find out that Anamika has seriously done it. I started panicking. She laughed at me.
" Do you seriously think I will do something like that?" She asked as she cupped my cheeks.
" You're so cute . Sadly, We are already here." She let me go. I realized that she just pranked me. Suddenly someone knocked on our car window.
It's the principal himself .
Anamika immediately rolled her side window of the car.
" Anamika, how are you? " He greeted her. She told me to go to my class. I came out and walked away from them. I looked from a distance to see them talking casually.
" Got to agree with you, your wife is really hot. Everyone is gawking at her. " Priya said as she looks at Anamika.  I looked around to see both girls and boys are ogling at her.
Damn Anamika, why do you dress up like this? I don't like people staring at her.
" Ok, enough of it. " I covered Riya's eyes and dragged her from there.

" Come straight to office after college

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" Come straight to office after college. Driver will be coming to pick you. " Anamika's text message buzzed on my mobile screen.

As I entered the class, my classmates started to murmur. Both Priya and me are confused until they started to mock me.
" Ishika, I know you're poor. But I didn't realize that you will stoop so low to find yourself a sugar daddy. That too with that devil herself. I thought you are a nice girl. But no. You're selling your body . Shame on you! " Rebecca spoke harshly as the others laughed at me.
" Becca, it " I was stopped abruptly by her pushing me away. I fall down as she smirked at me.
Priya helped me and was about to hit Becca when the lecturer showed up. All my classmates become silent . Me and Priya took the front seats. Becca walked past me, not before mouthing " Watch out. I will show you hell. "
At lunch time, me and Priya sat at our regular place . Becca was nowhere around.
We were having our lunch when Priya started to ask me.
" Rebecca knew you're married to Anamika, right? Then why she is tarnishing your image and insulting you? "
" She loved me, Priya. She was angry because I didn't know about her feelings. " I replied as I looked at my phone.
" I know you only has one class left for today. Driver is on his way. After the class got over, come to the office. " Anamika texted me.
" That's ridiculous. If she loves you, then she will not be hurting you like this. Also she should have told you. Coward. " Priya said slightly agitated.
" Look who we have here" Rebecca stood in front of our table.
" Please Becca, I am your friend. Don't do this. You will regret it. " I advised her. But she was in mood to listen. She Intentionally pushed my lunch box off the table causing the food to spill on the floor.
" Oops sorry . " With that, she walked past us.  Priya gave her earful but Rebecca didn't mind it at all.
After the last class, I headed out to the car waiting for me.
" Madam here ,have this. Boss told me to give you once you comes to the car. " Driver handed me a strawberry milkshake. For the first time in the day, I smile at the gesture of my wife. She's caring about me. I forgot all about Rebecca .
Once I reached the the thirty floor Modi Empire, I don't know where to go. I called Jazz .
" Ishu, Ana is coming to get you. " Jazz said and hung up on me.
" Biwi. " Anamika's powerful voice echoed the entire place as she came out of an elevator.
All the people on the floor turned their heads towards me. I felt shy at the attention I am getting because of her word.
I don't know what came over me . But as soon as I saw her, I ran into her and hugged her tightly .
She was frozen for a second before slowly rubbing my back. I let go of her after realizing we are in her office.
" Let's go. " She grabbed my hand and walked inside the elevator she came from. Once the door got closed, she let go of my hand and looked the other way.
Is she mad at me for hugging her?
" Hey, welcome to your wife's hell on earth. " Jazz hugged me as Anamika darted out once we reach the top floor. So, her office is in top floor.
" Come with me, Ishu. I will show you what You have to do. " Jazz took me to her cabin and gave me the schedule of Anamika . I looked at her dumbfounded as I don't know what her schedule got to do with my work.
" Oh, wait. She didn't tell you. You're her new PA starting today. I am now a managing director. But I will help you in all ways . So, don't worry. " Jazz said.
" Wow, you got promoted. You got to treat me. " I happily hugged her.
" Once you guys are done with your congratulations, Ishi come to my cabin. " With that Anamika stormes off.
" Only you and her in this floor? " I asked Jazz. " Yep. Now go before she comes back again. " Jazz said as she buried herself in  her work.
I knocked on the door and then entered.
" Anamika ji, I am sorry about hugging you downstairs. That was inappropriate of me. Please forgive me. I won't do it again. " I told her as I don't want anymore problem.
" Do you seriously think that I was mad at you for that reason? Ishi, we're married . I controlled myself as all I want to do at that time was this one. " She said and locked her lips with mine. She was gentle and tender while kissing me. I bite her lips and she opened her mouth . Our tongues battles for dominance and She let me win. We let go of each other after becoming breathless. She looks at me like I was the most precious thing on earth.
I looked away from her due to sudden shyness. My cheeks are red in colour as  I can't look into her eyes.

Sorry for the long wait  .
I was caught up with family issues.
Do comment and vote.
Also I remember typing Ishu's friend as Riya in a previous chapter which I forgot. If anyone remember, kindly let me know.  I will change accordingly.
Thanks for your support.
Waiting for some comments other  than asking about updates .
The other update will be sooner. I won't take much time.

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