Chapter 9: Do the Crime, Do the Time

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The air sizzled with anticipation. The Allied Council and the Mario Brothers waited for Princes Peach to finish some paperwork. A few smiles and smirks were present as this tiresome trial was almost over; besides, the rulers found the verdict amusing. They could not wait for the public announcement. And on a more serious note, the royals wanted to return home and care for their people.

Dramatically, the Toadstool Princess placed her pen down and clapped her hands. The centerpiece of the floor opened up; Bowser rose from the depth, looking even more annoyed and angry than before. Rivulets of steam floated around him. A servant reached for the muzzle, but Peach stopped them with a raise of her hand. "That won't be necessary. I would like to give him the chance to speak," she said.

The servant obliged. Bowser narrowed his eyes, hissing quietly as he scanned the room. The baffled king must be wondering why everyone seemed so cheery. It was rather unsettling, to say the least. Peach stood up. "After some deliberations, the Council is ready to deliver the verdict," she announced. Kings, queens, and other monarchs hummed in agreement. Bowser snorted smoke but said nothing; the brothers sighed quietly, grateful they don't have to engage the koopa in combat again. Peach held her hands before her lap. "King Bowser Koopa, for your crimes against the Allied Kingdoms, you are to reconstruct all seven kingdoms and bring them back to their former glory!" she said.


Peach held her head high. "Correct. As part of your sentence, you are to mend all that you have broken," she explained. "It is our newest and most effective sentence: community service."

Bowser's chains went slack, along with his jaw. If it weren't for the fact that everything said and done in the courtroom was annotated, they would laugh at the absolutely gobsmacked expression on his face. The brothers exchanged a look and nodded, pleased that they have found a peaceful yet constructive solution to the problem. Luigi was most pleased of all with the outcome. Bowser looked at him. One could almost see the gears turning in his head. Peach went on a speech about rehabilitating and entering an era of peace, on how she hoped this would help Bowser reflect on the error of his ways. But despite the moving words, the king was not paying attention to one single word; his full attention was captivated by the human in green.

Why would a former hostage speak on his behalf? Or even aid him?

Did this human want something from him?

"And with that said, we should truly get a move on. Now," Peach clapped her hands. "What kingdom should be first?"


Everyone turned their attention to King Boreas. He stood up on the counter with his flippers in the air. Even Bowser looked surprised by the patriarch's informality. The penguin king gasped lightly, then looked at the council. King Boreas swiftly took his seat and adjusted his crown. He cleared his throat, "What I meant to say is that I request my kingdom to be restored," he said.

Princess Daisy quirked an eyebrow. "And why is that? I have four kingdoms that are still burning!" she shouted, shooting a glare at the king.

"With all due respect, crown princess, my kingdom was at the front lines of the assault," said Boreas. "My men were decimated by enemy troops and my kingdom's walls were melted down by the king himself."

Bowser shot up. "The hell?! That's bullshit and you know it!"


"Zip it, pinky! What the bird says is a lie! I didn't lay a single claw on him,"


The two kings ceased their bickering and avoided the princess' angry gaze. The Toadstool ruler sighed and massaged her temple. "The kingdoms will be reconstructed in order by their severity," she said. "The Snow Kingdom shall be first, but not at the request of their king. Instead, it is because of the severity of the damage reports." King Boreas looked down, his face turning a rosy pink; meanwhile, Bowser snapped his jaws and growled but said nothing.

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