Don't mess with me!

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Anamika's POV:

" What the hell she want and why do you even let her in?" I asked Jazz angrily as I walked inside my penthouse. It's been five years since I last saw her in person.
" Oh , come on Anu . It's been five years. Are you still angry with me ?" Payal asked me as she sat comfortably in my couch.
In my freaking couch! I am going to burn it. I fumes inwardly.
" I will never forgive you. So, come straight to the point. Why are you here?" I asked her straight away .
" I want to sell my shares in my father's company to you. I need money . Sooner the better." She replied as she sipped the black coffee Jazz might have offered her.
I looked at her in disbelief. She's the highest paid actress in the industry and add to that she has many properties in her name. Why is she specific on selling her shares which might harm her father's Chairperson position.
" Payal, any problem?" Jazz asked with concern.
" Glad that you still care for me. No. No problem at all. I need money. You need power. It's win win for both of us." Payal turned to me.
" Why me? Anyone will buy those shares ." I asked her as I sat opposite to her.
" They might take advantage of my need. I trust you . Irrespective of our situation, I know you will be fair."
" Uncle will disown you." I said without any emotion.
" Not that I care. They let me alone when I needed them the most. All because of you and your family. They choose to side with you so that their business won't suffer because of what I did. So, I don't care about him." She said as if it didn't affect her.
Knowing her all my life , I knew when she lie. I just let it go. I was about to reject her proposal when I remembered Ishika's photo with her. An idea came to my mind.
" Payal , I will consider buying your shares if you perform on my engagement tomorrow. " I said as I thought of getting into good side of my in laws.
" what ? You're getting engaged? " Jazz asked in shock while Payal smiles at me.
" You call me your best friend and didn't tell me. " Jazz huffed .
" I will definitely perform on your engagement. I am so happy for you, Anu. Even if you don't believe it." Payal said and hugged me. I pushed her at once.
" So, who is that lucky girl?" She asked me as if she didn't mind my action. What a wonderful actress !
" None of your business. Jazz will contact your assistant and you be there on time. Now leave." I said harshly.
" I agree you lost your brother. But I lost a lot more. When will you listen to me,Anu?" Payal walked off after putting her glasses on.
" You know you don't have to be rude with her ." Jazz said as she see Payal take the elevator.
" Why not? She's the reason my life got ruined. She caused me pain ,sorrow which lasts for lifelong. I lost Anshul because of her. " I muttered as I held onto the edge of the table.
After a few minutes of silence , Jazz placed her hand on my shoulder. I turned and she hugged me. I just pulled away and nodded at her. I never cried after that fateful day.
" So, looks like your parents matchmaking efforts paid off. Who's the girl?" She asked as we both sat on the couch.
" Ishika Sharma. You have seen her. " I told her. She looked at me puzzled by my words.
" The girl who slapped me yesterday." I replied as I thought of her. Ishika.
Jazz's face changed from happiness to sad. " So you're marrying her for what she did yesterday. Aren't you?" She asked me sadly . I nodded as I went towards the kitchen.
I opened the fridge and took a beer can for her. I gave it to her.
" What about you? Are you not going to drink for your engagement?" She asked sarcastically as I decided to not drink.
" I drank the milk, Ishika gave me before coming here. So, I am full." My reply made her smile.
" You know what. I think she's right girl for you. She can make you believe in love. You will be happy like real happy with her. Soon you will be gushing about her. " She said as I let out a sarcastic chuckle.
" Love doesn't exist ,Jazz. True love kills , causes immense pain to your near and dear ones. "
" Love will heal all your sorrows and pains. One day you will change your views,Ana. I am sure about it." She said as she took a sip of beer.
I didn't respond to it.

Ishika's POV :

