Chapter 18: Impending Threat

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Once the brothers were ready, they bid their goodbyes and entered a painting in the Great Gallery; after a short jump, they landed in the middle of an open temple, lit by torches. Luigi looked around, astounded by the structure. The brothers looked around in awe at the lush greenery and exotic animals surrounding them. The thick canopy overhead obscured much of the sunlight, providing ample shade from the bright sun. The air was hot and humid, causing a film of sweat to rise on his skin and clothes; thank the stars Luigi wore breathable attire.

He would take high humidity over artic temperatures any day.

"About time you two showed up."

Luigi yelped at the sudden sound of the voice. Mario looked up then rolled his eyes, "Goddammit, not him."


A large gorilla fell from the pillars above, shaking up the temple. Luigi hid behind his brother, lip quivering with fear. Mario stood there with his arms crossed across his chest. The ape knuckle walked towards them, a mischievous smirk on his face. The green twin looked over his brother's shoulder to look at him, immediately raising an eyebrow at the stylish red tie around the Kong's neck that seemed to go rather well with his brown fur. Not only that, but he had two silver piercings on each of his eyebrows. Mario's eye twitched, "Luigi, meet Donkey Kong, Chief Cranky's son."

DK playfully shoved Mario (although the force nearly knocked him down), "Ah, so the superior brother is finally here!" he said.

"W-wait, Donkey Kong? The same one you fought on your way to rescue me?" asked Luigi.

DK threw his head back in laughter, seemingly amused by the memories. Luigi's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at Donkey Kong and connected the dots. The Kong was nothing like he expected; he pictured him as sterner. Instead, he was jovial and playful, a huge contrast to his threatening personality. Which, honestly, made things easier. Luigi could handle being around "scary-looking but actually good people."

The ape snorted and ran a hand through his spiked fur, gesturing for the brothers to follow. Luigi turned to his brother, who looked like he was done with DK's presence. The younger twin muffled a laugh at his brother's expression. As they followed Kong through the dense jungle, Luigi couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. If DK was like this, maybe things weren't so bad in Kong Country.

Luigi glanced over at his brother, Mario, who seemed to be growing impatient with DK's playful antics. Mario came prepared to deal with a crisis, but the ape's demeanor was throwing them off. Nevertheless, he kept his composure and followed along.

The trio ventured deeper into the jungle, their footsteps muffled by the thick foliage beneath them. DK swung from tree to tree effortlessly, occasionally stopping to perform acrobatic tricks that left Luigi in awe. It was hard to believe that such a massive creature could move with such grace and agility.

After several hours of trekking through the dense jungle, they stumbled downhill and entered a beaten path. Luigi noticed the tracks on the ground and raised an eyebrow at them; they almost looked like... tire marks? He exchanged a curious gaze with Mario, who shrugged his shoulders in response. As they followed the winding path, the dense foliage gradually gave way to a shocking sight.

A massive gate made of gold and wood stood before them, covered in intricate carvings. The gate towered over Luigi and Mario, its grandeur contrasting with the wildness of the jungle that surrounded it. The carvings depicted mythical creatures, ancient symbols, and scenes from untold legends. It was a sight that neither of them had ever seen before.

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