Chapter 7: Punishment Fit for a King

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Toad Town was silent. The kingdom that resonated with laughter and chatter turned into a place of whispers and fear. Following the Princess’ decree, the tiny fungal citizens stayed in their homes; for their safety, they were to remain indoors for the duration of the trial. It was a safety precaution in case the Koopa King broke free. However, it is unlikely the tyrant was shackled by chain chomp steel and trapped behind a small magic barrier; it was purposely claustrophobic. A precaution and a threat. 

Try anything and we will crush you with no hesitation, they said.

          All the rulers from the affected kingdoms gathered in a grand meeting hall. Guards of all kinds were stationed at every entrance and exit; the castle was on lockdown. Toadsworth nervously reached into his vest and pulled out a pocket watch. He watched as the seconds ticked past twelve, the hour hand moving accordingly. It was time. In a few moments, the being responsible for so much destruction and fear finally faces judgment. Leaning on his cane, the royal advisor sighed and put his watch away.


          Princess Peach sat on her throne, her hands resting on her lap. The young princess was accompanied by Toadsworth and Toadette, her lady-in-waiting. Peach’s face was a stone mask, for her safety and the well-being of her people. Bowser was a conniving and manipulative fiend. Exposing her emotions would allow him to mess with her mind. She will not fall victim to his tricks. She glanced at the other rulers, nodding her head respectively. Fellow monarchs sat on either side of her. Peach recognized her closest friends. The muscular Queen of the Bean Bean Kingdom, a main provider of food and trade. King Boreas of the Snow Kingdom, one of the closest allies of Mushroom. And lastly, the representative of the Sarasaland Empire: her dearest cousin, Crown Princess Daisy.

Suddenly the large doors opened.

          Mario and Luigi walked through the entrance, grave expressions on their faces. The Super Brothers swiftly took their place at the foot of the throne and placed their hands in front of them. The central circle of the floor opened; machinery resonated from below. The revered leaders held their breath as a pair of sharpened horns arose from below.

          Bowser stood in his shackles, glaring daggers at every being present. A stream of smoke exited from his nostrils. The tyrant king clenched his fists and shook his chains. Gasps and yelps escaped from the onlookers, especially Luigi who flinched. Mario furrowed his brows and sent Bowser a warning glare. The dragon koopa smirked. Peach scowled down at him. Such disrespect will be tolerated, and she will not let this bastard terrorize her kingdom or her friends.  Peach took a deep breath. “Leaders of the Alliance! I have gathered you here, on this day, to put an end to a long-time foe,” she said. “Thanks to the combined efforts of our heroes, Super Mario and Luigi, and myself, we have defeated and arrested King Bowser Koopa.”

          The princess’ voice oozed authority. Everyone turned to her. Mario and Luigi stood by, obediently awaiting her command. Peach stood up and steepled her hand. “For years, my nation and allies have lived in fear of the Darklands. Every day, we would arise and look upon the horizon, fearing the sight of dark clouds,” she voiced. “But no more! We will see a beautiful sunset when we look at the skyline!”

        A euphony of agreement floated through the room. The Super brothers smiled ever so slightly before putting back on their neutral expressions. Princess Peach sat back down on her throne. “King Koopa. You are here to face judgment for your attacks on the Allied Kingdoms and the theft of their Power Stars,” she said.

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