she's a monster

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Anamika's POV:

I grabbed Ishika's hand and walked back to the stage. I stayed for a while and didn't let go of her hand. I intentionally dug my nails deeper into her soft skin . She winced and tried to pull her hand away but to no avail.
She looked at me with pleading eyes but I am blinded by anger . I made her smile through the pain. After a while , I decided I had enough of her wincing. I dragged Ishika with me and walked towards the house entrance.
" Congratulations mam" many guests wished me as I dragged Ishika along with me.
My parents smiled at us thinking I am taking her for our wedding night. I locked the main door and grabbed Ishika's hair. She cried out in pain as I dragged her all the way towards my bedroom. The bed was beautifully decorated with rose petals and string of Jasmine flowers tied to the bedpost.
I pushed her on the bed and when she got up , I pushed her back to the bed angrily.
" What the.." Before she could finish her sentence, I slapped her.
" How dare you , Ishika? You embarassed me in our reception and ran to Payal as if she's your wife. Idiot!"
Her hand immediately went to her cheek. She immediately stood up and tried to slap me. I caught her hand and slapped her again. This time , she had a bruise mark on her cheek.
I grabbed her neck harshly and pinned her to the nearby wall . She started to choke as she was struggling to breathe. I let her go. She rubbed her neck gently as she tried to regularise her breathing.
" Are you gone mad? Why did you choke me?" She asked me angrily.
" And for your question, that woman was harassing Payu . I will never let that happen to her. " She said as she heaved heavily.
" Payu, Payu Payu. She already took one important person away from me. I won't let it happen again. " I shouted at her. She was taken aback by my actions but still she stood her ground.
" Like I said earlier, that woman was harassing her. I would've gone there even if it's not Payu and someone else. I didn't do it intentionally. Can't you see?" She reasoned with me.
" biwi, you know what. From now onwards, you're not allowed to talk or see Payal. If you do so , you won't be able to bear the consequences." I warned her.
" As if your threats gonna stop me. " She replied as she tried to move away from me.
" Oh ,yes. It will. " I smirked at her . Before she could retort ,her mobile ring. I took it and tossed it on the bed.
" It's your father. You need to answer it." I said with the wicked smile playing on my lips as I went to sit on our bed. She looked at me before answering her mobile.
" Put it on speaker." I said and strangely she obliged without any arguments.
" Papa"
" Ishu , I am sorry as I didn't tell you about this earlier. Me and your brother Ishaan are moving to US for my treatment and his studies. Anamika arranged everything and got everything ready for us there too. She is such a gem of a person.
Anamika told us that it will be a huge surprise for you if we didn't inform you earlier. Take good care of her and yourself. Don't worry about us."
" Sorry di. I love you. I am very excited to visit Disney world there. Also she told me she will bring you to visit us soon. I will miss you. " Ishaan said as she looked at me in utter disbelief.
" Ok uncle. Take care. Bye Ishaan " I ended the call as she was too shocked to react.
" So , where were we? " I asked her as I went to sit on the bed again . I pulled her and placed her on my thighs while placing my head on her shoulders.
My hands are securely wrapped her waist.
" Now my threats will stop you. Isn't it?" I asked her coldly .
" Listen, whatever happens between us,stay with us. Please don't harm them." She pleaded me.
" Like I said earlier, it's all in your doings. " I said as I pushed her off me.

Ishika's POV:

I didn't expect her to push me off her. I fall flat on the carpeted floor.
" Now , cover your face with dupatta as a veil and sit in the middle of the bed." She said while walking towards the mini fridge.
I hesitated but she glared at me menacingly. " I won't repeat myself again. "
I did as she asked me. She drank from the water bottle and put it back. She walked towards me in a intimidating manner causing me gulp my own saliva. Her eyes never leaving me as she made her way towards me.
She sat opposite to me and lifted the veil off me a little.
" Wow, biwi. You're gorgeous. " She said as she throw the dupatta away. I feel like the prey soon to be hunted by her. I need to get out of here.
" A Ana Anamika ji, I am feeling very sleepy. Please let me sleep now as it's already late." I said as I faked a yawn.
"Nice try, Ishi. It's our suhaag raat. I don't want to ruin my wedding night,biwi. I did let you know earlier to be ready to becoming my wife in all aspects." She said coldly as her hand made its way to the thread of my skirt.
" Didn't I?" She pinched my waist as I didn't reply to her. I nodded while she continues to hold onto my waist roughly. It's surely going to leave the bruise. She let go of it .
Without further words, she untied the thread and pull down the skirt. She then went onto remove my top as I was dumbfounded by her sudden actions. She dares me to defy her.
I can't be meek and submit to her. I pushed her away and gathered the clothes on the floor . Before I could put the clothes back on , she snatched it from me and threw it away.
" You never learn huh" she asked coldly as she harshly grabbed me and carried me to the bed. She tied my hands with her dupatta to the bedpost. I wonder how she is strong enough . I am helpless and at her mercy.
I thrashed my legs and tried to kick her but she deftly placed her legs in between my thighs and leaned in .
" I have been dying to do this since I saw you at the dinner . " She whispered before crashing her lips onto mine. She licked my bottom lip for entrance. When I  didn't oblige , she bite my lips harshly causing it to bleed. Even then I didn't open my mouth.
She once again pinched my waist causing me to wince in pain. She took it as an opportunity to shove her tongue inside my mouth.
She pulled away due to lack of oxygen. I was panting heavily .
" Wow, you just had your first kiss. " She smirked at me as my cheeks turn red in embarrassment.
" Don't worry,biwi. This is first of many more to come." She alluringly said in a raspy tone while she tore my bra and panties .
" Monster " I screamed at her as I tried to cover myself in vain.
" Help ! Help!" I desperately shouted for help causing her to laugh at me.
" Your noise will never be heard by anyone outside. Party is going on outside , biwi."
" Now , let's see how to survive your wife as you have awaken the monster in me."

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