Chapter-20. (Murphy's Law)

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Murphy's law
exact origins debated

Anything that can go wrong,
will go wrong,
at the worst possible timing.


If looks could kill, I'd be dead.
I'd be dead soon anyways.
Why does my plan backfires with her.

I should've never bought the ominously named yacht, vixerunt. I know what it means, still I bought it. Doom was sure to follow. Vixerunt, when viewed is immaculate in all aspects. Lowly priced only because it is named vixerunt.
I shouldn't have bought this.
But I did anyways.
And its malfunctioning on its maiden voyage.
Maiden with me at least.

After the car fiasco, I wanted  Aayra to know it was just a onetime thing. How I didn't need Adrian 's help.

Ah! The lengths I went to buy this one.

With my accounts sealed, courtesy of my grandfather for not joining his circle, I can't afford these luxuries. So I did the only thing I could do. I took Liana on a series of dates. Called my grandfather daily, took his advices seriously, and just slipped the idea of having a yacht to impress liana or if things don't work out between us, other future partners.

The sly fox only allowed a meagre sum and I bought this cheap mountain of a boat. With the remainder I got a beautiful ring.
a delicate gold band with a diamond over it.

We are in the middle of nowhere

Just the two of us.
encircled by dark waters, in the middle of the night.

And to top it all, Ms Saini hasn't eaten anything. Because the only things left to go wrong on this little rendezvous, was food. I had arranged a fine dinner but apparently Ms Saini is a vegetarian.

When God has provided us with a wide array of food, why restrict yourself to just plant based diet. That's what vegans do right.
And what the fuck is a vegetarian.
In this century you either use animals completely or you don't.
Veganism I understand.
Vegetarianism I don't.

My stomach's been growling. I am hungry and I am not even a vegetarian. But I know deep down in my heart that if I ever touch that food, let alone try eating it, this woman will kill me.

Because she's had just water since 5pm. Its currently 12.

Did I mention we are in the middle of nowhere.
NO fucking WHERE.

I had arranged a buffet of finest Italian food over the yacht.

Bitto storico
prosciutto di parma
snail caviar
red prawns from mazara del vallo

cabernet sauvignon

Apparently Ms Saini avoids alcohol too.

I facepalm and mentally rebuke myself to have such an oversight.
In my own defence, my ex-s always , always endorsed my choices.
my choices were applauded.

Will she give me another chance?

I left Chiara with mother and father. They've been waiting weeks for a grand-daughter day.

Not only the ambiance is eerie with blackness surrounding us the temperature's dropping too.

this is not how I planned this going

I look for  something, anything that might provide her any relief from the temperature. I find a spare table cloth lying inside the cabin.

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