Chapter 10: Beginning Journey

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Jeez, these people like to party. Luigi milled around the refreshment table, halfheartedly nursing a glass of wine. He watched as the rulers danced and talked as if the events from mere hours ago did not transpire. Luigi understands they have lived in fear for three decades now, but it's a bit... early to celebrate. A-at least, in his eyes. Kingdoms were still left as crumbling heaps, and a lot of organizing needs to be done. And, well.... The human just thinks a little more decorum could be used. Shouldn't they get ready to return home? Moreover, they haven't even discussed how Bowser and his troops were getting to each location.

It was like they were winging it.

Party now, figure things out while hungover.

Luigi sighed. A lot of things seemed to be irking him. Learning more about the war made him question things, but at the same time, he felt like he had no right to do so. He was only present for the end of it. Luigi did not have the full scope of things. And on an unrelated note, he believed Peach was wrong for giving them these positions. The twins have never been around or involved with high-class society. They were as humble as one could get. Moreover, Luigi and Mario were nowhere near qualified for such an occupation. And how the hell were they suddenly "experts" at subduing the Koopa King? They fought him once. Just once.

Luigi looked outside the window and jumped slightly. The sun was almost down. Junior hasn't had dinner. The green plumber put his now empty glass down and briskly headed towards the snack table; as casually as he could, he began to prepare a plate for himself and the dark prince. He's getting out of here. Luigi didn't like big crowds and would be more comfortable with Junior's company. He glanced at the dance floor and saw Mario dancing with the princess. The sight brought familiar and bitter feelings back. His brother has always been the more social twin. Luigi was content with being the one who steps back; however, sometimes he wished others would do the same instead of acting recklessly. The green twin discreetly walked towards the exit and slinked away.

Meanwhile, Mario and Peach took a break from dancing. The princess laughed, enjoying his presence. Relief present on both their face. They were glad the trial was over and were all out of that stressful room. Mario leaned on a pillar, "So glad we're on the right path," he said.

Peach beamed at him. "I agree," then rested her chin on her hand. "I do hope this doesn't overwhelm you all.''

The red-clad hero took a sip of his drink. "Not at all, Peach! As plumbers, we sort of become a jack of all trades! Construction is nothing new to us," he replied.

Peach hummed in understanding, happy to be in the company of such a kind man; Mario was comforted by her endearing comportment. The Toadstool Princess tapped her glass. "Well, I do hope you enjoy your time exploring the kingdoms... Even if it is mostly business."

"We'll be able to tour the kingdoms?"

The royal tittered at the hero's excitement. "The other council members are very excited to meet with the great heroes from Earth," she commented.

The fact spoke for itself. The moment Peach revealed the brothers would be escorting Bowser from kingdom to kingdom, the council members practically trampled over each other, offering to show the twins their kingdoms. They cited all manner of reasons and benefits, truly showing their excitement; it would seem that the brothers have become famous. Everyone wanted to congratulate them on their endeavors. Moreover, this world was their home. Allowing them to explore and learn about the rich cultures would help them adjust; plus, Peach recalled the ecstatic twinkle in his eye during their travels. While Mario was worried sick for his brother, he could not deny the feeling of awe that washed over him during their journey.

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