Chapter 21: Anguish

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CW: Panic Attack, temporary character death, serious injury, and blood.

Rool crashed into a pile of barrels, his body aching from the impact. He struggled to regain his composure as his mind raced to comprehend what had just happened. The Kremlings and Kongs watched in stunned silence as Bowser towered over them, his fiery breath billowing with each heavy breath.

As the dust settled, K. Rool slowly rose to his feet, his eyes filled with fear and defiance. It was clear he had closed a line, but he never anticipated it would lead to something like this. K. Rool's heart pounded in his chest as he assessed the situation. He had always been a formidable adversary, but facing Bowser was an entirely different level of challenge. The Koopa King's imposing figure cast a shadow over the battlefield, his spiked shell gleaming menacingly.

The Kremlings and Kongs exchanged worried glances, realizing that their longstanding rivalry had suddenly become insignificant during their duel. Kongs jumped into their vehicles and began their retreat; the Koopas watched with petrified expressions as their king spewed plumes of fire into the air. Luigi could not wrap his head around what he was seeing. Bowser was to be the size of a building. And the heat he was exuding was unbelievable.

The ground trembled beneath Luigi's feet as Bowser unleashed another eruption of scorching flames into the sky. The intense heat radiating from his massive body made it difficult for Luigi to even breathe. It felt as if he was standing too close to a raging inferno, his skin prickling with discomfort.

Rool slowly got up, groaning, and stood to his feet. He growled in agony as a sharp stab of pain shot through his side. He moved his hand and it came back red. A piece of metal from the barrels managed to stab through his armor and scales. He looked up and snarled at seeing his army running around like cowards. "What the fuck are you doing?! KILL THEM!" he roared.

Flinching at the harsh word, the Kremlings picked up their weapons, their fear was momentarily overridden by K. Rool's commanding presence. With a renewed sense of purpose, they charged towards their enemies, determined to prove their loyalty and regain their leader's favor.

Rool clenched his teeth, trying to ignore the searing pain in his side as he watched his army spring into action. The tank swiveled into position and opened fire. Bowser growled and shielded himself with his hand; the explosive did nothing but irritate him further. The behemoth leaned forward and grabbed the tank as if it were nothing. He twisted the turret, then threw it with full force, giving the Kremlings the ride of their lives.

As the tank soared through the air, its metal frame twisted and crumpled under the immense strength of Bowser's throw. The Kremlings inside screamed in terror, their once confident expressions now replaced with sheer panic. K. Rool's heart sank as he witnessed his prized war machine reduced to a mere projectile. Other crocodilian warriors took off, their loyalty to the battle lost in the wind.

Bowser took a step to the side, his tail swishing from side to side. His eyes focused on Rool. The sheer hatred glowing within sent a chill down his spine. Never has felt such fear before. K. Rool's mind raced, desperately searching for a way to salvage the situation. He had always prided himself on being cunning and resourceful, but now he found himself at a loss. The once mighty Kremling army, which had struck fear into the hearts of many, now stood paralyzed with terror.

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck next to Bowser, pulling the massive beast's attention away from the paralyzed Kremling. The massive Koopa's fiery eyes narrowed as he observed the small, green figure darting across the battlefield. He moved his body around and focused his attention on them.

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