Chapter 25:Exposure Therapy

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CW: Panic Attack, discussion of past abuse

Whispers tormented him, even during moments of rest. Her malevolent laughter, her cruel comments... Why does he still hear her? For a decade, as long as his beloved son has lived, Bowser has never entertained the thought of the queen's betrayal. It is as if the echoes of her treachery refuse to leave his mind, haunting him relentlessly.

So, what changed?

Bowser had spent a decade suppressing the memories of the queen's betrayal, burying them deep within the recesses of his mind. He had convinced himself that he had moved on, that he was no longer affected by her actions. But now, her voice tortured his mind, reminding him of the pain and humiliation he had endured. And he experienced the throes in silence and alone.

He brought his kingdom from ruin on his own.

He burned their nuptial nest and built a new one, where he brooded Junior's egg, alone.

In regard to love-

Bowser hissed in pain as he turned in his bed; the thought was not welcomed right now. He looked around and found himself alone; Kamek must have left to get something to eat. Might as well... The king doesn't want his father to waste away.

The wounded king huffed, then winced at his action. His healer (Conny? No! Candy.) said his back would still need healing for a few more days. After that, the stitches could be removed, and after that... what? Does he go back to his parole mission, as if her voice is not ringing in his ears? Bowser managed to push through the horrendous ordeal because his newborn son and his kingdom were his only reasons for doing so. But now... he's so far away from home and Junior isn't as defenseless or dependent on him anymore...

Bowser carefully leaned back, trying to think past this horrible headache. It would seem that remembering past hardships was an adverse reaction of Fury because he felt the same shitty way the first time he went transformed. Perhaps that's why he is thinking about the treacherous queen, accompanied by this bout of misery.

Knock! Knock!

The king grumbled and sank under his covers; however, he had one eye out just to see who it was. Luigi peeked his head into the room, causing a jolt of electricity to course through him. The human nervously stepped inside, "Hi," he whispered. Bowser made a rumbling noise as acknowledgment. Luigi walked inside and closed the door behind him. "Have you eaten yet?"


Luigi seemed relieved at that. He walked across the room and sat on the nearby chair. Bowser found his blankets much more interesting; he didn't mean to. It's just... he can't really look at him right now, and that stung his heart. As Bowser fiddled with the blankets absentmindedly, his mind raced with conflicting emotions. He knew he had hurt Luigi unintentionally with his actions, and that realization weighed heavily on him. The pain in his heart intensified as he replayed their last interaction. How Luigi just wanted to comfort him, and he so coldly turned away...

"I brought something for you."

Luigi reached into his pocket and pulled out a... green square? Bowser lifted his head slightly and watched from the corner of his eye, his interest piqued. The human tapped on it for a few moments before gently placing it on the bed. Luigi anxiously scratched the back of his head "I found my bag that I came here with," he said. "With this, it will let you listen to music from my world."

From his world? Bowser thought. He had always been intrigued by the idea of Earth and its culture, but he never expected to encounter something like this. His curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't help but ask Luigi more about it. "Music from your world?" Bowser questioned, his deep voice filled with genuine interest. "What kind of music is it?"

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