" Don't worry,Ishu. I will definitely save you." She texted back. I smiled at the predicament I am in. It's not that easy to escape the clutches of that ruthless devil. I didn't tell her that it is Anamika Modi who is supposed to be my bride. Her ex best friend.
I couldn't sleep as today's events repeatedly kept on playing in my mind.  Why me? 
Suddenly my mobile rang.
I looked at the clock to see it's 11:30 pm. Add to that , it says Wifey in my contacts.
" Hello" I hesitantly answers the call.
" Biwi, what are you doing by staying awake until now?" I heard the devil speak.
" Anamika ? " I asked to confirm.
" Yes. Why? Do you expect someone else to call you at this time?" She asked coldly . I could sense her anger.
" No. Anything important, Anamika?" I asked as I yawned.
" Well , good news biwi. Tomorrow night is our engagement. My parents told me after I left your house. Ot else I would have seen your face." She said as she let out a sarcastic laugh. I am in a state of shock. What the hell? Everything happens so fast.
" Looks like you can't wait to marry me." Words slipped out of my mouth.
" Yes. What can I say? You're too smart and I don't want to give you any chance to back out. Oh, I almost forgot. Be ready at 9 am tomorrow . I am taking you to shopping. You need a new wardrobe and we need to spend time together. See you tomorrow, biwi." She ended the call.
God, why? I then remembered that I have a job interview at that time.  So, I called her .
" What biwi? Are you missing me that badly that you called me within minutes?" She mockingly asked me. This woman is getting on my nerves.
" No, your highness. I called you to tell you something. I have a job interview at GS enterprises at 9 am. Can you please postpone the shopping or do it on your own? " I calmly said as I don't want to anger her.
" How dare you , Ishika? I am a busy woman. I am not your maid. Also what did I say today? Whatever I say, you follow. So,  be ready. Don't you dare to defy me." With that she hung up. She is a fireball.
Morning came.
I got ready and went to my scheduled interview . I know it was stupid of me to defy her but I can't let her dictate my life and I need a job to continue my father's treatment and Ishaan 's studies.
" You can go in . " The receptionist said while giving me a wink. I smiled at her and went inside only to find two furious green eyes glaring at me ferociously.
" A a Anamika" words stopped midway as she lunged forward and had me pinned across the wooden door.
She closed the door and grabbed my arm.
" Didn't I tell you not to come here?" She asked as she pushed me on the swirling chair.
She placed both her hands on either sides. I was too scared to see her at this moment. She was beyond furious and has a dark powerful aura. She's intimidating me.
" I I need " I was stopped by her.
" Yes or no?" She asked me.
" Yes" I meekly replied. She leaned in and I closed my eyes fearing she might hit me.
" Now , come on. Let's go. It's getting late." She then moved away and took her bag. I was still in trance when she called my name again.
" You're fired!" She said coldly to the receptionist causing me to look at her in disbelief. She owns this company too.
While in the car, she pulled me on her lap and covered the screen on the front so that her driver can't see us. As a matter of fact , her car has tinted glass. Nobody can see us from outside either.
She tied my hands behind my back using my dupatta. Her hands kept on touching my thighs at regular  intervals despite my resistance. When I tried to move away from her , she held my waist tightly.
" Next time, don't mess with me. I won't  be as lenient as I am now." She warned me .
She then let go of me as the car ride ended. She stopped at the most expensive boutique in Delhi.
I wonder why there is no customer here. The owner of the shop came to greet her.
" Miss Modi, as per your wish , this shop is closed until noon for the other people. My employees will assist you if you want. " The owner then left. She flaunts her money power.
Three girls around my age came and stood infront of us. Anamika asked two girls to follow her leaving me alone with only one girl.
She was friendly and made occasionally jokes . I also liked her company.
" Can I have your number, Ishu?" She asked me when the she devil appeared with two girls.
Those girls too smiled at me causing me blush.
" No, she is my fiance.  She won't give you her number. In fact , you all can leave. We can manage ourselves. " She said coldly.
After they left,
" And you , seriously Ishu ? She's clearly flirting with you . You're  encouraging her instead of telling her off. You're my fiance. Remember that. Now try this" she handed me a hell lot of dresses .
After modelling all the dresses , she choose some of the dresses. She even picked the lingerie sets and then my inners much to my dismay.
" Thank God Ana , you're still here . Your meeting with the investors is in an hour. You go there. I will take your fiance home safely." A woman around Anamika's aga walked in. She talked with Anamika at ease . Anamika glared at her but it didn't have any effect on her.
" Ishika, I can't wait to see you tonight. Remember the things I can do to you . Not a word . Don't miss me too much " Anamika whispered in a warning tone and left.
" Hi, Ishika right? I am Jaspreet Kaur, you can call me Jazz. I am Anamika's bestfriend and assistant. We met before at the night club." She introduced herself. That's why she looked familiar. Payal showed me their pictures.
We then walked out as Anamika already seenpaid for everything before she left.
Jazz took me  to a parlour and helped me get ready for my engagement with Anamika Modi.
Jazz was very friendly and we sync with eachother.
My mobile ring. It's her.
What do I tell her? Will she be fine hearing that I am going to marry her ex bestfriend and it's her who's been threatening me.


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