Chapter 6: that.. WAS a workout indeed P. 1

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*:..。o○ kai pov○o。..:*

I just started my warm up the same way all of us always do; a few stretches and train with the wood dummy. As I was randomly kicking and punching the sticks that spin around the dummy to try not getting hit I hear the others come to the training yard also. I didn't turn to look at them since I could physically feel that they were stair daggers at me. We all lined up in front of the door and waited for sensei to tell us the kind of training we will be doing, I don't know why but he likes to come up with the most strange ways of training all the time

To our surprise he just decided to do a little tournament among us. I was happy it was not an intense thing but then my happiness was smashed against the cold rocks of disappointment as I realized it was probably just to test if I get any control over my new element. But hey! Who cares!? Not me for a FACT!

In the end the pairs were selected;:
Jai against Cole and Me against zane( I instead since I wanted to fight someone who can destroy ice if I lose control and create some on accident) And just for fun nya and P. I. X. A. L  wanted to duel themselves too because since they don't have elemental abilities the master won't let them train with us. Though I believe she would hand me my ass if we were to go up against each other . And Lloyd was the "final boss" since he won the last competition.

Cole and Jay's fight was simply boring. They  mostly just threw the elements at each other but a few rock pillars to hide from Jay's electricity and three fist size rocks at his stomach was enough to bring Cole victory.
As for P. I. X. A. L. and nya's fight it was quite amusing. Kicks and punches were swinging to one and other non stop BUT when nya accidentally ripped a faceplate out of P. I. X. ’s face she just took her hand and run to the Hideout at our living room to put back on. Master didn't announced any winner.

●○●○And the waited round! Me and zane! ●○●○

We step to opposite sides of the training ground facing each other waiting for the master wu to tell us to start. Though Zane's face was as serious as ever I could not help but smile a bit.  Idk why but I guess I just can't help huh?

'✧・゚: *✧・゚:~~there is the SIMP~~✧・゚: *✧・゚:*'

Shut up Kelvin I am not a simp! I just adore him that's all.

my mental argument with Kelvin was cut out with master's voice.

Master wu: take position.... Get ready.... Ninja GO!

The second I hear master say "go" I lunch at zane to not give him enough distance to let him calculate my moves. THAT was a mistake. The second I tried to land a punch on him he lunch a few ice shards at me makeing me go left instead of at his face to escape from his atak. In return the second I get me feet on ground I start my spinjutsu and went on him again. He also started his and we started trying to push each other away or make the other break their spinjutsu. But instead I went a bit more right and stopped mine at will makeing zane lunch at the wall in front of him full speed ahead. He bearly stopped 3 or 2 seconds before disaster. I am aware that what I did was risky but hey! Just because I love him he doesn't get  an easy pass! No way! But even though he stopped he did seem pretty beaten up so I take the chance and lunch at him this time actually landing the punch. He did tryed to stand up but I put the end of my katana at his neck to end the battle. I was kinda annoyed that our battle was the shortest but hey who cares.

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