Chapter 15: Actions Speak Louder than Words

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With the Glacial Gates back to their former glory, the Frigid Metropolis became a hub of activity once again. The penguins worked tirelessly to rebuild their homes and businesses, determined to make their kingdom even stronger than before. The calm aura that surrounded the castle seemed to infuse everyone with a sense of peace and contentment.

Trade with the Shiverians flourished, as both kingdoms benefited from each other's resources and expertise. The penguins were grateful for the support they had received during their time of need, and they made sure to show their appreciation by sending gifts and supplies to their allies.

The children of the kingdom were especially happy to be back in school and playing in the ice rinks. They laughed and chirped as they skated around, enjoying the freedom that came with being young and carefree. Their parents watched on with pride, knowing that their nestlings were safe and happy in this peaceful land. As true night fell over the Cool, Cool Castle, the Power Star's light shone brightly from its sanctuary. And no one could be more grateful for this than King Boreas. At last, he has escaped the clutches of stress and can finally enjoy his life with his family.

The Penguin King glided through the icy halls; his daughters gathered around him. Their cheerful talking sounded like music to his ears. Guinevere was regaling him with how her lessons are going, while Iclyn added the occasional piece of gossip. Boreas listened intently, gently ushering them through the halls with his wings. He looked through the window, watching the snowy slopes of cabins and igloos teeming with life. A sigh of relief escaped his beak.

King Boreas was grateful for this moment of peace and happiness. As the ruler of the penguin kingdom, he often had to deal with difficult decisions and conflicts among his subjects. But at this moment, surrounded by his beloved daughters, he felt a sense of contentment that he had not experienced for quite some time.

The father and his daughters arrived at their living quarters and departed for the night. After bidding his beloved children goodbye, Boreas headed in the other direction; he wanted to check up on Janara, as she was reviewing some documents. As he approached the door, Boreas could hear the sound of Janara's voice, and he smiled to himself. He loved listening to her talk about her work, even if he didn't always understand it. As he entered the room, Janara looked up from her papers and smiled at him.

"Hello, my love," she said.

"Hello," Boreas replied, walking over to her and nuzzling against her. "How was your day?"

Janara sighed and shook her head. "Busy as usual. But I think we're making progress on this project."

Boreas nodded, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from Janara's desk. He watched as she shuffled through some papers before turning back to him. "Have the girls gone to bed?"

"Yes, I just sent them all to bed," replied the king.

"Did you ensure that Tuxie went to sleep? We don't want her wandering off again."

. . .

King Boreas put on a false smile on his face. "Yes, my love. Our youngest is safely tucked into her nest," he lied.

Queen Janara did not see through his deception. She stacked some papers, tapping the desk. "Wonderful! I'll soon retire to bed myself once I finish here," she said. Boreas nodded (perhaps a little too rapidly) before exiting her room as casually as he could. Once the door closed behind him, he broke into a run.

He slid through the icy halls on his stomach, something unbecoming of a king but it was a necessity! Tuxie has already wandered off three times this week! And with the enemy army still in their lands, it was even more concerning. A guard glanced at him as he ran by, "Your Highness, is something wrong?" he asked.

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