Chapter 13: Breaking the Ice

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CW: Small instance of accidental self-harm

Luigi and Mario dined with the Penguin Family. After properly fixing the Star Sanctuary, the royals invited them for dinner as a celebration; Luigi could most certainly sense the rise in morale. Up in the highest tower, the Snow Power Star floated calmly on its pedestal, its mystical lights painting the sky with green, teal, and pink hues. It honestly put the Aurora Borealis to shame. That brought a smile to Luigi's face; his happiness could not compare to the sovereign family.

The Penguin Family chirped gleefully as they ate pieces of grilled Cheep Cheep and Blooper, this world's version of squid. Mario and King Boreas were locked in a very energetic discussion of their battle with Bowser; from the outside, it looked like they were trying to impress each other. Two peas in a pod, those two. Mario re-told the story with a few exaggerated elements, while Boreas did the same; honestly, Luigi could tell why the king was known as quite the histrionic individual. He doubts Bowser threw him off a cliff and the king survived unscathed. On the other hand, Luigi found a conversation with Queen Janara and little Princess Tuxie.

"S-So! You come from Brook Land?" asked Tuxie.

Luigi chuckled. "It's Brooklyn, princess. A-and, yes, I am. It's a city from a very big country," he replied.

Janara swirled her drink. "I have never heard of such a thing! Your homeland is so vast, it had to be divided into 50 states?" she said to herself, shocked. "Not even the Sarasaland Empire can compare."

Guinevere chimed in. "Don't let Princess Daisy hear you say that, lest she throws a fit,"

Laughter broke through the table. Luigi could only imagine the type of character the crown princess is in the comfort of her kingdom. After all, Princess Daisy was ready to throw hands with Bowser during the trial, even though he was twice her size and triple her weight.

Collecting themselves, the conversation turned to the Snow Kingdom. The capital was slowly returning to its former glory; citizens were smiling more. Since the gates were being fixed, the arctic winds were more bearable. Well, at least for Mario and the residents. Luigi is still wearing three layers of sweaters underneath his snowsuit. Was it a good idea? Probably not, since his mobility was a tad limited. But! He achieved his goal of staying warm.

"King Boreas, what's with the ice sculptures I've seen around?"

Mario's question caught his attention. While Luigi was mainly focusing on repairing the kingdom, his curiosity was very distracting; he wanted to learn more about the Snow Kingdom. He's always been a bit of a history buff and it would make living here much easier. After all, he could learn the way of life and the dangers to avoid.

King Boreas chuckled smugly. He stood up and signaled them to follow. Everyone did as he asked, leaving their empty plates for the servants, and followed him. The Penguin sovereigns led the humans to the throne room; the white curtains softly swayed. Along the walls of the grand room stood large ice blocks carved into shapes. Upon closer inspection, the sculptures meticulously depicted scenes of history. King Boreas cleared his throat and proudly regaled them with the tales of his country.

Centuries ago, Snow Kingdom was nothing but a frozen wasteland, their citizens non-intelligent avians driven by instinct rather than logic. Every day was a struggle for food and shelter; their defenses were meager against their predatory enemies. The competition for the little resources available against the Shiverians just kept getting worse and worse. Until one fateful day, a Power Star fell from the cosmos and landed in their colony; its magic granted them the gift of higher thinking.

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