Chapter 12: "Harmony of reasonablety"

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,▀▄Zane's pov✂

We finished the dinner and set the table in complete silence, we really didn't want to talk to others so we served our parts and ate it together as well. Kai insisted on washing the dishes but I didn't want to leave him so I just sat and chatted with him as he washed our plates. After that we went to the living room to do... Something we didn't plan yet. The others like chatting while eating so we probably have around an hour to ourselves.

When we get there both me and Kai sit on the couch next to each other.

Kai: So... What are we doing now?

Zane: I don't know. Whatever you want to do I guess.

Kai: I want to get out of hear and get back to my research. Bit I want you to enjoy what we will do also. So it's up to you.

Zane:" Oh!... I never said I didn't like researching with you. I enjoy myself as long as I am next to you.

When I looked at what Kai had to say he for some reason had a light blush on his face."that's cute!" I thought to myself. Kai slowly shakes his head and the blush on his face fades away.

Kai:.Well then let's go! I don't want to waste time!!

And with that we went to the library the master had. When we got there Kai rushed to the shelfs and  started to look through the books and scrolls.

Zane: Kai, may I ask what you are looking for exactly?

Kai: Oh! Well I will go through every single page on these shelves over and over anyways so for now anything that looks interesting to be honest.

Zane : Okay!

So we both started to look through the piles of information and titles at the books and scrolls. We keep going on and on but nothing catches my eye for some reason. I sigh and decided to just look at them from afar to see if anything had any difference from the rest of the papers and a singular scroll stick out from the rest by a mile. Dang I should have done that sooner!

Zane: Kai! I found... Something at least.

Kai: Oh? God finally! Where is it?

Zane: this aqua and blue looking scroll! You think we can reach it?
Kai looked around for a moment before spotting a ladder that had wheels to slide in the metal bar's on the shelves. He brought it to the side of the shelves I was at and climb on it. I decided to hold the ladder for him just in case. He get down safely with the scroll and went to lay it on the table . We were about to read it but the sound of the door cut us

It was master wu. He seemed first surprised and then amused after seeing us.

Master wu: I see that you guys are here for research as well? Well you won't be able to learn anything from these historical documents if you search what I think you do.

Kai: If you think it's about the past God's of the 20 realms you would be correct sensei. But what do you mean by that?

Master wu: it means my father wrote some information and knowledge about every single aeon to a individual book. And you can use the specific title's of the first creators instead of putting all of them in the singular title of "God's" as many may call. I have enough knowledge to at least know who you are talking about based on the standard of them. Oh! And the books are at that drawer right there.

Master said while pointing at a drawer with strange symbols on it. I walked up to it and open it up. It didn't had a locker on

Zane: master, if these are hand written by the first spinjutsu master shouldn't they be locked at least? They are quite the treasures possessions if I am correct.

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