monster unleashed

886 33 2

** smut warning**
Ishika's POV:

" leave!" Anamika screamed at Shanti  didi as soon as we entered the house.
" madam, please . Ishu" Shanti didi stopped midway as Anamika glared at her . She held onto my wrist tightly and dragged me towards our room.
I desperately looked at Shanti didi to help me .
" madam, this is wrong. Please leave Ishu" she said firmly to Anamika causing me to yank my hand away from Anamika and ran towards her.
I hide behind Shanti didi as Anamika walked down the stairs. Her eyes are fixated on me.
" Shanti, you're just a maid here. She's my wife. What happen between us is none of your business. So, go to your house and don't show your face until your Ishu calls you back!" She vehemently grabbed my hand from her back.
Shanti didi took hold of my other hand . Anamika angrily swatted didi's hand away from mine.
"Last warning. Else I will fire you from your job." Anamika said coldly. I don't want Shanti didi to suffer.
" didi, please go. " I said as I looked down blinking away my tears.
Shanti didi dejectedly walked towards the door while looking back at me .
" lock it on your way out." Anamika said with a smirk on her face.
" let's have some fun!" She whispered in my eyes causing shivers down my spine. She's scary as she let go of my hand.
I thought of running away and lock myself in a room but then knowing her , she will definitely get hold of me. So, I closed my eyes and stayed near her.
" good choice,biwi." She patted my cheeks . Before I could sigh , she grabbed my chin harshly and leaned in.
I flinch at her close proximity and turned my face away from her.
She roughly turned my face towards her and crashed her lips with mine. I don't want to get sexually assaulted by her again.
I pushed her with all my might and was breathing heavily. She tried to lunge forward at me but stopped by the ringing of my mobile.
I looked around trying to find the backbag in which my mobile was . When I finally got to it, she snatched it from me.
" Payal. " She showed the  caller id to me. Of all times , why now?
Anamika switched it off and asked coldly " would you rather prefer her kissing you and having sex with you than me? " she asked meancingly as she caught hold of me.
I angrily pushed her back and slapped her.
How dare she ask me like that?
" Don't you dare to say something like this again. What me and Payu has is beyond your understanding. You can never be her." I angrily walked away from her. I walked inside our room and laid on the bed while crying my heart out . She followed me soon after and locked the door.

" why did you come here? Do you have any more disgusting things to do or accuse me of? " I asked her. She glared at me. The temperature in the room seemed suddenly to drop and I involuntarily shuddered.

"Take your clothes off, Ishi," Anamika asked me, coldly but firmly as she sat on the bed.

"No, so all you care about is my body. " I replied, backing away. The devil stood up  with a devilish scowl.

"You can take your clothes off voluntarily, or I can remove them by force."

She paused, just for a moment.

"However, I should warn you, if you are forcibly stripped, the process will be quite tough."

My flight instinct kicked in and I ran for the door at once. But she closed the distance between us in a fraction of a second. She grabbed me from behind and the next moment I was on the carpeted floor with her knee in the small of my back, with my arm twisted between my shoulder blades. My monster wife began to tear at my clothes, ripping one garment after another from my body.

"Anamika!" I screamed indignantly. I struggled, but she was astonishingly strong, and my attempts to resist her assault were met with superior skill to boot. She held me to the floor as she grappled with me and ripped my clothes off. My t-shirt was torn in the middle as she ripped it open, and my panties made a horrific sound as she mercilessly yanked at the fabric and ripped them apart by the stitches.

It was only a couple of minutes before I was completely nude. She dragged me towards the bed and opened the draw next to the bed. She took a small cord.

She held my wrists above my head and tied them securely with thin cord. The cords dug painfully into my naked flesh, and by the time ,she helped me to stand up, I was panting, out of breath, my bare breasts heaving up and down and my long black hair disheveled.

"I did warn you that resistance would have unpleasant consequences, didn't I ?" She reminded me. 

She seemed very pleased with what she see; apparently having me naked and bound was a truly delightful treat for her.

"Look, you can't keep doing this to me," I protested. "I'm tied up and helpless. I can't resist, so. So it's up to you to do the right thing. Otherwise, it's sexual assault. I will hate you for this."

Anamika silenced me by covering my mouth with hers again. 

Despite my best efforts to remain quiet, I screamed inarticulately as she mercilessly bite on my neck, lips and nipples while licking and sucking through my helpless, naked body. Reacting quickly, Anamika grabbed my head, pulled my face to hers and kissed me as she inserted two fingers at my throbbing core, muffling the sounds of my screams.
She sucked on my right nipple while groping my left one as her hand worked on my pussy. Her kisses quickly got more demanding and rough . Each and every very lick and wet kiss sent shivers down my spine. My body betrayed me as I moaned at the sensation. I knew that I would finally be let alone as my orgasm was near. The sexual feelings were intense. I felt the first tingle of orgasm come. 

She walked towards her closet and I thought my ordeal was over. But no. She came back wearing a strap on cock which was very huge. Fear was evident in my eyes as she entered it inside me fully without any prior warning or foreplay. It pained like hell as she started to pump in and out of me. Soon, I came undone again.
I don't know when she stopped as I passed out after fourth time. I feel ashamed of myself. I couldn't even defend myself. She has me as she pleases.  I hate it.

Anamika's POV:

After Ishi passed out, I cleaned her with the wet wipes and change her into a comfortable t shirt and panties. Her body was brutally bruised by me.  I tend to her bruises and then went to shower.
After shower, I changed into my silk satin night dress and went to the bar I set up inside the house.
I need to clear my mind as I was still furious with her. How dare she flinch at my touch? She's mine and only I can touch her . Payal calling her made me go nuts. I drank straight from the bottle as I was feeling ashamed by my actions. The fear and hate I saw in her eyes was bothering me. But then ,it will teach her not to defy me.
Remembering how Payal called her many times before I switched off Ishi 's mobile, I went and search for her mobile in the living room.
Once I found it , I switched it on and called my wife's everything. Payal.
She attended the call as soon as it rang.
" Ishu!"
" Payal,come to my house tomorrow morning." With that I hung up and threw the mobile at the nearby wall.
I am going to end their  friendship tomorrow as I can't bear to lose Ishi.


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