Chapter 19: Barking Menace

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The Koopa King stood by the railing, observing the treeline as a trail of smoke escaped his nostrils. A sense of unease had plagued him since their arrival. Being in Kong Country had awakened an anxiety he believed he had overcome, a sentiment he struggled to suppress.

"Your Worriedness."

Bowser turned around with a huff. Kamek approached with a frown, "I've finished setting up the patrols around the ships," he said.

"Was anything else taken?" asked the king.

"A crate of rations, some tools-"

An abrupt and agitated roar abruptly interrupted his response. Bowser swiftly dropped the binoculars and hastened towards the source of the commotion, dashing across the gangplank and into the improvised camp. Junior, positioned near a cluster of tents, fixed his gaze on a distant point. Idaten, standing steadfastly by his side, narrowed his eyes in concentration. Both individuals pivoted in unison upon hearing the sound of Bowser's approaching footsteps, or in the case of the general, sensing the vibrations. Bowser picked up the prince, "What's going on?!" he asked. Without uttering a word, his son gestured upwards.

The adults obediently followed his tiny finger, only to be met with widened eyes as they beheld the ominous sight of billowing smoke. Bowser emitted a low growl and swiftly handed Junior over to Kamek, instructing him to evacuate the camp and establish a protective barrier around the airships. Meanwhile, Bowser and Idaten embarked toward the village, their footsteps resounding urgently. The cacophony of deep barking and anguished screams reached their ears, intensifying their sense of purpose.


Luigi didn't notice the rumbling until it got very close.

All he knew was that the leaves started shaking and rocks bounced slightly around his feet. The Italian was confused at the sight, assuming it was just one of the Kong's karts driving by. But then the noise grew louder, this time accompanied by unsettling barking.

All around him, citizens and Koopa soldiers stopped what they were doing. Luigi noticed the trees were violently shaking. Then they were falling, as if something massive was crushing them. Then everything just went downhill.

A massive beast burst from the trees. Its body was spherical and metallic, darker than nighttime. Bright red eyes stared coldly at the frightened crowd. The beast barked and snapped its jaws, then leaped forward and crushed a hut into nothingness. Its massive teeth glistened in the sunlight, sharp and glinting like shards of steel. With every lash of its heavy iron chain, panic spread through the narrow streets, terrorizing young and old hearts alike.

Luigi snapped out of his stupor and took off running. Buildings crumbled under its relentless assault; wood splintered, and stones shattered beneath its insatiable power. The monster knocked over scaffolding; some managed to jump or fly away, while others were not so lucky and became trapped. The colossal creature's enraged barks echoed through the village, drowning out the feeble cries for help. Citizens around him fled as the monstrosity rolled further into the village.

Luigi followed the panic-stricken crowd towards the central stone building; guards ushered everyone inside, shouting at them to quickly file in. Luigi managed to push his way toward one of them, "What the hell is that?!" he asked, lip quivering.

The Kong guard tensed his shoulders. "A chain chomp," he replied. "Though, I've never seen one that big..."

"T-that's a-a chain chomp?!"

The human's legs shook as he watched the chain chomp bite down on a hut, crushing the wood into dust with its triangular fangs. Luigi's fear grew exponentially as he witnessed the chain chomp effortlessly demolishing everything in its path. He could hardly believe what he was seeing, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of danger before him.

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