The fear

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Ishika's POV:

Why am I in trouble? What did I even do? Rebecca looked at me desperately trying to find out whatever Anamika said was true.
" Becca, I am sorry. You have to find out this way. It all happened pretty quickly. I tried to let you know last time you called. But I can't. " I tried to explain but she stopped me.
" Why you didn't tell me that you're into girls? " She asked me coldly and walked towards the bar. Is she disgusted by my sexual orientation? I saw Anamika surrounded by a group of bikini clad women. I was fuming inside as she seems to like the situation she is in.
Why do I bother with whom she is with? Yeah, right.
You're married to her!
It's not like you like her. Remember you're forced to be in this relationship.
Stop it, stupid brain.
I took off from there and locked myself in  my room.
Suddenly, someone banged on the door without any time interval causing me to open the door.
Rebecca was completely drunk and fell on me. I tried to keep her steady but no avail.
" Ishu, why didn't you tell me that you like girls before? " She asked me angrily as I made her sat on the couch.
" I  I don't think why you're so sad. Is it bothering you? " I asked her back as I don't want to assume anything.
" Of course, it bothers me. I love you, Ishu. I have been in love with you for a while now. I was a coward and I couldn't muster courage to tell you. Now when I made my mind to tell you, you're married. " She shouted at me. She covered her face with her hands in frustration. Rebecca loved me.
How I failed to notice it? I am dumb like Payu said.
Within moments, I hear her cry. She was sobbing and I went near her to console her.
" I am sorry. But I never thought of you that way . You're my friend, Becca. " I have her my shoulder to let it all out.
" Anamika Modi is a cold hearted , arrogant and ruthless woman. Ishu, please divorce her. She's not a person for you. I can take care of you and treat you like a queen. " Becca cupped my cheeks as our foreheads touched.
" Becca, I understand your feelings. I respect your feelings. But sadly I can't reciprocate it. All I can offer you is my friendship nothing more. " I clearly explained her.
" Ishu, I I " She stuttered as she suddenly leaned in. I tried to pull away but her hold was stronger.
I closed my eyes fearing the worst when I find myself being pulled away from Becca harshly. I immediately moved behind her.
My wife was beyond furious as she glared at Rebecca.
" How dare you touch my wife?  Leave. " She growled at her .
" Oh, Anamika. We both know that she will be better off with me than with you. I love her, Ana. Remember the girl I was talking about last time we met. It's her. Ishika. I love her. Please give her to me. " Becca was begging on her knees.
I walked to console her but Anamika holde back.
" Don't you fucking dare. " She hissed as she looked at me. I couldn't help but cry seeing Rebecca's state. I had no idea about her feelings. I can't see her heart broken like it.
Luckily, Jazz came in. She looked at us. " Take Ms. Wilson from here and drop her off. " Anamika said. Her voice was as cold as ice.
" I will help her! " Words escaped from my mouth. Anything to keep me away from my wife.
" No need for that. " Anamika said , leaving me helpless. Jazz eyed me and assured me to take care of Becca.
As soon as Jazz took Becca away, I slowly walked towards the door .
" Lock the door and come to me. " Anamika voice came. I turned to see her sitting on the bed.
I sighed and locked the door.

Anamika's POV:

Sometimes I wonder how my wife can be  this naive. It's pretty obvious that Rebecca has feelings for her. Rebecca was heart broken as Ishika is her first love.
I was about to check on them as Ishi and Rebecca were not down for a while. What I saw made me my blood boil. I was on the verge of losing control . I restrain myself from hitting Rebecca. How dare she try to kiss my wife.
After jazz took Rebecca away, Ishi came to me with fear evident on her face.
All I want her is to fear me but when it happens, why I couldn't bear it?
She was scared of me. But I don't want her to fear me now. It's bothering me.
" Ishi, I am not going to yell at you or punish you. So, don't be scared. I just want to be with you for a while. " I said as she hesitantly sat beside me.

She ran towards me and hugged me. She let the tears she's holding in with much difficulty.
" I am sorry. I tried to break free from her. She was holding me tighter. I didn't mean to kiss her. I am sorry. I was so scared when she was that close to me. Thanks for helping me. " She said while crying her heart out.
I, for the first time don't know what to say. She's so innocent . This was the first time that she herself hugged me without any hesitation. It feels good that she came out of fear and seek comfort with me. For the first time, she didn't flinch at my touch.
I embraced her in my arms and was lost in my own world when she pulled away.
" I am sorry. I ruined your party. " She said as she stood up.
" Stop apologizing, Ishi. It's not your fault. I am not angry with you. I am angry with myself for letting you out of my sight. I will make sure Rebecca won't bother you anymore. " I stood up and was about to walk when she stopped me.
" Please, don't do anything. Becca will regret what she did once she comes back to her senses. She's already heartbroken. Please, don't ruin her education. She's in final year. " Ishi pleaded with me. This girl never fails to amuse me. I could only nod.

Payal's POV:

How can he be alive? That's the question still nagging me. He is a paedophile. I still can't forgot that incident. Luckily , Ishu was unconscious at that moment.
How dare he still go for Ishu? He can't even touch her as I am sure if he did, then Anamika will tear him apart.
I will ask Ishu to be careful and not to go alone anywhere.

" Are you even listening? " A man's voice brought me out of my thoughts. It's my next movie director. I am at his office for reading the script. He also said that my co-star will be here. Riya Singhania.
Will she remember me?
Of course she will. How can she forgot the one who out her and humiliate her in a worst possible way. My brain chided me.
Now I am scared of facing her. She was ignored by her own family because of me. Only Anamika and her parents are supportive of her.
" Sorry, I am late! " The voice of the girl I fear to look into her eyes came from behind. I turned towards her direction while looking down. My heart was racing and I was suddenly too shy to have a glance at her.
" Hi, Payal. How are you? " Sha asked as she removed her sunglasses. I slowly looked up from her shoe to her face. In her torn Jeans and simple black t shirt, she looks absolutely stunning. I was awestruck and immediately lowered my eyes.
" I am fine. How about you? " I asked looking elsewhere. She immediately hugged me.
" I don't like when people don't look at me while speaking with me. " She whispers in my ears. She pulled away.
" You know what, if I were you, I will be very afraid at the moment. Since you have already signed the contract, let me introduce you to the producer of the movie. " I looked around us but couldn't find anyone other than her. Realization dawned on me as she smirks.
" You have no idea what you got yourself into.  I am going to have time of my life. " With that, she walks off.

Not edited.
I was caught up with my work. Hence the update was very late. Sorry.

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