chapter 8 (trishna)

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A constant thirst or craving, despite having everything.


Terence was waiting just outside her room. I asked him to tell me everything she did once she left the house. Terence was obviously paying attention.
After reaching the market she got herself a new phone. The most basic cell available. Then she went inside a café to use their free Wi-Fi.
She then went to the supermarket and bought food items just like she said she will.
Her visit to the pawn shop next suggested she must've pawned one of her jewelry.

I did offer you money, cara.

And then she had asked Terence to take her to Russian orthodox church.

I am not sure Ms Saini you are, who you say you are.

Because according to Terence it was she who approached "the Russian" and initiated their conversation.

First of all, he isn't supposed to be here.
Second, he was supposed to inform us if he was here in Italy.
And third, what were they conversing about. Roberto made it clear, he wants me to join him. Russians are still being neutral about everything, despite having information about Giorgio's killers.

I guess it's about time I paid him a friendly visit.

"this isn't where I wanted us to meet, Augustino.". before I could turn, I knew it was him.
"the Russian". His accent.
"but here we are, nonetheless."
"I just wanted to make sure the girl was all right.", he stated coolly. "known her long? From Russia perhaps, huh?
"I knew you'd be thinking this. I recognized Terence at the church after the girl collapsed. So made sure I stick around and clear any misunderstanding. She's Indian I think. I don't know her. she approached me in the church asking if I spoke English and then asked me few question. That's it."
"what questions?"
"she wanted to know if the sermons were conducted on Sunday in English or not? Also if she could bring a little girl with her and if they had any children's program?"


"and what did you tell her?"
"we didn't get to that part. Someone lit fireworks in the morning right outside the church and the poor girl lost all color from her face. She kept repeating something over and over again."
"how would I know. Wasn't in any language I know. But I think she spoke Indian. And also it sounded like she was pleading her case, cos she said, please don't hurt me again and again. You obviously know her Augustino. Never took you to be that kind of a man, huh."

I glared at him. And he raised his arms in his defense. He shrugged and left after a while. I decided before I meet her I should meet her doctor first. I asked Terence to take me to her treating doctor.

Instead of taking me to the doctor working in the ER, he took me to Dr. Bernardino. His plaque outside his room read he treats trauma survivors.

30 minutes later I open the door to Ms Saini's room

When Aayra woke up from her induced slumber, she saw Augustino's eyes. They were filled with concern and anger.

"wh-what happened Mr.Tro-troisi?"

"panic attack". It was all he said, expressionlessly

Aayra then remembered the incidence. The gunshots. That triggered her memory of those 17 murders.

I am stronger than this.
I survived.
I can do this.
She kept repeating these lines lukena mantra

She couldn't meet his eye, assuming he would want answers, later if not now.

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