I want everything

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Ishika's POV:

" looks like you had a wild night!" Payal said as she drove from my home. I decided to ignore her comment. My cheeks flushed and I turned towards the window to avoid her gaze.
" whatever, so why you called me last night?" I changed the topic immediately. Her call added fuel to the already raging fire of Anamika yesterday.
" I called you to inform you that I have signed a new film . It's about girls love . You won't believe who my co star is ." She paused to look at me.
" who is that? Is it Avantika or that Diya?" I asked her as they're the actors who are popular at the moment like Payal.
" no. You won't believe this. It's Riya Malhotra ." she said happily causing me to look at her in shock.
" The Riya Malhotra ,the rockstar and the no.1 trending singer at the moment. How is it even happen? I thought she has no interest in films."
" I have no idea. But I was really overwhelmed last night . That's why I called you and land you in trouble. I am sorry . " she said while driving her car.
" you knew. " I asked shockingly as she nodded at me sadly.
" she was my bestfriend, remember." She replied while keeping her eyes on the road.
" She would have had her way with me even if you didn't called me. So, leave it." I replied as I look for the songs to play.
" so, how are you coping up? How do you feel about her?" Payu asked worriedly.
" To be honest, I don't know. I mean I hate her but then she sometimes shows she care despite her cold aura. She's scary as well as annoying." I said as I remembered how tenderly she bathed me .
" Ishu, have some patience. She will definitely change. I have faith. Try not to talk about me. She is extremely possessive about you. So, be careful with your words. " she said as she parked her car in her driveway.
I sighed as I got out.
" Shall we order Chinese and binge watch your favourite series?" Payu suggested as we settled on her bed.
" wow Payu, today you're so nice to me. What's the matter?" I asked her as she always argue with me when it comes to watching series on OTT .
" Anu is the reason. Do you have any clue about the danger you put yourself in by telling her " you will do anything." ? You literally write your life off to her. She won't let you easily . It's already difficult for you, now she will make it more difficult for you." Payu said worriedly.
Is it that bad? I gulped at her words. I don't think she will take it seriously.
We both enjoyed the day and after eating lunch , we dozed off next to eachother.
I woke up to the continuous ringing of my mobile.
It was devil's calling. Before I could attend, it ended up being missed call. That's when I noticed the time. It's half past seven.
Anamika asked me to be back by 7 pm. I am done for.
I wake the sleeping Payu. " you need to prepare my funeral." I said as I showed her the mobile.
" come, let's go ." She dragged me to her car.
I tried calling Anamika but no response at all. Weird woman. First, she continuously called me every minute then when I started to call her back, she isn't picking it up. What does she want?
Does she wants me to call her 30 times like she did?
Maybe she did. So, I decided to call her and she didn't attend any calls until I reached 30 calls. By that time, Payu already drove me home.
" want to come in?" I asked her as I got down.
" I am sure that She needs to be somewhere else . So, biwi let her leave." A sharp cold voice laced with anger came from the entrance.
There stood her majesty Anamika Modi in all her glory. 
Payu drove from there as I urged her to leave. I mean I can handle the situation. Nothing new.
" Bedroom,now. " her voice was as cold as ice.
I walked towards our bedroom with her trailing behind me. I don't think I can survive tonight if she forces herself onto me again. But I have no say in this matter.
I stood in the middle of the room. " Get undressed and lay on the bed." She said as she walked towards the closet. I stood there as I was still not comfortable with showing her my body .
" Ishi, you said you will do anything for your friendship and I want everything. Every damn thing about you. You're mine,Ishi. So, do as I say. Get naked and get on the bed. I won't repeat myself again." She said sternly as her eyes pierced through mine.
I obliged and ran to the bed. She was too focused on looking for something on the closet that she didn't notice that I removed my dress while laying under the covers.
" Nice try, Ishi. But next time, no hiding your body from me. " She said as she sat next to me.
She then opened the ointment she got from the closet and urged me to remove the covers.
I did as she asked me so that she won't get angry on me then she already was.
She tenderly applied to the bruises and bites she made on my body. I couldn't help but moan at her touch.  I don't want to flinch but couldn't help it when she touches me or in close proximity.
" So much for being gentle." She huffed as she tried to tug some of her hair strands which is in front of her face behind her ear . She's kinda cute as she tries to make her hair move towards her ear.
" You're like a mysterious puzzle, Anamika. " I said as I tugged her hair behind her ear. She looked away at my words.
Maybe Payal is right. I should stop talking about Payal.
" Anamika ji, I am sorry. I slept over there. That's why I couldn't attend your calls. " I said as I observed her .
"I have been wanting to do this eversince you came back" she said as I looked at her confused. She cupped my cheeks and leaned in. She kissed me passionately catching me off-guard. My heart starts to beat faster as some weird feelings erupt within me. She pulled away and looks at me as if asking me for something.
I moved closer to her and circled my arms around her neck as I reciprocated her kiss with same passion.
" Why can't you be gentle and considerate like this always, Anamika?"
She pulled away from me and walked out of the room. I didn't see her for the rest of the night.

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