Chapter 12: Family Reunion

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"Are you sure about this, Luigi?"

"Mario, for the last time, Junior is going back to his family."

The Super Brothers trekked their way down the Cool, Cool Castle and headed towards the building sites. Luigi carried Junior in his arms, wrapping the koopaling in a thick blanket. The day has come for the little one to go back to his father, which saddened him; he didn't want him to go. Hell, he was tempted to offer himself as a caretaker, despite already having his plate full of royal duties and the reconstruction; furthermore, he has to constantly remind himself that Junior had a family that was worried to death about him.

The man in green shouldered the boy, gently patting his shell (wary of his spikes). Mario lifted the blanket to his head. "I'm just sayin', Weege. It's freezing out here!"

He gestured to the icy capital and their snowsuits as if he needed to prove his point. Luigi fought the urge to roll his eyes. He understood where Mario was coming from, but he was considering Junior's feelings more than his own. The Dark Prince has asked him quite a few times when he could go home, and he has already told Bowser he is bringing him back. Furthermore, Junior was being quite a troublemaker. According to Peach, Helvella was still peeved about him stealing an entire tray of cupcakes. It was hilarious to think about how he did so, chased the kitchen staff around the castle, and then proceeded to pass out in the library. And Luigi only left him alone for a day!

"Junior's a tough kid. Plus, he'll probably stay on the ship where it's warm," he argued.

Mario shrugged as a sign that he was giving up his argument. Luigi was grateful for that as he is already emotional enough. The two descended some stone stairs and swiftly found themselves on the outskirts of the restoration site; the flying ships loomed in the distance, joined by the sound of tools clicking and shouting orders. Luigi took a deep breath, swallowing back tears as he softly shook Junior. "Come on, buddy. It's time to wake up," he said.

Mario quirked an eyebrow. "Shouldn't we get closer?"

"I-I don't think it would be a good idea for Bowser to see you close to Junior," replied the green brother.

The little prince grumbled and stirred. Luigi kneeled and lowered him down, holding him up as he slowly woke up. Junior rubbed his eye and yawned. His caretaker pointed behind him, "Look!" With a slight snort, he looked where Luigi was pointing, the drowsiness in his eyes immediately leaving him. His eyes widened and glowed with joy. Luigi managed to give him a small smile, even if doing this caused him heartache. Junior's tail wagged as he took a step forward; however, he turned around and hugged him. The human returned the gesture, patting his head. After a long moment, they broke apart. Luigi adjusted his bandana and secured the blanket around him before he stood to his feet. "I'll see you around, Junior," he whispered.

Junior smiled at him. "Thanks for taking care of me and saving my dad!"

Luigi tipped his hat. Mario put his hands on his hips, "Take care, little one. And keep your pops out of trouble," he said. Junior looked at him with a dead expression...

Before punching him in the leg.


Before his guardian could even reprimand him, the prince scurried away, laughing maniacally. Luigi (and one groaning Mario) watched from a distance as he ran as fast as his tiny feet could take him. Despite the wind, Junior let out the loudest roars and chirps he could muster, trying to catch his father's attention. Bowser stood with his back turned, instructing a team of Shy Guys; after giving them orders and dismissing them, he snorted and began to walk away before he stopped. He looked over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes as he noticed the tiny, fast-approaching figure in the distance.

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