Beaten up

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Ishika's POV:

It's been a month. The abuses and bullying didn't stop in fact got worse.  I managed to cope with it, hoping one day Becca will come back to her senses. But sadly no.
She joined hands with the mean cheerleaders squad and the cheerleaders also joined in making fun of me.
While people still gossip about me, some actually took my side.
To make matters worse, Rebecca started to having drinks and attending classes in that state.
She made me do her assignments and often ridicule me. I didn't let that affect me . 
On the other hand, life with Anamika is going on smoothly. Working under her is really helpful. She is an extraordinary person when it comes to business. I have been learning a lot. I am interning under her though I work as her PA.
I have been told that she never had any interns before. I feel elated after hearing that.
I was worried about her health as she drops me home around 9 pm and got immersed with work in her home office. She was very professional in office  and in home, she didn't mind me at all. I should be happy but I miss her so badly.
I want to hug her and let her know about the bullying I am going through.
Priya has been pesturing me to seek help from my wife. But I don't want to risk mine and Rebecca's future.

I was walking on the hallways when a hand suddenly pulled to the corner and covered my mouth with her other hand. I was scared to face her. Her breath reeks of alcohol.
" Becca, leave me. I have to go! " I said calmly still believing she won't hurt me.
" Why? " She trapped me in between her hands with the wall behind me.
" I have class. Someone might see us and take it wrongly. " I replied while looking around.
" This whole college thinks you're a gold digger and a whore, baby. So, nothing going to change even if anyone sees us unless it's your wife. " She smirked as she mentioned Anamika.
" I wonder how she will react .  Will she also believe the rumours? " Her fingers sensually grazed my cheeks causing me to push her with all my might.
" How dare you? " She lunges at me. I pushed her again causing her fall flat on the floor. I walked past her only to be pushed back by someone. Lavya, captain of cheerleaders smirks at me.
" Apologize now. " She snarled at me.
" Lavya, it's none of your business. " I tried to walk away as her nasty friends joined her. They blocked my way. Rebecca stood up and whispered something in Lavya's ear and walked away.
They circled around me and blocked my way completely. Since no one was around, I was scared of my dear life. " Now, let's play. " Lavya said and came a little too close making me uncomfortable. She hit me in my stomach and slapped me. She then pushed me down  and soon her friends joined her. They kicked me in my stomach repeatedly while hurling insults at me. I covered my face and was about to faint when Priya came there with principal. They ran away from there.
Priya helped me and took me with her to the hospital after complaining about the cheerleaders. The principal promised to take action and I requested him not to let my wife know.
I got myself treated and asked Priya to drop me back in college as I don't want to  anger Anamika. Since the classes are over by then, driver arrive exactly at the same time aa we entered the college.
" Madam, what happened? " He asked me  with concern.
" Hmm I fell down the stairs. Can you please drop me home instead of office? I will let your madam know. " I asked him as I don't think I can work as the medicines I took made me dizzy. He nodded and took me home.
I messaged my wife and immediately dozed off.

Anamika's POV:

Ishi is a fast learner. I know that I push her hard a lot of times but she manage to strive through it. After Jazz, she is the only one who put up with me in working together.
I became distant with her after she hugged me in my office. I was scared to let my guard down. I can't show any weakness as Ansh said. Ishi will definitely take advantage of me if she get to know that I care about her a lot.
I will not let her manipulate me. She was still scared of me which helps me in keeping her within my control
My wife definitely has a  great future in this field. I was waiting for her arrival so that I can surprise her with her salary for her internship. I even planned a have dinner in a restaurant tonight.

" Sorry Anamika. I am not well and can't come today. I am going home. I might be asleep in case I didn't pick your call. " Ishi texted me. I immediately called her but no response. I tried calling landline but still no one picks up. That's when I realized how I gave them  all off early.
I called Jazz to come in with the driver who went to pick her up?

" What the hell happened to her? " I grabbed his collar as soon as he came in.
Madam, Ishu had bruises on her arms and was holding her stomach. She said she fell down and asked to drop her home. " He replied while shaking in fear.
" Something is not right here. As far as I know, she's not clumsy. I also noticed that how she was always tired when she comes to work. " Jazz said causing me to glare at her.
" And you're telling me this, now. Jazz, I think someone is picking on her and that intellectual fool hides it from us. " I said angrily as I picked my stuffs and was on my way out.
I furiously drove back home. I ran towards her room to see her sleeping peacefully. I forgot all my anger on seeing her but then I my anger skyrocketed when I saw her hands.
I gently caressed her hand when she started to mumble something in her sleep.
" Please, don't hit me! It hurts.
Becca. No. I will do it. " I managed to hear before she dozed off again.

I checked her mobile and got to know about the bullying she is facing from her chat with her friend Priya. Looks like she hide it from everyone.
A video was sent to her by Priya followed by a message.
" Look you have to tell your wife. It's getting worse. Rebecca and lavya even ciculated the video of you getting beaten up by them. . If you're not telling her, I will let her know. "
I played the video and my blood boiled on seeing how helpless Ishi was.
I kissed her forehead and walked away from there.

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