Love isn't real but pain is!

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Anamika's POV:

When I woke up , Ishika is nowhere to be seen. Did she leave me without even telling me? What does she think of herself ? I stood up and immediately sat back due to the headache . I am wasted yesterday.
I do remember whatever I said to her though.
" Oh , you're awake. Here take this . It might help." Ishika came in with a tray of glass and a tablet. I took it and gulped it down .
" So, your highness if you're done spending time with me, I will take leave now. Payal is waiting for me. " She air quoted spending time and stressed Payal.
" Ishi, seriously? You know what , let's talk about it after our marriage. Yes. I am done. You can go. Have fun till I tie you up with me. " I said as I rolled my eyes. My headache is killing me. She walked out.
I got ready and came down only to see she's still here. She is sitting at the dining table.
" Where are everyone? Why are you still here?" I asked her still in daze. She's wearing one of my salwars and it suits her perfectly well.
" You look beautiful,Ishi" words came out before I could stop. She just smiled and asked me to sit.
" Everyone went to make our wedding arrangements. I am waiting for you ." She said as she blushed.
" Why? I thought you were going out with Payal." I said as I took a plate to have breakfast.
" I am going after serving you breakfast. Aunty asked me to make sure you eats before you leave for your work." She looks away .
" Awe, look at you. Already started being my wife. I like it. " I teased her . She blushed as she serves me my breakfast.
I pulled her to my lap . When she opened her mouth to protest, I feed her a piece of chapati dipped in chicken gravy.
I then took a bite and moaned instantly at the taste.
" Mmm, it's delicious." I said as I feed her another piece.
" Do you like it?" Ishika asked me as she looks at me intently.
" Ofcourse. Wait a minute, you made this. Didn't you?" I asked her. She immediately stood up and nodded with a slight tint of red in her cheeks.
I finished my breakfast and stood up. I was about to offer her a ride.
" She's here. I am leaving now. Bye. Take care" she took off without even waiting for my reply. The way her face lit up at Payal's text irks me like nothing. But I decided to let it go.
A week. Just a week , Ishika. Then you will be all mine.
My wedding preparations are in full swing as I made sure that my schedule are clear so that I can be with Ishi to teach her not to mess with me.
Ishika is happily spending her time with Payal , sometimes with Jazz. I made some alterations to the house and got a brand new wardrobe of clothes that I find apt for Ishika.

Ishika's POV:

It's been five days since I last saw my fiancee. I mostly spend my time with Payu . As semester holidays are going on , no need to worry about college. I still have 6 more months to complete before getting my degree.

" Ishu, what do you think about Anu? " Payal asked me as we are currently lying in her bed after binge watching a web series.
" Hmm, she's a beautiful woman with shitty attitude. " I replied causing her to throw a pillow at me.
" Hey, what?" I feigned to be hurt.
" That's my best friend and your future wife you're talking about. You're in real trouble, young lady." She said as she sat up.
" Since you're her ex bestfriend, you must know about her. Did she really mean what she say?" I asked as I remembered her warning and demand to be ready as her wife by all means.
" She means everything she says and very much capable of doing whatever she told you." Payu smirked at me.
" Ishu, she may be arrogant now but she is not always like this. She's the most sweetest, caring and lovable person I have seen before you. She has temper issues too. Possessive freak. But that's what makes her special. Give her a chance . It's not like you have an option." She said as she stood up.
" Why she's adamant on breaking my relationship with you?" I asked her as I sighed.
" Ishu, don't sulk. You knew that she thinks I am the reason her brother died . Then, how can you expect her to understand?" Payu reasoned.
" But still," I whinned .
" Quit whinning . It doesn't suit you." She said . Before I could retort, her manager Mahir came in.
Mahir is a good guy and he manages her schedules well.
"Director Gaurav Kumar is here to see you." He said as he smiled at me.
" Ok Payu, I will take leave. See you at my dooms day." I said and walked out before getting an earful from her.

Anamika's POV:

Ishika has been hanging out with Payal al these five days . It's her marriage and she was least interested in shopping for her wedding attire. She requested mom to do everything for her.
I myself shopped for her and bought a lot of dresses that I deemed fit for her. I remodeled the entire house except for Anshul's room . I did interior designing for the house on my own. My parents didn't let me have the keys to Anshul's room as I didn't agree to remove his things in that room.
As days got near, my excitement has reached a whole new level. The thought of having her under me naked didn't let me have sleep at nights.
Her innocence and equally fiesty attitude turns me on like anything. I have already cleared my schedule for the next two weeks to be with my wife.
Wife. It feels so right to call her my wife. This girl manages to stir some long gone emotions in me. I am going crazy about her as every second passes. What is this weird feeling ? I hardly know her.

Today is my marriage. I managed to get the keys to my brother's room after threatening my mom that I won't show up at my wedding
. She immediately fall for it though I have no idea what I would've done if she said no.
I opened the door after five years and the room was full of spider web and the dust all over.  Not how he want it to be. It looks like my mother has never set foot in his room since it was locked away. But why?
I opened his wardrobe and peeked at his stuffs. It's been more than five years. I can still feel his presence. Why he have to take his life in front of me? Why ?
Is it his way of punishing me for the rest of my life?
I found a piece of paper neatly folded on the bottom of his pile of clothes. Looks like mom didn't clean it either. I neatly arranged his clothes like he wants it to be and cleaned his room with the help of maids.
Once the maids left, I opened the paper and shocked to the core. It was addressed to me.

" Anu,
I love you a lot. Always remember that. I am not sure whether I can continue living after Payal left me. You know how much I loved her, right? It's because of you ,I got her to be with me. I am always grateful for it.
Anu, the weird feeling I get whenever she's near me is love. I still gets it even while I think about her. But why doesn't she gets the same feelings as me?
I showed my emotions and become vulnerable to her. She used it and dumped me like I am nothing. Love isn't real, sister but pain is. Void is. She made me an empty shell.
Always remember even if you like any girl or got married, don't let your emotions get the better of you. If you become vulnerable, she might leave you. Love can't keep our loved ones close to us . But power can. Be the one who dictate terms rather than treating as equal. "
I turned the paper , nothing. I searched for the others but nothing left . Anshul is right. Love only gives us pain. I won't let Ishika leave me ever.

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