Chapter 46: Talking with Ghosts

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Bowser drummed his claws on the desk, his jaw clenched as he battled the storm of anxiety within. It had only been a few hours since Luigi left on his mission, but to Bowser, every second felt like an eternity. The office was unnervingly quiet—too quiet. Normally, Luigi's presence made the tedious work bearable. His lighthearted jokes and occasional flirting brought warmth to the room, lifting Bowser's spirits as they trudged through endless paperwork together. But now, he was left with nothing but silence and his spiraling thoughts. Worst of all, he couldn't stop worrying about Luigi's safety.

The Boo Woods were no joke, and Bowser knew how much Luigi feared that place. He'd tried to convince him not to go, offering him several outs, but Luigi was determined. His mission with E. Gadd was important, and Bowser understood that. But there was another layer to his concern—one he hadn't shared with Luigi, knowing it was irrational.

The old anxiety gnawed at him, the fear that E. Gadd might uncover something about the warp pipe that had once led Luigi to Brooklyn. And what if, somehow, Luigi decided to go back? Bowser's fists tightened. The idea was absurd. The warp pipe had long since crumbled to dust in both the Darklands and the Mushroom Kingdom. There was no way back. And yet, the fear remained—the fear of being left behind again. Luigi would never do that. He knew that, in his heart. But that didn't stop the gnawing dread.

With a frustrated growl, Bowser slammed his fist down on the desk. The force rattled the furniture, sending scrolls tumbling to the floor. He pushed back from his seat, unable to sit still any longer. "I'm going for a walk," Bowser muttered, his voice low and tense.

Across the room, Kamek and Kammy looked up from their desks. Kammy dropped her ink brush. "Thank the stars! If I have to look at one more document, I'll hex it and send it back."

Bowser managed a small grin. "Kammy, you know you don't have to keep working, right? You've earned your retirement. You can go back to relaxing."

His grandmother scoffed, a mischievous gleam in her eye. "And miss out on all the drama I sense brewing? Hell no."

So, you're not really here to help, just be a pain in the ass, Bowser thought. Of course, he wasn't going to say that to his grandmother. He's not insane. With all three in agreement, the king and the Magikoopas left the office. Kamek and Kammy went their own way while Bowser took the familiar path toward the gardens, hoping the fresh air might help clear his head.

As he entered, the sound of laughter greeted him. Junior was rolling around in the grass, chasing the chain-chomp pups, who barked playfully in return. Clawdia, seated on a wooden deck, watched her grandson with a soft smile. When Junior spotted his father approaching, his eyes lit up, and he bounded over, jumping into Bowser's arms with an excited chirp. Bowser nuzzled him affectionately before rolling him back across the grass, where the young prince gleefully resumed playing with the chomps. With a sigh, Bowser plopped down beside his mother, stretching out on the ground. Clawdia chuckled, amused by his dramatic collapse. "Busy day, huh?" she asked.

Bowser groaned, lying flat on his back with his arms spread wide. "Yeah..."

"Get your shell off the floor. You'll scratch it," Clawdia chided, playfully pinching his side.

Bowser jolted upright with a yelp, rubbing the spot where she pinched him. Meanwhile, Clawdia gestured to a nearby servant, who approached with drinks in hand. They handed each of them a cup, and Bowser muttered his thanks before taking a sip. He grimaced instantly. "Ugh, you still drink your sake warm?" he grumbled.

His mother shot him a mock glare, narrowing her eyes. "It's the best way to drink it," she replied with a knowing smirk.

"It butchers the flavor," Bowser countered, shaking his head.

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