The next day

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Ishika's POV:

This woman is unbelievable. I think she was always annoying and irritating in the morning. Before I could give her an earful, my mobile rang.
Who am I kidding? Had I lashes out at her, only god knows what she will do to me. My bad . I got saved by whoever was calling me. With much difficulty , I somehow reached my mobile.
Anamika glared at me as she was right next to me.
" Payu" I answered the call. It's not like Anamika will be nice to me if I doesn't answer it.
" Ishi, I am sorry for yesterday night. How are you doing? Does Anu harm you?" Payu asked me worriedly.
" No . I am fine. How about you? I was worried about you as you drunk so much yesterday. Please don't hide anything from me. I can't bear it." I said as Anamika vehemently took my mobile from me.
She smashed my mobile by throwing it at the wall. I was startled by her actions.
" Why did you do that, Anamika? I was talking to her." I sighed as I sat back on the bed.
" I don't like you talking to her. I made it clear last night. I want you to stop it." She replied as she came and sat next to me.
Her hand is grazing around my thighs occasionally going up and down.
" Don't touch me!" I angrily swatted her hand away and moved a little away from her.
" Fiesty huh? I thought I tamed you last night. But looks like you still have it." She said as she looks at me like a predator.
" You raped me last night, Anamika. There is nothing to be proud of. In fact ,you should be ashamed of yourself. " I angrily said as I glared at her.
" Biwi, I did what I thought was right. You're mine, biwi. Your body, heart and soul belongs to me. I also made it clear that I want you to be ready to become my wife in all senses. It's not like I pounced on you without any prior warning.
Mistake was yours for thinking I am not serious." She explained to me .
" Ever heard of consent? " I asked her sarcastically.
" Yes. But not a fan of it." She answered arrogantly.
I can't believe that I have to put up with this woman for life. I sat back on the bed.
" Aren't you going to take bath?" She asked me . Is she serious?
" I don't mind to join you." She said in the sultry tone causing hairs on my back to raise. Stupid body.
I angrily walked towards the bathroom ,but my legs let me down causing me to fall. I closed my eyes for the impact of hitting the floor but it never came.
I opened my eyes to see Anamika holding me by my waist. She helped me up and carried me inside the bathroom. She then set me down  and arrange the bath on the bathtub.
" Here we go!" She removed my t shirt without any prior warning and placed me on the tub.
I suddenly felt very shy and embarrassed in her presence.
" Now what are you waiting for ? Leave" I said harshly.
" If only I can cancel the dinner at my parent's place." She mumbled and walked out after glaring at me.
I sighed and relaxed in the tub. I have no idea of getting out and walk straight into the hands of monster anytime soon.
I felt like someone carrying me causing me to open my eyes.
" You!" I shrieked as I am naked and she smirked at me.
" Yes biwi. Why you want someone else ?" She asked me angrily.
" You can put me down. You know, I can walk ." I said as I tried to wiggle my way out.
" No ." Her face barely had any emotion.
" atleast let me wear the robe!" I said as I felt insecure of my body being exposed.
* Biwi, I have already seen you naked. Why shy around me? You're looking gorgeous. All I want is ravage you ,so stop testing me. We need to visit my parents." She said as she carried me to the wardrobe.
" I have already selected our attire for tonight. Wear this for now and join me for breakfast." She said as she put me down on the bed.
I immediately put on bra and panties as she chuckled at my actions. I was lost for words by her laugh. She was breathtakingly gorgeous when she smile.
" You look good when you smile genuinely." I let  the words slip out of my mouth.
She walked away without saying anything. I wore the t shirt and shorts. I walked  slowly as I was still sore and made it to the table.
Anamika didn't spare me any glance as she continued to eat while pushing a plate full of food in my direction. Why she become cold again?
As a matter of fact, I should be the one who is angry with her. We both are in complete silence. It's weird as I keep on stealing glances at her.
I stood up after a while. I walked out of the room and decided to your myself around the house.
"Madam, do you need anything?" A woman in her thirties asked me worriedly as she helped me from falling down . My legs simply gave out on me after walking for a while.
" Thanks. Call me Ishu. You're " I asked her .
" Shanti madam. "
" Ok Shanti madam, Can you assist me to the living room?" I asked her .
" Shanti , only Shanti ma Ishu " she laughed as she helped me .
" Didi, If you don't mind, can you please bring me my phone from my room?" I asked her as I pressed the tv remote.

" Didi, If you don't mind, can you please bring me my phone from my room?" I asked her as I pressed the tv remote

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" no need. You can leave. " A cold voice came from behind which I am somewhat familiar with now. Shanti didi looked at me helplessly before leaving from there.
She placed a brand new mobile on my lap and I looked at her. She looked super hot in that white suit. As if sensing my eyes on her, She turned away.
" Be ready sharp at 5 pm. We need to visit my parents. " with her back to me, she left after saying it.
I was too scared to even utter a word. I was fuming but I couldn't let it out.
This wife of mine is truly something. I sighed as I checked my new mobile and it's features.
I had more than 25 missed calls from Payu and Becca. Becca is my bestfriend who is currently on a business trip to Australia for her father. I totally forgot about her with my marriage.
Before I could call them , my mobile rang.
" Finally Ishu, how are you? I am going crazy , worrying about you as your mobile was switched off. " Becca asked me .
" I am fine. Sorry, I forgot to charge my mobile last night. How about you? How is your trip so far? " I asked her.
" So far, good. I even managed to meet with Elysse Perry ." She said which immediately got me interested. I am a big fan of her.
I spoke with her for about an hour and ended the call when I saw Payu calling me.
" Ishu, is it really you? " She asked me as I answered her call.
" Very funny Payu. How bad is your hangover?" I asked her.
" I am really sorry,Ishu. I shouldn't have stayed till reception. I couldn't bear it when I saw Jazz . She's doing well and least bothered about me. It hurts  me, Ishu. You know how much I loved her. But still ,I shouldn't have drank that much. Sorry Ishu, don't be mad at me." She said as I walked back to our room.
" It's ok,Payu. Maybe it's time you move on. Jazz already moved on as you see it yourself. Anyways I am to my in laws house for dinner. I will talk with you soon." I ended the call and dozed off.
I was woken up by Shanti didi.
" Ishu, it's 4 pm. You need to get ready. Madam will be furious if she sees you like this."
I rolled my eyes at her words but nevertheless I don't want to face the wrath of that monster. So, I got ready with the help of Shanti didi.

As expected , Anamika came home around 5 pm and she just caught hold of my hand and pulled me to her car

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As expected , Anamika came home around 5 pm and she just caught hold of my hand and pulled me to her car. No words ,no compliments. No apologies.
She made sit in the passenger side and drove from the house.
" This name is correct." I mumbled to myself as I changed her contact name from wifey to " monster wife" . She suddenly halted the car and snatched my mobile from my hands.
" Heyy!" I yelled but she didn't pay any heed as her eyes are fixated on my mobile. I don't know what to do.
" You will see how much of a monster I am tonight, biwi." She said coldly causing shivers down my spine.
The rest of the ride went with me cursing myself in my mind and waiting for a chance to escape this mad woman's wrath. Maybe I can stay the night with my in laws.


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