Chapter 4: Cast Adrift

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The metal chains clung tightly to his skin. The muzzle over his face was heavy. Bowser slowly opened his eyes and shook his head. His fiery hair curtained his face. The cell around him was made of cement with a small window.

He was cold.

Bowser huffed, expelling flickering embers from his nostrils. The Koopa King shuddered slightly and stood up but stumbled and fell. Groaning and cursing under his breath, Bowser struggled to his feet; it was difficult, considering he could not move his hands easily. Balance was also arduous since his tail was still frozen in ice. He pulled at the chains with all his might but to no avail. Chain chomp metal. Damn bastards thought of everything. A muzzle to limit his speech and fire breathing; chomp chains to withstand his strength. Bowser pulled at them again. Nothing. Switching tactics, he staggered to his cell door; he tried to lean on the bars, but something yanked him back. Bowser felt behind him and pulled on a chain. Anger and humiliation seethed within him. The mushroomers had removed his wrist and arm bands but left his collar on to act as a leash. His chest rose and fell erratically.


The furious koopa looked up. Kamek stood in the cell before him, a knot on his head. His robes were tattered, and his glasses were cracked. The magikoopa raised his own chained hands and grabbed the bars, "We are in the Mushroom Kingdom. You have been unconscious for a day," he said. Bowser replied with a growl. No wonder his wounds were healed; his muscles were sore due to the lack of activity. He raised his hand and twirled it around. Kamek touched his head, "The green Mario brother knocked me out and took my wand."

Bowser yanked on the chains; the sound echoed through the sterile dungeon halls. Years of planning down the drain because of that damn hero! If it weren't for his meddling brother breaking free, Bowser would have defeated Mario and completed his conquest. He should not have kept the green man; it was stupid. He underestimated how gutsy the tiny man is and simply thought of him as a doormat; such a thought came to bite him in the ass. Bowser sniffed the air. He detected two unknown scents. He gagged slightly, recognizing the earthy smell of the Toads. But that was it. Just him, Kamek, and two guards somewhere in the distance.

And that terrified him.

Kamek raised an eyebrow, sensing his king's distress. Bowser yanked on his restraints, thrashing and releasing muffled roars. He slammed into the walls and stomped; his eyes wide open with fear. His heart was pounding. He seemed to be searching for something. Kamek opened his beak to ask something, but the realization hit him. Only one thing on this planet could make King Bowser Koopa panic: his son.







Knock, knock!

The hammering on the door interrupted the brothers' slumber, causing their snoring to cease for a moment. Luigi groaned and burrowed deeper into the covers. However, the person knocking persisted. The little man slowly got up, the blankets covered his lopsided hair. With a yawn, he sluggishly got up and opened the door a bit. Toadette smiled up at him, "Good evening, master Luigi! Sorry to interrupt your sleep, but the princess wanted me to wake you."

Luigi rubbed his eyes. "O-oh... Is it time for the party?" he asked.

"Indeed, it is! I have also brought you your festivity garments. Consider them tokens of appreciation."

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