The anticipated wedding

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There's a lot of things that we all wish we could have done differently. But if you spend too much of your life trying to change the past, your biggest regret will be that you spent your life whising you could change a done past, when you could have changed your present and unwritten future.
- Nathalie Leu

As the carriage was going over the coblestones Eleanors fingers played nervously with each other. She never would've thought she would feel this nervous she always dreamed of this moment why couldn't she enjoy it maybe beceause she thought it was just a dream that never would come treu. She then looked at her engagement ring how beautiful it was he cleary had picked it out carefuly with much thought. Then she looked up at Anna who helped her get ready for her big day she smiled at her. It wouldn't be long until they would arrive what as if he wouldn't be there? What if he regret wanting to marry her. What if he changed his mind last minit and was gone how should she explain that to people? She wanted to focus on the good but she was so worried.

Standing at the altar Sweeney waited for his bride to arrive. He had been lost in the past for too long it was time to focus on now, on Eleanor who is his here and now. The man he is he would never have thought he would be nervous. Never before would he have thought to marry again and there he was eagerly waiting for her. This morning he was gone to fetch her wedding dress from the seamstress, but he had not seen the dress itself yet. What would she look like? What would her dress be like and what color? Was it white like she wanted it? Was her hair pinned up? He sighed, where was she? The two had been so much closer to the past days than before. Ofcourse his walls weren't completly down he showed his temper with moments as always and she hers ofcourse.

Anna suggested that Frank would walk her down the aisle they were their witness annyway. Eleanor became very happy Frank wanted to do that and Sweeney was also thankful to them. As much as he wanted their wedding to be intimate some people had come to the wedding, Anna's pregnant daughter Grace and her husband were there, the seamstress had come and his seamstress too, he was actually happy for her otherwise she would have felt alone.

He heard some noise in the back and knew then the carriage was there.. she was there.. He wanted to look back to see her but he didn't do that he was nervous, he wanted to see her when she was there beside him.

She stepped out of the carriage with Anna and Frank's help once her feet met the ground she looked inside and could see him standing there she was already feeling nauseas beceause of how nervous she was but when she saw him standing there that moment her heart beated so fast it was as if she fel in love with him for the first time and she hadn't seen his face yet. He had not disappointed her, he was there. It completly felt so real all of a sudden. She thought maybe he wouldn't be there. Maybe he would change his mind or regret it but he was there standing waiting for her in his suit. Her hands where slightly shaking she never felt likte this before. She straightened the skirts of her wedding dress and looked up again at the man who would become her husband that was waiting for her. What would they be like a newly wed couple? God Eleanor focus on now your wedding she thought.

Anna squeezed her arm to encourage her. "Victoria" Frank held out his arm and she happyly took it swallowing beceause of the nerves. "Everything will be fine" Anna says smiling she nodded at her smiling nervously before Anna goes inside.

"Ready?" Frank asks her wanting to say it's time to go. She nodded at him and with that they started walking down the aisle.

He could hear noises nearing by when they stepped and when he felt her presence he turned thowards her seeing her on his left standing there arm in arm with Frank in her wedding dress. He never expected her to look like this he knew she would look beautiful but she was like an angel in her white wedding dress more gorgeous than he ever could imagine. He thanked Frank and took over helping her to stand beside him. He took her veil and pulled it back over her head so that he could see her face.. he was mesmerized.. That moment he wanted to say so much, compliment the look of her. He had missed seen her hair in her messy updo like this and he knew then she was marking who he was marrying. He was marrying Victoria, a Victoria with the heart of Eleanor. The auburn strands that cascaded her face made her look more beautiful.

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