Tyrant wife

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Ishika's POV:

It's been a week since I last saw Anamika. After that night, she started to distance herself from me. I don't understand what happened and why she suddenly stopped being intimate with me.
I should be happy now that she didn't get  anywhere near me. But strangely,I am worried about her. She stay in her home office all day till midnight. She came to check on me around that time thinking I was asleep in our room.
She then covers me with the blanket properly and then lays next to me.

Shanti didi and other maids came back the next day.
Everyone are going their work while I gave them company. My monster wife has specifically told them not to let me do any work . I was bored as well. She took away my mobile phone and I am only allowed my mobile for only an hour a day. That too in her presence.
She gave me a schedule and asked me to follow it. She even pick my clothes to wear for the day. Just How annoying she can be.
I had the urge to barge into her room but then my common sense prevailed. My tyrant wife will finish me.

Now I am left with no option but to see her as my college is going to reopen in two days. I need to attend all the classes as I was a scholarship student. I can't afford to miss it at any cost.
I waited for her to come inside our room on the couch.
" Make sure you have that presentation  ready by tomorrow noon, Jazz. Ok. I will sleep. I am not lying . I am inside our bedroom." Anamika came inside while talking to Jazz on the phone. When she saw me sitting on the couch, she handed  me the mobile and walked towards her wardrobe. She stripped herself and changed into comfortable nightwear.
" Umm Jazz" I asked unsure.
" Yes. The one and only. What happened between you two? She is working like a robot for the past one week. She is keeping every employee at the edge of their seat and fired almost 40 people ." Jazz asked me causing me to look at Anamika in disbelief.
What the hell!
" I don't know,Jazz. She's avoiding me as well. " I couldn't tell her anything further as Anamika snatched the mobile from me.
" I will call you tomorrow. Good night." Anamika abruptly ended the call.
" Do you want any special invitation to join me on bed?" She sarcastically asked as she sat on her side of the bed.
I immediately went to the bed and laid down on my side with my back facing her.
" What is it that you wanted to tell me?" She asked as she made me face her.
" my college is going to reopen in two days. I need to buy some things. My scooty is in my old house. I need it to go to college." I slowly said as she looks at me keenly.
" You can go to college, Ishi. I need you to let me know your whereabouts and ask me before you go somewhere on your own. From home to college, then college to home. Got it. " She said coldly.
" About buying things," I trailed off as she  glared at me.
" Just give the list to your Shanti didi, she will get it from the shop. You're not going out. Am I clear?" She spoke as if she is speaking with a kid.
I thought of visiting Rebecca as she said she was back from Australia. Why this woman has to be more strict on me? Even my father never asked me or restricted me.
She took away my freedom for my friendship with Payal. Now I can't even step out of this prison.
" Ishi, tomorrow We are going to host a pool party for my business partners at our farm house. Jazz will take you there . I will join you after attending an important meeting. " She said as I looked at her unbelievably.
Since it's a pool party, maybe I can wear the bikini Payu got me from Hawaii. I smiled at that thought.
" You can wear bikini underneath your top and shorts. No showing off your body . " Anamika abruptly halted my dream train .
" It's only mine to see. " She whispered in my ears sensually. Her fingers grazed my cheeks causing the hair on my back to rise.
" Shall I invite my friend ? " I asked her causing her to abruptly stood up. Her mood changed drastically within a matter of seconds.
" No. It's strictly for business partners and their families. " Anamika went out.
I tried to sleep but couldn't do it . So, I went in search of my wife and found her at the balcony with alcohol in her hands.
" Anamika, can I have my phone back ? " I asked her as I need it often to check on my dad, my brother and Payal.
" You're using it daily for an hour.  Today your time was up. So why do you need it now?" She asked me as she took a sip of her drink.
" I I want it full-time. Can you please give it back? I will compensate for it with anything you ask me ." I replied as I looked down at the floor , suddenly finding the floor interesting. She thought for a while and then agreed.
" Hmm. Ok. After college , come straight to my office. You're working under me after college hours until I finish for the day." She said and walked off.
Wow, she's letting me in her office. But she didn't tell me what the job was and how much I get paid.
" Are you coming or not?" I hear her from our room.
" I am coming. " I replied as I rushed towards the room fearing she might change her mind.
" Just shut up and sleep. Not a word." She murmured as she pulled me close to her with her arms around my waist .

Third person's POV:

" Boss , I think you need to let go of the obsession you have towards that girl. It's been years and she's married now. Her wife is. " One of the loyal guards of him who has been working  for years was stopped midway by a bullet right in his head.
His body fell flat on the cold floor. The boss who shot him then looked around the other guards who were frightened by  his behaviour and asked them angrily" now anybody has anything to say about that girl ." They all shook their head .
" Good. I need her. She's only mine. Noone can talk me out ot it. I don't care about anything or anyone else. Ishika is mine. If I can't have her ,then nobody can. " He laughed evilly and walked inside to the godown.
He went straight to the shrine he made for her and circled her face with a knife. He then pointed the knife at the other woman who's hugging Ishika.
" I am back , baby. Do You really think you can get rid of me that easily? Five years. Five damn years. I spent on coma because of you. I won't spare you. "
He then took a step back and said " don't worry. I won't kill you. I will torture you and then make your life miserable to an extent you will beg me to take your life. Too bad , I can't see you dancing or acting in any movies after that. I really like your dance . "

Sorry for the long wait.
I am caught up with my commitment to my family.
Hopefully I will post the next chapter later this week. 

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